Thursday, June 14, 2018


William A, Garza
While Brownsville never got on board with recycling plastic, glass and aluminum for pickup, the city's aging politicos keep reinventing themselves for yet another run at public service.

Why, even Ol' Ernie Hernandez, former mayor and county commissioner, came out of Ha.des to make some noise about running for a position at the Port of Brownsville in the past election.

This season's prospective "Comeback Kid" is William Garza, city commissioner in the late 80's, former campaign manager for hotelier P.K. Patel, but also 5th place finisher in a 6 person run for mayor in 2015, just behind Robert "Captain Bob" Sanchez, who finished 4th.

Garza has recovered from a 1998 incident where he was discovered by a constable in the nude near Los Fresnos, after reportedly being kidnapped by two Hispanic males while canvassing for votes for county commissioner.

Garza is running for City Commissioner, District 1, although he does not live in that district.

"No one said anything to Alex Dominguez about carpetbagging!" Garza was quoted as explaining to a confidant.(Currently, Rick Longoria, Jr. holds the seat in District 1.)

Carlos Elizondo
Raising the bar for brazen shamelessness, disgraced and indicted former fire chief, Carlos Elizondo, is seeking the position of City Commissioner, District 2, a position currently held by Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa.

Tetreau-Kalifa herself, along with ancient retread Butch Barbosa, attorney Trey Mendez and former city manager, Charlie Cabler, reportedly are considering running for mayor.

Cabler abruptly resigned last year after his connection to the city's ambulance fiasco was discovered, leaving with nearly $250,000 in severance pay he can now use for campaign signs.


  1. These people have no shame, and no good intentions for Brownsville. Every election... it's the same crooked people running!

  2. Such a shame and very depressing.... the same people with the same ideas..... no wonder everyone that has a little bit of intelligence leaves town and never comes back.

  3. Jessica is not running for mayor. Why start the rumors?

  4. Congress. Do your job and get this POS out of the White House. And Pence as well. Now he wants us to standup when he talks like a ruthless dictator. Chicken Shit Congress are afraid of the DUMBEST IDIOT to ever be President. Come on people!!!!!

    1. I love when President Trump ruins a snowflake’s life. You are so obsessed with him you can’t stand his many successes. Amazing he was so right when he said we would get tired of winning. Liberals have no work ethic. Just sit back and relax and enjoy this amazing mans accomplishments. It’s going to be a long 8 years for you.

  5. I do not have a dog in this fight but just what if carlos is found not guilty of the charges? Anything can happen at Cameron county court house. He will sue the fucking pants off of the city. They are always ready to settle for big bucks because they lack the skill to fight anything. Just ask the family of the kid that was shot by brownsville PD at central.
