Monday, April 30, 2018


State Rep. Rene Oliveria
According to campaign finance reports, Rep. Rene Oliveira has spent $41,609.02 at Cobbleheads Bar & Grill for food and drink over the last several years.

Sometimes, Rene leaves the establishment more than a little tipsy.  Last week, someone claimed they observed Oliveira urinating on the tires of his Cadillac in the parking lot.

This past Friday, Oliveira, after leaving Cobbleheads, was charged with a DWI after apparently striking another vehicle a few blocks away from the bar and grill at the intersection of Boca Chica and Central Blvd.

This incident should give pause to Joe Kenney, Cobbleheads' owner, in light of many lawsuits and criminal charges being brought in similar situations to establishments and bartenders serving those obviously inebriated.

Anyone REALLY concerned with the best interests of Rene Oliveira would be steering him in the direction of rehabilitation, not serving his umpteenth term in the Texas House of Representatives.  

Yes, there are "functional" drunks and drug addicts.  I've known some.  They get to their work, office, event and then get back to their habit, a dangerous loop, cycle, eventually fatal.

It appears Rene's Cadillac struck a Chevrolet Cruze stopped at a traffic light Friday at 10:22 PM.  An older Lexus, evidently driven by Oliveira's girlfriend, Lorrie Sanchez, was also at the scene.  

Lorrie and the driver of the Chevy gave conflicting reports.

According to the Brownsville Herald, Lorrie, who the police report identified as "Mrs. Oliveira," told officers that there was "no accident."

The driver of the Chevy stated that Oliveira's car had struck hers and that the driver got out of his car, handed her a business card, telling her that "he would take care of everything."

When the policeman looked at the card, then showed the driver a photo of Rene Oliveira, the driver identified Oliveira as the driver.

If true, that's a good faith effort on the part of Oliveira to take care of his responsibility.

Some have wondered if Lorrie Sanchez shouldn't be charged with obstructing justice for stating there was no accident or even criminal impersonation for representing herself as the "wife" of Rene Oliveira.

No Brownsvillian expects District Attorney Luis Saenz to file those charges.

Alex Dominguez
In a typical situation, an incident like this involving the incumbent might tip the campaign to the challenger, in this case, Alex Dominguez.

Yet, Alex, a seemingly bright individual with little common sense, is allowing his subordinate at the County Commissioners Court, Zeke Silva, to lead in public relations on this.

Zeke is a friend.  Zeke's mom and Nena shared adjoining rooms at Valley Baptist SICU just a few weeks ago.

But, Zeke, with his own DWI history, is not the one to lead on this issue.  

Alex Dominguez should understand that, but he doesn't.


  1. Excellent and fair analysis, Jim.

  2. Zeke, if you want Alex to win, listen to Mr. Baton and shut up. Stop tagging people on Facebook. We don’t want to be tagged. It’s pissing us off.

  3. You ignore Juan Montoya's role in all of this? Why?

  4. It is beyond me that Zeke Silva has worked for the DA and is now working for Alex Dominguez. How can someone who has broken the law repeatedly be able to do this. We are obviously dealing with the bottom of the barrel. Saenz and Dominguez are no good.

  5. This is a unique post because neither McHale or Montoya, who are on opposite campaigns in this runoff, will repost it

  6. I have just read the comment that I would post Jim Barton's comment. I have posted it. I consider Jim among the most objective of the bloggers. I often post his articles. I include a insightful introduction, write a new head and find my own picture. You would think I was a barber and Jim was my client the way I give his stories a new look. I trim rather than edit.

    1. Nice job Jerry! You buried the article under some bullshit artwork. Sugar daddy will never even see it.

    2. The whole re-posting schtick is stupid. Blogs have the same damned readership. McHale is just lazy.

    3. There are 5 bloggers in Brownsville. If Jim is “among the most objective,” who are the others you think are objective?

    4. Trimming is editing, dipshit McHale. And stop apologizing for Oliveira without mentioning that he pays you to shut the fuck up. At least Montoya is more creative and defends his banana Alex Dominguez' LNG tax breaks by babbling some inane shit like "As far as we know, there is no LNG plant construction underway at the port..." Really? It's just as amusing watching our only unbought blogger twist and turn to make Javier Vera an independent voice while the Cowens are pulling his strings. I guess that leaves the peripatetic Barton as the most objective. hmm

  7. Zeke is about as much an idiot drunk as anyone else if not worse. Why Alex wants Zeke to partake in the stupid drunk debate is beyond comprehension. My vote is switching to Rene based on his experience and seniority at the Capitol. Especially since Alex has poor judgement in what idiots he associates with.

  8. I agree with you 100 percent Jim. I have been tagged on Zeke's posts and I don't appreciate it. Alex Dominguez is intelligent yet proves he makes bad choices with his "choice" of staff. Knowing my family and yours is on the road with these drunks infuriates me, but to know my tax dollars employ and pays for their alcohol beyond infuriating.

  9. Not sure. Could have turned the tide except for LNG. There is no way I would vote for someone who gave away millions of dollars that we were entitled to. Our community could become the next toxic shithole like Flint, Michigan once those pipes and factories start leaking and dumping poison everywhere. We could have had new buildings, new roads, new hospital facilities which we will need once the mercury starts taking its toll. But now we get poison in the water, in the air, under the ground, and nada mas. A handful of longterm jobs. Oliveira got in a fender bender welcome to Brownsville. Giving away of millions to open the door to cancer is by far the worst.

    1. Lying crybaby ! Suck it up snowflake. “that we we were entitled to”. Typical statement from a looser democrat . Oliveria is on your team, not ours! Watching these fake armchair environmentalist self destruct is incredibly entertaining!

    2. Not a lie. Dominguez gave away $373,000,000 in taxes that we would have collected, that would have gone into our community. Typical low information Republican.

  10. There is no such thing as objectivity. Why we write one story and not another is a subjective decision. We humans are not machines or computers. We tell it as we see it. Someone else, just as competent and intelligent, may view our perspective from an opposite angle. Some say objectivity went extinct. I say it never existed.

  11. of course objectivity exists, you jackass. all that fancy circumlocution doesn't hide the fact that you cannot be objective about Oliveira because he pays you $500 a month to praise him and smell his shit. If he didn't pay you, you'd have him handcuffed on your blog just like Ahumada or in a jumpsuit like Montoya. "We tell it as we see it"... what-a-bunch-o-shit

    1. Well, go fuck yourself then.

  12. Can’t wait to see how bad the Cameron county District Attorneys office fucks up Rene’s case. It will be the end of Luis if they do.

  13. Brownsville and its inhabitants are an embarrassment to the great State of Texas. Return brownsville to mexico and call it even.



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