Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Yes, Tad Hasse ran for County Treasurer, then for TSC Trustee, losing both races.

Surprisingly, Hasse has a good relationship with both victors, David Betancourt and Dr. Reynoldo Garcia, because, in both cases, Tad ran a clean, issues-oriented campaign.  That's just Tad.  He's into ideas, not personality conflicts.

Now, TSC Trustee Dr. Reynaldo Garcia, who defeated Hasse in 2012, has endorsed him.

Dr. Reynaldo Garcia, TSC Trustee
"I strongly support Tad Hasse for the State Board of Education.

He is the best and most qualified candidate for the position."

Dr. Reynaldo Garcia
TSC Trustee

To those who know Hasse, this endorsement and the good will it represents is no surprise.  Tad was extremely gracious in 2012, conceding the TSC trustee election to Dr. Garcia.  Please note Tad's remarks:

Tad Hasse
May 13, 2012

"I wish to thank everyone for all their help and support. 

Before any of the vote totals were released, Dr. Garcia, his wife and I had an engaging conversation over the past, present, and future direction of TSC and I was more than satisfied that we sought exactly the same thing for our community, as were they. 

We both offered our mutual support for the continued progress of TSC. It is so funny that I spent most of last night consoling supporters who thought I felt bad about losing. The more I spoke with Dr. Garcia, the more confidence I had in him, and he in me. 

If all elections could be as clean and issue based as this one was, we all felt it would be a much better community and nation. 

If it sounds like I am singing my opponent's praises, you are right. We both felt exactly that way, and he accepted my offer of help along the way because of all of the research I had done on the situation, which Kiko was kind enough to step in and verify to him. 

Thank you for everything and being part of the small but active members of the community that work for positive change."


  1. Tad always runs a clean race. It’s Eric’s distinctively negative campaign that makes you wonder if he’s in it to win or burn bridges.

  2. Cameron County GOP Pct ChairFebruary 28, 2018 at 10:54 PM

    Way to go, Tad!!!! Those that know Tad and Eric best support Tad in the Republican Primary

  3. How pissed off is Adela Garza tonight after Dr. Rey Garcia endorsed Tad over her boy Eric? Dr. Garcia knows how to payback. Hahahaha

  4. My family will early vote for Tad tomorrow. Eric has tainted this campaign with poison and lies. I hope you’re satisfied Eric.

  5. “On the State board of Education, there are no math people. The reason you get all this Common Core garbage is because no one knows how to recognize it,” Hasse, told the crowd.

    Common Core standards are educational standards for teaching and testing English and math for students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade. The Republican Party of Texas strongly opposed Common Core standards in its 2016 platform; the 83rd Texas Legislature passed House Bill 462 in 2013 which prohibits the State Board of Education from adopting the standards in Texas, according to the Texas Education Agency.

    Hasse spoke critically of vocational education. “We need real vocational education, not the dumping ground of the 70s where you put the non-performers,” he said.

    Talking of tech companies in Texas such as Dell, he said, "We do not produce employees to go work on their lines. They bring them in from other places because we do not train that workforce." He referred to vocational programs as “warehousing for burnouts.”

    “It's my belief that we really need to make sure that we are not making failures out of our kids, that we give them the opportunity to make the kind of lives we've made for ourselves,” he said. “Right now, we say every kid has to go to college. How many fail out? We make a failure, that is $30,000 in debt, and they don't know anything, and they go work at Jack In The Box,” he said.

    WOW.... I admit, I am a Democrat. I just voted in the Democrat primary. But if Hasse makes it through to the general... I think he just won my vote.

    Thanks for not blaming immigrants. There is a reason why the top jobs at Google and other high paying tech jobs go to immigrants from Singapore and Japan, countries where kids master math and analysis. These kids are not stealing jobs, they are much better at it, and we are failing our kids. We rank down next to Croatia in math and science.

    Thanks for attacking the issues, not the other candidates. I will very, very seriously consider this vote in November.

  6. So in middle school, my family sent me to St. Joe. We were in a health or biology class. One of the nuns there taught us that leprosy used to be a terrible disease that would make your hands and fingers fall off. The lepers on every corner smelled awful, they would wrap themselves in rags like mummies to hide the ugly, rotting parts of their bodies. These people were terribly cursed, and cast out to die. But Jesus approached them without fear. He cured some with hardly a touch! Their faith could move mountains, their faith saved them from death. The mercy of Jesus is why there are no more lepers anywhere in the world. Have you ever seen a leper at HEB? Case closed. Thanks to miracle of God's love, all are spared this terrible affliction. Amen.

