Thursday, August 16, 2018


Jesus, Dining at Burger King, Central Boulevard 
(Finding an empty BK coffee cup is gold.  While the original offer was free coffee refill, most Brownsville homeless go straight to the fountain drink section and select their favorite soft drink, free of charge.) 

Jesus(hay-soos'), an obviously homeless man, used a unique conversation starter to engage grandson Jack and me.  

Handing Jack and I each a Papermate stick pen, Jesus explained:

"I buy these at the dollar store in a pack of 12, so I can always give a few away."

Continuing, Jesus explained:  " I use the name Jesus, but some call me John Jesus.  I don't know my actual name as my birth records can't be located."

Jesus was especially curious about Jack, stating that he thought he resembled a young Mick Jagger.

Turning to Jack, Jesus explained:  "That's the lead singer for the Rolling Stones."

Jesus asked me about Jack's reading level, but Jack interjected:  "to infinity."

As immodest as that sounded, I explained to Jesus that, yes, Jack read at an adult level, but, like any of us, had to look up words he didn't understand.  

Jesus wanted to talk about religion, the worship of the sun, the signs of the zodiac, etc.  

"What has he been taught about religion?" Jesus asked.

I laughed, explaining that Jack's grandma had pretty much set the tone with respect to religion, telling Jack that, during his lifetime, people would want to talk to God for him or explain God to him, but, that he would have to make his own decision.

"Oh," responded Jesus.

"I don't believe in organized religion, either," he added.


  1. You wrote: "zodiak." New version? And you should've called ICE on this guy if he has no papers!!!!

  2. It is your right as an American to read what you will, to write what you think, and to publish what you believe. The press is neither the enemy of the people nor its ally, but rather its possession.

  3. Jesse Manguchei that's his name. Spelling of last name might be incorrect but close.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Went to school with Jesse very interesting and sweet eclectic man. I remember correctly he was valedictorian of James Pace high school until a low grade in gym class made him loose interest in academia. You could usually spot him at the library and could easily explain to you the intricacies of Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawkings in a single breath. He has a high IQ most of it self taught. Miss my old friend moved out of Brownsville many years ago. If you see him walking around Boca Chica or central Blvd tell him Steven said high
