Sunday, June 23, 2019


It was one of those breezy, subtropical evenings so typical of Brownsville as several hundred gathered outdoors along Alton Gloor Road to congratulate Trey Mendez on winning the mayorship.

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, 
Trey Mendez
Tired out from my attempted coverage of the Market Square Pride event, followed by a 1-1/2 hour Whine with Cheez podcast at Angelita's Casa de Café, I simply congratulated Trey and left.

Earlier in the evening, Jerry McHale, Erasmo Castro and I had actually expressed some optimism on the direction city government may take with the election of Mendez, Nurith Galonsky and John Cowen, the threesome I'd labeled the Holy Trinity early in the race.

While McHale feels that Commissioner Ben Neece will now have the votes to reinstate the audit committee, getting down to brass tacks on certain irregularities, I want a new GBIC board and closer, more accurate monitoring of GBIC spending, but we all see a real possibility of making Brownsville's historic downtown an actual destination.

Jerry McHale, Nurith Galonsky, 
Erasmo Castro, Jim Barton
As our podcast wound down, Commissioner-Elect Nurith Galonsky joined the discussion.  When asked about the needs of District 1, Galonsky says she's focused on some specific drainage issues "along the canal," where water is entering homes during storms.  She plans monthly town halls in her district, the first one in July, she stated.

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