Friday, September 14, 2018


I'm posting this at 3 AM, not the norm for sane people.  I'm at my son's house in West Brownsville while he's working the night shift in Harlingen.  The front door is open, letting the humid night air inside.  

My son's Doberman is protecting grandson Jack and I, roving around the house, responding to outside barks with a bark of his own, then reinstalling himself under the table next to my feet.

I'm not Catholic, but feeling like a confessional.

I confess to being a somewhat intelligent person, who, throughout life, made a number of poorly-thought-out, unwise, stupid decisions.

My saving grace, my safety net, my "luck," was having a wife for 50 years who made illogical things work or almost work, supported me in every stupid idea coming out of my feeble brain.

No one has any idea what obstacles we conquered, what situations we survived, what lessons we learned.

From that first pot of percolated coffee we totally consumed at my mother's house on Hackberry Lane in Brownsville in 1967, we always talked, no, communicated, bounced ideas off each other and formed a joint, harmonious, combined plan of attack.

Nena had a certain strength I frequently tapped into.  During the Fly Frontera fiasco years ago, Nena screamed in my ear at the City Commission meeting:  "Jim, shut this down!"

I glanced her way and she motioned me toward the fence between the audience and the city commission chambers.  I got up and, standing along that fence, loudly told Mayor Ahumada what I thought of the fake airlines.  He immediately tabled the matter.

My actions were based on Nena's inner strength.  That was so typical of our life together; her strength, my implementation.

In one of our last times together, Nena, in a gruff voice, told me:  "Jim, I want you to find someone."

"What???" I responded.

"I don't need anyone telling me what to do," I laughed.

"No, Jim.  I'm serious.  I want you to find someone.  I'm not going to be around much longer."

We never had that conversation again, although, occasionally, Nena would point to an obese Winter Texan in our RV park, saying: "She'd be good for you," and laugh.

So, when blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes recently suggested that I was dishonoring Nena's memory, not mourning or "morning" as he wrote, properly, it hurt a little.

He claimed I was draping my arm over a "much younger woman" at the Cascos fundraiser August 30, not acting appropriately for someone who'd recently lost his wife.  

The woman totally disagrees, as do I. 

As would Nena.


  1. Jim, Bobby just said that because he was in attack mode....war if-you-will... but come on..... what he wrote hurt you?! Your skin should be that of an alligators by now the way that Duardo Paz Martinez has run you and Nena through the gutter!! Bobby’s words are child’s play compared to the atomic bombs the old lady looking Paz has written about you and your wife. That is why it hurts some people that know you, how you have easily forgotten all that and let him play you like a fiddle when he wants. Just by him writing somewhere all the way in Mccallen, like you like to say....he does it in a way to try to persuade you to write what he wants......he mentions this or that you did that....and you fall for it. You do know that when a fool listens to another fool, who the bigger fool is right. Do not get offended Jim, There is no need to answer me with a quick “how old are you” ....I am just letting you know my observations....take them for what they are worth....I do not mean to ridicule you in anyway. Duardo is much like Bobby.....they both intentionally try and hurt those they have differences with ...hurt them with words. The best way to combat that is to just ignore the fools. Let God deal with them.......even if you do not believe in him.

    1. Thanks for the insight. We all know Bobby has no bullets. As for duardo, his game is not that difficult to decode and I've responded only when I wanted to make a particular point. As for belief in God, I'm not as far away from that as you might think. Order, design, planning are obvious to me in my tiny portion of the universe, but I continue to reject made up religious rules and concepts.

  2. Tell that Fucker to Fuck the Fucking Fuck Off. He doesn't know what it feels like to Fuck a woman.

  3. Bobby is crazy!! You are a good honorable man and the young lady you were with speaks highly of your interaction at the fund raiser. Ppl with no life have to invent bullshit to feel relevant! Keep doing you and live your life to its fullest. That will be the best way to honor Nena!

  4. No Jim, those of us knew you and Nena know it’s not possible for you to disrespect her memory. You are a good man who loved his wife and she knew that. Even as Nena was sick you stood by her side, putting your life aside to be there for her... she was grateful. She always wanted what was best for you, because she loved you unconditionally. Bobby Wightman doesn’t, and will never have that kind of love and he resents both you and himself for it. He’s a sick fuck who wants you to feel pain and misery(like he does) so do us all the favor and don’t give that psychopath what he wants.

  5. da hell's your problem, barton, flagellatin' yourself like a filipino catholic on good friday. ask jerry for a xanax and down it with a cab, turn off the lights and turn on 105.1, jackoff to brigitte bardot and go to bed.

  6. You’ve allowed worse in black and white. Sticks and stones Jim.



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