Sunday, March 18, 2018


Laptop selfie by
Duardo Paws-Marteenez
Bloggers are shameless self-promoters.  The hype is constant, mostly inaccurate, simply insecurity rearing its ugly head.  Blogger "wars" are nothing more than catfights with neither girl getting actually hurt, just some scratches and a torn blouse.

Notice how McAllen blogger Duardo Paws-Marteenez, an on-again, off-again friend of Brownsville blogger Jerry McHale, describes the hissy fit the two counter punchers had two years ago in fabricated epic terms:

"I laugh because I still remember the nuclear shootout McHale and I had a few years back. It was brutality at dawn and throughout the day, me punching and Jerry reeling and Jerry jabbing and me taking it. In the end, McHale was Hiroshima and I was Nagasaki. Cool, fucking real-as-Hell Blog War, yes."

Jerry McHale
We all laugh at that because no blows were landed in this obviously staged fight.  Nuclear Armageddon it was not, more like a pajama party pillow fight.  When Duardo threatened to share private info about Jerry's ex-wife, Jerry did his best imitation of Roberto Duran and quit.  It's been all love and kisses since."(Just a quick note to historically-challenged Duardo: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were on the same side in WWII)

While real journalists do not need to constantly remind us of their credentials, insecure, unemployed bloggers do.  Remember the Dustin Hoffman character Raymond in the movie Rain Man saying:  "I am an excellent driver?"  

Duardo is Hoffman's Raymond, repeating again and again, to any who will read or even click:  "I'm a great journalist!  I've been hired in Denver, New York, Boston and Mexico City."

Honestly Duardo's list of successes is actually a list of failures, as he was at his jobs for insignificant amounts of time, just enough time to be terminated.  A cup of coffee at the Boston Globe is not a career.  More telling, Duardo, is ZERO jobs in any form of legit journalism in the two decades since!

Blogging, for me, has taken, not merely a back seat, but a third seat in a three seat van.  

Nena, a survivor of three strokes and one seizure since 2014, cannot be left alone.

Grandson Jack daily negotiates the curriculum.  Grandpa insists on ten workbook pages completed daily, but I allow Jack some leeway in which subjects he works on.  If math, grammar, reading comprehension, or some other subject starts to fall behind, I put it on top of the pile for the next day.

We worked today, the Sunday following St. Patty's Day.  Grandpa doesn't believe in Spring Break, holidays or teacher's workshops, only two hour school days and a glass of merlot for grandpa.

From the editor:  Shortly after this article posted on Facebook, we received a comment from Rafael Collado, an articulate Mexican-born advocate for civil rights among other things.  We will add his comment below:
Rafael Collado
"Duardo is a producer of grotesque political gossip, poorly justified as “style.” Always antagonistic, and consistently offensive. Unpleasant. Distasteful. Arrogant. 

Can’t stand him."


  1. You're just as guilty, Jim.

    1. Yes, probably, but I've never sought out this shit. I only responded to Duardo's attacks on Nena, then, a few year's later, on Hasse.

      On the other hand, attacking other bloggers is Duardos modus operandi. He attempts to destroy other bloggers to create a niche for himself.

  2. Hey Jim, why are you using a picture of the cafeteria lady at Porter?

  3. Edward had no comments on his pitiful blog on the useless Wordpress website. Now he has comments, since he went 24/7 attack stories on Barton and Hasse like a wounded stalker in love. It’s all fake Cucuys from his pantalones.

  4. I've seen his "novels" on sale at the dollar stores. And even there, they flat refuse to sell. Hee, hee.

    W. Matthau

  5. But you still take from Nena to write this. Make up your mind.

  6. For an unemployed stenographer, this nopal exhibits chronic obsessive behavior to first wake up and call upon the name of Jim’s wife to pen kindergarten insults on a supposed comatose blog.

  7. Why post about Duardo, Jim. You only elevate him. Ignore the guy.

  8. I agree, Duardo crosses the line attacking Nena. I agree , his blog "wars" are childish . I also think your judgment is clouded sometimes when it concerns your friends . What's the difference in Duardo's ugly,tasteless comments and Roman Perez's comments ? Have you read Tad's postings? They are taking advantage of your friendship . Don't expect you to post this comment , as you never like Roman to be criticized , but, try to keep an open mind. I really appreciate your blog and everything you do.

  9. Jerry strikes me as a writer who simultaneously flunked English lit and home economics in high school. It’s a running gag he gives away to unsuspecting homeless people and Jehovah Winesses who knock on his door just feel like people read his shitty vanity books. There barely serviceable as washing machine balancers.

  10. Edward has this sick, almost perverted obsession with your lovely wife, Jim. He’s so concerned with her well being that he doesn’t want you to write on your blog.

    Did his mother Tonia look like Nena? Is he overcompensating for abandoning his mother in McAllen to be an irrelevant pseudojournalist? Does he feel guilty for not being a good enough son even when she died in April a few years back and taking it out on you, Jim? Just thinking out loud here, Jim.
