Friday, May 18, 2018


The candidate forum at the Brownsville Central Library reminded me of the importance of public speaking skills.

Grandson Jack was not opposed to adding speech training to his class load, especially after I mimicked the sing-song monotone of lawyers Adolfo Cordova and Carlos Masso at the forum.

"What is modulation?"  Jack asked.

"It involves the three 'P's,'" I explained, "pace, pitch and power."

"A good speaker varies his pace or speed, changes his pitch when appropriate and uses power to add emphasis."

We practiced all three "P's" and then added pausing for emphasis.  

"A short dramatic pause just before an important word can add emphasis,"  I explained.

"Just one more thing for today's lesson, Jack."

"When asked to speak, never just start talking.  Inexperienced speakers do this all the time and never get their audience's attention."

"Simply pause.  Look out at your audience, making eye contact with one or two people.  The pause will make people give you their attention as they wonder what's happening.  Don't start until most in the audience are looking at you, wondering what you're about to say."

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