Wednesday, March 14, 2018


From the editor:  Posted below is a letter posted in the "YOUR VOICES" section of today's "Brownsville Herald" by Joseph Linck.  We've published Mr. Linck's statements before generating some discussion:  


Joseph Linck
Mexico is finally going to auction off oil exploration rights in Tamaulipas to private oil companies.  The federal secretary of energy announced this recently in Reynosa at a conference hosted by Governor Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca.  

Most of President Enrique Pena Nieto's oil reform so far has been focused on offshore exploration.  However, the latest action in the oil patch is onshore, which is much cheaper and produces far quicker results.  This means countless smaller oil companies can participate as expensive offshore exploration is restricted to big, major oil companies.  

Indeed, offshore is capital intensive, while offshore is labor intensive.  Perfect for Mexico.  

Texas is home to most smaller- and medium-sized oil companies.  They are innovators and owners of this high-tech exploration industry.  As such, this is a big opportunity for Tamaulipas and Texas.  

Lucky Matamoros and its sister city Brownsville are located right in the middle of it.

For years, Brownsville has been exporting its children to the Texas boom towns in the Eagle Ford and Permian Basin to find jobs.

The Permian Basin is the most exciting oil play in the world right now and is known in the industry worldwide as the new Saudi Arabia.  These Spanish-speaking kids will return home quickly to Brownsville and help adjacent Tamaulipas with their knowledge and expertise in this high-tech industry when the opportunity arises.  They are a valuable, hidden asset for Tamaulipas.

The USA still imports millions of barrels daily in crude from the very dangerous, violent and war-torn Middle East and Venezuela.  With effective oil reform, Mexico can replace these violent and volatile countries, making North America the titan of the energy world.

Might Tamaulipas become another Permian Basin?  Perhaps.  And our lucky sister cities sit right in the middle of it.

Joseph Linck


  1. You can't open a taco stand in Mexico without some gangster showing up demanding a bribe, or else they will kill you and your family. The way violent drug cartels formed over there, the way violence and crazy from the mideast spreads everywhere their oil goes. Look at us. Mexico and the Valley are totally corrupt. We can't pave our streets correctly because the contractis always bout the bribes and someone cutting corners on the cheap. We are the pothole capital now the corrupt politicians want us to be the oil spill capital next. So they can line their pockets. Because they care about 'Brownsville's children' that's a laugh.

    1. Italians created their own criminal economy in the exact same manner in this country.

  2. Guy looks like a fucking frozen cadaver!



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