Monday, September 17, 2018


From the editor:  Carlos Cascos continues to de-emphasize straight ticket or palanca voting.  Of course, in Cameron County, with just over a third of registered voters Republican, any G.O.P. candidate is dependent on crossover vote if he expects to win, Cascos included. 

Carlos Cascos

Carlos Cascos

"I have never been an advocate or supporter of straight ticket voting, regardless of party. These photos from various parts of the county demonstrate that voters are considering candidates from both parties...its refreshing to see this in a solid blue county."


  1. Is Cascos endorsing Beto over Cruz?

  2. Cascos es mi πŸ“ gallo! Eddie es pollito 🐣

  3. Yet more proof Cascos is not a Republican! Poor man.

  4. Does Cascos support Beto?

  5. Here's the deal with Cascos. Cascos was the Secretary of State of Texas under a republican regime. He supported their political agenda. The political regime (Governor, Lt. Governor, A.G., etal) supports Trump. By supporting the Texas leadership, Casco played a role in enabling Trump. Consequently, though I have in the past, I can no longer vote for Cascos. A vote for Cascos is support for Trump. I am no fan of Trevino but I haven't heard of him supporting a traitor and unindicted co-conspirator like Trump.

    1. That doesn’t make sense but people are free to make stupid choices in the ballot box and do all the time in Cameron. The county is now broke and you are making this about Trump. Dumb.

  6. Cascos is a frequent visitor to this blog. He’s read the questions above from posters. At this point, he’s ducking the questions. That’s leadership or something.

  7. Actually it is about Trump. During the Nixon Watergate era Republicans took a stand and abandoned him in droves. How can the local leadership remain silent while this man continues with his xenophobia, demagoguery, scapegoating, etc. And “Ted” Cruz is no better. Seee the Dallas Morning News - his lamenting for the female police officer’s life being destroyed. She still has hers and is receiving a paycheck. The man she murdered does not. If Cascos were to come out and support O’Rourke, he would gain undecided Democratic votes, enough to pull him over. Obviously he would lose some Trump Koolaid drinkers, but so what? Until he takes a stand, I can not vote for him, same goes for Ted Hasse.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Roman Perez.

    2. OK, kids. Stop it. Carlos will not endorse Beto OR denounce Trump. He's already walking a delicate tightrope, hoping to attract the Democrats he MUST have to win, while not pissing off his Republican base. Cascos has walked this walk before and knows the formula for victory. He may just do it again unless Tad and Chris pull some more dumbass shit.
