Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Cameron County Republican Organizational Meeting

It was inevitable.

"So, you're becoming a Republican?" was the greeting I received from former Secretary of State Carlos Cascos, as I entered a meeting room of the Brownsville Public Library for my third Republican event in two weeks.

If the true believers only knew, I'm not comfortable in either house of worship, Republican or Democrat, feeling like an agnostic in a fundamentalist church.

In my feeble defense, I did submit a request for the time and place of their next meeting to Democratic Chair Jared Hockema, but Hockema has been too busy engaged in a spirited discussion on Facebook with Democratic operative Ruben O'Bell about the merits of the 1961 movie West Side Story.

Kids like Hockema and O'Bell better not ever try to critique "To Sir with Love," a Sidney Poitier movie Nena and I saw at the Majestic Theater on Elisabeth Street back in the 60's.  Realize your limitations boys!

Carlos Cascos swore in County Chair Morgan Graham, borrowing reading glasses from a precinct chair so he could read the oath of office from a device, glancing my way with "we're getting old Jim.".  

Judges Jaime Tijerina and Ernie Aliseda each swore in half of the precinct chairs.

As I walked out, a lady making sandwiches admonished:  "Write a good story!"

Precinct Chair Elizabeth Dierlam whispered in my ear:  "Jerry McHale hates me!"


  1. The faces of a racist party

  2. Whose the hot gringa

  3. The GOP has gone way over the deep end with Trump imho. I used to support Republicans because we needed a 2nd option over the Dem monopoly in the valley. With no real opposition, the dem party here became corrupt and inbred. The local Republican overt racism and tea baggery was always present, but I hoped (perhaps unrealistically) I was only hearing echoes from the fringe. I've always had a soft spot for the struggles of minorities, and seeing the small minority of whites and their little Republican party swamped in the valley, I felt it was good to support them even if I didn't agree with everything in their platform. Diversity of thoughts and free exchange of ideas is distinctively American and worth supporting. However after Trump, after the complete tyrannical farce the GOP has become nationally, I could never vote Republican again, with one single exception, Cascos. That is the one and only, and only because he used to be democrat, and switched parties due to Gilberto's corruption. When you see a Democratic joke like the Sucio Lucios in office, it reminds me why I used to support the opposite party, but the extremism, the clowncar sideshow the GOP has become of late really makes me wish there were a rational, smarter 3rd option.

  4. Cascos left Cameron County quicker than a crack whore busting nuts on a busy Saturday night to work for racist Republicans in Austin. He’s back because even those shitheads didn’t like him.

  5. The Republican party wants to put guns into everyone nuts hands, they defend automatic weapon stockpiles, then joke it is time to 'exterminate' an entire group of people simply for holding rational, opposing beliefs. They have completely lost their way and are not role models. Some of these candidates really do sound unhinged. Weird conspiracies, they talk about democrats and liberals as if though these were sub-human, lower forms of life rather than fellow Americans who also pay taxes, who have families and vote. the party has become radicalized and antisocial.

  6. Who are those people?

  7. Why do the Democrats become so hateful after losing the election?

  8. Democrats own Cameron County. They win. Republicans lose. The Cascos gadflies at Jim’s meeting put fear in no one because they are losers. Cascos knows. That’s why he’s the first to leave.

    1. Ray Gonzalez left first he announced it on the video liar haha

    2. It’s DOCTOR Ray. Gawd.



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