Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Michael Rodriguez
We heard several reports today of recently-defeated city commissioner candidate Michael Rodriguez in a clandestine meeting at "a small restaurant on Paredes Line Road."

The initial message I received stated that Rodriguez was seen with   
"Rick Longoria, Carlos Elizondo, Steve Guerra, Michael Rodriguez, and that Tevi guy from Mr. Amigo(Arturo Trevino).  This has Marin written all over it."

Then, the added speculation:  "Rodriguez is thinking he is somebody and Rick is in a panic so he is negotiating with losers. Rick is toast. Steve carrie's water for (Carlos)Marin.

Little restaurant.  He knows he was seen.  The cat is out of the bag.  Press him on what he wanted from Rick.  We know what Rick wanted from him.  Who invited Elizondo?"

Later today we got another call making roughly the same assertions, so we messaged Michael Rodriguez:

"Michael, I keep hearing you met with Rick, Carlos Elizondo, Steve Guerra and Arturo Trevino last night at a restaurant. What was that about?"

Michael Rodriguez:  "It was about supporting Charlie.  We met at Charlie's headquarters. They will have a meeting every Tuesday. But Rick wasn't at the headquarters.

Then after the meeting we went to have dinner and continue strategizing for Charlie. They want me to help in District 1. Charlie is my friend. He has always been my friend.

Yeah Rick and Guerra showed up late.

Arturo Trevino was a no show to the dinner only the meeting. Again, if you're going to write anything, make sure you write that it was a Charlie meeting. Tired of people assuming things
And he will have one every Tuesday. My family was there. Even my 20 year old nephew
I understand I'm a hot topic. Especially after that Rrun Rrun post. But I was there yesterday showing support for my friend Charlie Cabler
I'm new to this. I talk to everyone. I understand that there are 2 teams but I've sat down with Ben Neece, Nurith, and Rick at different occasions. 

Whatever decision I make is not going to be my own. Like I told Nurith, Rick, and Ben Neece... the only people who helped me out was my family. I owe them the respect to have their input in this decision. It will be a family decision on who we endorse."


  1. People voted for Rodriguez against Longoria. A vote for Rodriguez was an anti-incumbent vote. I think Galonsky will get most of those votes.

  2. Nurith is a child playing a man’s game.

    1. Rick has always been a boy playing games

    2. How utterly sexist of you. It just goes to show, Rick is hanging with losers.

  3. Did Michael confirm Carlos Elizondo was there. I know you asked. I know people avoid answering. Just watch CNN and watch how the guests will not even admit to their name.

    Bobby W C

  4. No, just a lot of air headed distraction, and a lot of "It's all about me" stuff.

  5. Is it possible for The Sparrow of Southmost to throw any more people accidentally under the bus while pursuing his campaign of me,me,me?

  6. Elizondo ain't going away.

  7. Jim “keep hearing” means hearing from more than just Nurith.

    1. Remember Bevis;"And you're never gonna score"

  8. Denache got his widdle feelings hurt and texted Barton.
