Sunday, May 27, 2018


Diego Lee Rot

by Diego Lee Rot,
Music Writer for 
the Brownsville Observer

Sparse crowd for Kraken
Lounge Concert Series II
Green Jelly, formerly Green Jello, until a lawsuit by Kraft Foods caused a name change, quickly aborted its show Saturday night at the Kraken Lounge.

I went to the rest room after their opening number.  When I came back out, Bill Manspeaker, lead singer for the comedy rock band, was handing out masks for what would be the finale, a shortened version of their 1992 MTV hit "Three Little Pigs."

No explanation was given for the quick exit, but when Manspeaker called for "25 volunteers to come on stage" to don masks, he added:  "if there are even that many here."

My friend Robert Silva, formerly a drummer for Freddy Fender, told me:  "Brownsville doesn't support white music, just Mexican."

Junebug played a nice set at Kraken, coming up to me later:  "Dude, do you remember when you, Andy and I used to jam at Andy's house in Laguna Vista.  We were tight, man!"

Willie Nelson Leaves Stage in Charlotte
Over in Charlotte, NC, 85 year old Willie Nelson walked on stage, picked up his guitar, then put it down.  He hurled his cowboy hat into the audience like a frisbee and walked off.

An hour later, concert officials came on stage to announce the concert had been cancelled saying that "Mr. Nelson is ill."

Many, who bought tickets, weren't buying that explanation.

"Willie looked pissed!" one disappointed concert goer stated.

5/26/18. . . . the day the music died in Brownsville and Charlotte.

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