Wednesday, August 15, 2018


One of the biggest enemies of the early Christians was a guy called Saul of Tarsus, an educated Pharisee living in ancient Jerusalem.

Saul, on his way to the city of Damascus to arrest Christians, was struck by a blinding light while hearing a voice:  "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?"

The person behind the voice identified himself: 

"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."

Saul, actually now blind, was eventually led to a Christian named Ananias, who laid hands on Saul, restoring his sight.

Now, filled with holy spirit, Saul, his name changed to Paul, got a job in Jesus' adminstration, being named Apostle to the Nations.

Fred Rendon
In recent days, VA advocate Fred Rendon has experienced a similar striking transformation.

Was the loquacious, outspoken Fred blinded, possibly on the road to Harlingen?

Just last month, Fred, while not bringing his adversarial position to a level of persecution was certainly browbeating and wailing against Carlos Cascos and his Republican disciples.

Note Fred's threatening words from the Book of Facebook directed at Cameron County Republican Chairman Morgan Graham just last month:

Now, just a couple weeks later, Fred of Harlingen has had a spiritual epiphany, a reawakening.  He has been indeed "born again," not just as a loyal Republican, but clearly as a close follower of the Cascos.

Carlos Cascos
Fred, who just weeks ago announced his dedication to Eddie Trevino, has converted to not only vote for Carlos Cascos in the November election, but to spread the Good News to all of his friends and fellow veterans.

Please listen to Fred's testimony, again chapter and verse from the Book of Facebook, :

"My petty problems with Carlos Cascos are my idiosyncrasies, Other than not wanting my book he is a straight up man. 

He is a honest man and further more I will try to get all my friends and veterans to vote for Carlos Cascos. 

Further more Morgan was right when she called me on my writing. The only thing i was right about is that I want to continue to fight the VA. 

They should do like Social Security. Does Social Security have VSO's NO you tell them your story provide medical evidence and that is it."

Yes, boys and girls, in this so-called "Age of Cynicism," miracles do occur!

Fred, how does the title "Special Apostle to South Texas Veterans" sound?


  1. Fred,
    Were you promised anything for switching your allegiance from Treviรฑo to Cascos? The citizens of Cameron County deserve answers.
    The League of Good Government Texans

    1. Nothing else explains his abrupt change.

    2. Fred was reacting to getting called out for saying he supported Treviรฑo in exchange for an appointment by Morgan Graham. Cascos responded on the matter saying its wrong to grant favors in exchange for support. Rendon, without having a conversation with either to further his interests spontaneously switched his support since that time.

      You might hate Cascos but if you’re gonna attack him do so with facts instead of making stuff up or at least have the balls to accuse him on Facebook where he will respond to you. But you won’t, since your butt gets busted every time you make crap up and post under your own name and have a little diva fit.

    3. Duardo isn’t scared of Cascos or his brother.

  2. Who flips flops this much?

  3. Cults target younger, intelligent persons for recruitment. However, cults will take anyone even old curmudgeons. No one is immune from their advances.

  4. This Rendon guy is a nobody, Jim. Write about the Big Fish!

  5. I really hope there isn’t a tape of Donald Trump using the N-word in a manner that’s clearly meant to be offensive, bigoted, and derogatory.

    We’ve now reached the stage where the existence of such a tape is not proven, but is more than theoretically possible. We have a recording of Trump campaign aides talking about the potential of such a tape in a manner that suggests they find it within the realm of possibility.

    The Trump presidency is oddly dependent on tapes. Trump’s entire existence is so strange and outside the norms of decent behavior that many of his foibles simply cannot be believed, absent hard evidence. Who would believe that Donald Trump would call reporters pretending to be a publicist in order to brag about himself? If you didn’t have the tapes, no one would. Who would believe that Trump would admit—almost to a total stranger, while wearing a microphone—to grabbing women by their genitals and forcing them to do whatever he wanted? Without the tapes, no one would. People have speculated for almost two years about a Russian pee tape that almost certainly doesn’t exist. And everyone will continue to view it as a fantasy. Unless it surfaces. At which point we will all shake our heads and say, “Actually, we should have known ...”

  6. That arrogant asshole, is just looking for grandiosity, carrying the VA flag

  7. Should’ve stuck with Eddie Treviรฑo. Now it looks like you got what you wanted to switch sides.

  8. Have you asked Cascos for comment or confirmation of any quid pro quo?

  9. Fred promised to vote for the person who would help him get into a position. Now he’s voting for Cascos. Democrats aren’t this brazen.

    1. Cascos called Treviรฑo out for doing that stuff. He’s brazen, but in other ways. Rendon wasn’t promised anything by Cascos and you know it.

      How’s the family by the way? Glad the wife lets you play with the Internet still after your last debacle.

  10. Nobody knows what Fred was promised. You have to vote for Cascos to find out.

  11. Cascos looks so cute walking the air conditioned mall in his Cowboy T-shirt.
