Thursday, June 13, 2019


Mike Hernandez III of Hernandez Foundation Takes an Odd Stance at El Jardin

Thursday, at a Special Meeting of the Brownsville City Commission, we get our first look at the new, improved civil servant body fresh off of a remedial online course in TOMA, the Texas Open Meetings Act, ordered by Judge Robert C. Pate following the waste removal contract debacle.

Judge Pate, who lambasted the City Commission for making a total "mess" of the waste removal contract, illegally hammering out agreements in Executive Session, frequently voting without any discussion of the issues in public session.

The 6:30 PM Special Meeting opens with an invocation, then the Pledge of Allegiance to both the U.S. and Texas flags, quickly moving into Executive Session:

The Executive Session listing above, somewhat more detailed than normal, refers to "financial and other incentives" the city may offer the Hernandez Foundation, directed by car dealer Mike Hernandez III, regarding a hotel, conference center and tourism management program with monies from a hotel occupancy tax being dedicated to marketing and managing the program.

Once the commission returns to the public session, where TOMA rules specify the incentives and tax uses must be discussed, we will see how well the commission and the city benefitted from Judge Pate's mandated course-taking.

Below is the Action Item to discuss publicly in chambers the economic proposal for which the commission received legal advice in Executive Session:

Eyes will also be on City Commissioner Joel Munguia(seen at left taking the Oath of Office along with his wife) to see if the commissioner comes into the session prepared, ready to contribute to the discussion, actually representing his constituents as opposed  to merely occupying a seat.   


  1. I worried some weeks later on this site about the political and institutional risks of proceeding down the impeachment path. But Trump himself gets a vote; Trump himself forces the hands even of those who might wish to restrain the hand. He is such an institution wrecker — his instincts are so lawless— that he may simply refuse to allow Congress not to impeach him.

    Confessing a willingness to collaborate with foreign spies against his domestic political opponents is a hand-forcing move. The risks of proceeding are still there. But the risks of not proceeding? Trump just forced us all to confront them in the most aggressively public possible way.

    1. Go fuck yourself, Liberal Jim!

  2. Oh, shit! You again? Squat elsewhere you digleberry.

  3. Jim you have so many good ideas, you should run for office. Wondering where you would fare with votes.....
