Thursday, December 20, 2018


City Manager Noel Bernal at BCIC

Newly appointed City Manager Noel Bernal took his master class in city management to the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation Thursday morning as the city board enjoyed a holiday meal at Celia Galindo's Gourmet Central 515 W. 4th Street.

In contrast to former City Manager Charlie Cabler, who, when he did attend city events or board meetings, typically took a "police stance" in the corner, facing the front door, Bernal throws out current civic jargon to wow his audience.

Bernal, just as he's done in private conversations, keeps telling any who will listen that he's not ready to "share his vision" right now, just focus on the "culture."  He speaks of "economic gardening," "investing within," not simply chasing the few "800 lb gorrillas" out there.

Our area, Bernal states, needs an "economic M.R. I.," has "lots of land," but needs "not to just grow," but "grow right the first time."

"Redevelopment is more expensive than development," Bernal continues.  Bernal uses examples in Coppell, Georgetown and Austin to make his points, not exactly areas matching Brownsville's demographics or limitations.

Mr. Bernal deals headon with his youth:  "Yes, I've been very fortunate, being a city manager at 25, now with 10 years experience."

Ironically, while young Mr. Bernal was honing his skills as City Manager of Coppell, Texas, Mike Hernandez III was just 12.8 miles away at Colleyville, becoming a car leasing icon.  

Now, Bernal may occasionally find himself in a tussle for control of Brownsville's steering wheel as Hernandez III tries to take control.  

Someone, perhaps Carlos Marin, has shown Bernal a dusty copy of the Imagine Brownsville Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the City of Brownsville in 2009, but never implemented.  

If Bernal ventures outside the inner circle of Brownsville governance, he may get an earful about Imagine Brownsville, the high-sounding concept butterfly that morphed backwards into an ugly caterpillar shadow government renamed United Brownsville, now rightly dissolved into nothingness.

Oh, the "one stop shop" concept for starting new businesses in Brownsville has been resuscitated, this time possibly in a refurbished Casa del Nylon building.  Wouldn't that "kill two birds with one stone?"

One of the small cubicles on the 14th Street side of the former CDN may soon facilitate Mexican Nationals getting the card needed to pass the Sarita checkpoint.  

From the editor:  Unfortunately, I was unable to accomplish my principal goal in attending today's BCIC meeting, that is, to get specifics on the B.I.G. program, detailed by BCIC Director Rebeca Castillo recently.  

Rebeca says to expect more detail by March.  So far, 50% rental subsidies for six months for those starting new businesses, 30% for the next six months, 50-50 matching for facade and sign refurbishment has been mentioned.

This program is limited to a designated "downtown" area.


  1. Oh, the "one stop shop" concept for starting new businesses in Brownsville has been resuscitated, this time possibly in a refurbished Casa del Nylon building. Wouldn't that "kill two birds with one stone?"


  2. I love this whole $20 Billion wall idea. $20B could do so much more for our country - he could give it as another tax break to the 1% and tell us about trickle down economics and how well it works. Germany can explain to us how well their wall worked; that wall that has now been down for 30 years. Lots of defectors made it through that wall and I believe it had a lot less "border" to guard. We'll let our POTUS, Fox News, and the right wing continue to think Mexico and illegal immigration and not the lack of work ethic, overwhelming greed, and "not our fault" mentality is the source of all of our problems.

  3. After Mattis the resignation and this shutdown, the senate will finally see that bone spurs is more of a threat than Putin or Kim Jong Un to the country. His impeachment and removal is inevitable. I do believe Trump will be removed at gunpoint which will be AWESOME!!!

  4. They should hold their meetings in McAllen so they could see how a real city with real leadership is run. On the way to Mcallen, they would notice the tremendous growth that the rest of the valley is experiencing as the Browntown failure they “lead” continues in a sad downward spiral.

    1. That shit's right-on!

    2. Preach. I did all of my Christmas shopping in McAllen and Mercedes. The restaurants and shopping suck in brownsville. The cob city commission and leadership are only interested in lining their own pockets and those of their friends. What major company would invest a dime in brownsville ? SPACEX is here only because of the geographic location, not because of the brilliant people who live here.

  5. It's time for this shmuck to get off of the "culture" cloud and start earning his pay.

    Do something besides repeating the same speech ten times over, or get the hell out of the way!
