Friday, August 31, 2018


Carlos Cascos Sidestage

Back then, we didn't know better, being an unenlightened generation that referred to others as "spastics" or "retards."  

But the Spazmatics, a nerdy, musical parody New Wave 80's group, featured entertainment at last night's Carlos Cascos fundraiser at the Ambassador Event Hall, make light of their own involuntary muscle movements, exaggerated stage presence, incorporating wind machines, pocket protectors, taped glasses and a whiplash brace into their well-rehearsed act. 

After a few warm-up tunes, the dance floor in front of the stage was flooded, including blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes bustin' moves.

Texas first lady Cecilia Abbott represented the governor in proclaiming their support for Cascos in his bid for county judge. 

In brief remarks to the crowd, Carlos Cascos suggested that there were likely more Democrats and independents in the audience than Republicans.  As he's done so many times, he urged people to "vote for the person, not the party."

"We're much stronger when we unite as a region, not simply a county," Cascos stated. 


  1. How many of the tables were bought by contractors and vendors?

  2. Who bought tables and tickets? Name names.

    1. All my contributions will be reported on my campaign report. They can be seen online on the elections office website once filed. Over 90% of those purchasing tickets or tables are Cameron County residents/taxpayers/voters.

  3. BWC said, “A person not running for office, and not holding any elective office in a governmental entity gifted me a ticket to Cascos fundraiser.”

    Who offered you your ticket? Does it match the same description of who gave BWC a ticket?

    1. My guess: former Cascos aide Cris Valadez was the bagman. Why not say it, Jim?

  4. Did you get a "gift" ticket, too, Barton. Like Wightman? smh

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Morgan’s making you sound like charity case, Jim. She’s so compassionate for her fellow man.

    1. Is her response for her sake or Cascos?


  7. Look:

    These two gentlemen have both suffered losses recently and the cruelty they have been subjected to is something I empathize about. If being friendly and kind to another person and asking them to be my guests is somehow scandalous, it’s unfortunate you people think that kind gestures and people in pain having a good time for one night is something you have to try to ruin.

    I invited people to be my guests that included family and friends I thought would get enjoyment from an evening with good company and great music. I chose people I thought would benefit most from the party and the company, and I was right.

    It’s perhaps for the best your cowardice is cause for you to anonymously post, as the ugliness of yo

  8. Morgan, did you also give McHale his "gift" ticket? smh

  9. Why didn't you offer Duardo a free ticket, Morgan? Answer that one. Yours was an ulterior motive. Clear as light to me.

    1. Morgan was aware of Duardo's high standard of journalistic ethics and he didn't have a ride.

    2. Duardo journlism? You are kidding. He has not reported one word about policy concerns of either candidate. He has posted a childish comparison of faces using a photoshop copy of Trevino's face. When someone will talk with him he ignores the hard questions and softballs the entire interview. I now question whether he ever worked in journalism. Journalist fly for free with candidates on their planes all of the time. Journalists are invited to political part events all of the time without having to pay. What ethical standards is he talking about? The question is, is the reporter reporting on the event or using the post as a campaign ad for the candidate? Not one of his comments goes to policy, or what any blogger actually wrote about the event. He just says they should not have gone, although national journalists do it all of the time.

    3. Bet you Morgan was aware that Duardo is a misogynist piece of shit that she doesn’t want to be associated with who makes shit up all the time. she’s a lady she isn’t going to want to be around that hermaphrodite creep trying to chase her skirt and paw up the first lady

    4. You got a mouth on you, AAP.

    5. Why would she invite him? He’s inappropriate toward women and she’s a lady. At least she had the nerve to come out and say she gave the tickets and invited to people instead of letting other people get pressured and accused and stuck covering for her. Beauty and brains and big brass balls!

    6. “Big brass balls” like man?

  10. Eduardo Paz Martinez, are you coloring your head orange? Smh

    1. James “Brownsville Fart Noise” Zavaleta. Sit down, son.

  11. Where is Tad Hasse?