    Years later, a biology professor taught us that leprosy still exists in Africa, India, and even in the United States. It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, but has mostly been eradicated by antibiotics. Modern medicine cured the world. Here in Texas, a few cases pop up every year, because a native form of leprosy is carried by armadillos. People who kill the armadillos or dig in the garden where armadillos have been nesting, sometimes catch the bug. Since it's treatable with antibiotics, no lasting damage results to your hands or fingers. The World Health Organization, a group of doctors and scientists, provides these antibiotics for free to anyone diagnosed with leprosy, anywhere in the world. Their goal is to treat it early, before it spreads to anyone else.

    When the professor said this, I did not know who to believe. If I believed the professor's version of the story, that leprosy was a bacteria and that antibiotics, not Jesus, were responsible for the cure, did that mean I was denying Christ? Was the nun lying? What else at St. Joe was a lie? It was very confusing. If Texas had new cases of leprosy every year, that meant Jesus didn't cure the lepers after all! These thoughts made me very uncomfortable. Maybe what the nun meant to say is, Jesus didn't cure ALL the lepers, he only cured those lepers who were exceptionally filled with faith. But lepers who are not exceptionally faithful, must rely on antibiotics? That meant antibiotics and God were equally powerful, as far as healing lepers was concerned. But nothing was supposed to rival the power of God. I wondered if I was going to hell for having these thoughts.

    My heart wanted to believe the Jesus version of the story. What a magical world to live in, filled with curses and demons and gods walking among us. Where having the right faith would result in a gift of the divine, Heaven opening up to bless and cleanse you of your plague, like you see in the movies with the shaft of white light through the clouds. While those of the wrong faith would not be cured and their hands would fall off. That would show them! Not having proper faith in Jesus would be punished. But good believers will always be rewarded.

    The antibiotic story was far less climactic. The real reason we don't see leper colonies anywhere, is because of a box of pills? How boring. A Muslim or an atheist could take those pills and be cured of leprosy, wait a minute. Even if they are actively denying Christ as their personal savior while they are swallowing the pill? How indiscriminate. How unrighteous. Or was it?

    Modern medicine is much kinder than Christianity. Anyone and everyone is welcome to be healed at the altar of the World Health Organization. You don't have to pass some religious test of faith to keep your hands and fingers from falling off.

    So as the State Board of Education candidates are running this year, at least one candidate has stated his position, that our tax dollars should be spent sending children to private, religious schools. The voucher program. No. Schools should be a place for language, math, and science, to prepare kids for jobs, and for reality. Not fill their heads with myths and ignorance that will confuse them later on.

    1. You sir, are a pendejo. Say hi to Satan when you see him... pinche animal!

    2. Wow well said. I love how you used medicine to show it does not discriminate or demands faith. I will always remember this tale.

    3. This is the problem of our times. Medicine advanced fast, but culture is slow to catch up. Two generations ago, everyone was afraid of polio. The Catholics had a saint dedicated only to polio. Admittedly, praying to the saint didn't cure much polio, but a lot of people donated money to the church collections, which is what counts. Who today has ever seen someone with polio? Two Jews, Jona Salk and Rabin, developed a vaccine that cured the world of polio. But entire Muslim countries would cut your head off for saying medicine is equal to Allah. Religious school vouchers mean the government can't discriminate. You will be paying for sharia Muslim schools, wacko Scientology schools. Hasn't the world had enough of these crap religions and their strap on bomb jackets? Sure, after World War 2's holocaust the PC thing was to pretend all religions are equally ok. The Christians are ok, the Catholics are ok, the Jews are ok, the Buddhists are ok, the Hindus are ok, the nature lovers are ok, everyone is ok, kumbaya, kumbaya, group hug. But they aren't. Some religions are fundamentally flawed, violent, and crazy, more than others. If terrorist incidents spike worldwide, only during your holy month of Ramadan, your religion has a problem. I don't see Christians terrorizing anyone during easter. But you can't pick and choose with vouchers. Freedom of religion. Fund one school you have to fund them all. If vouchers mean our tax dollars go to some Allah school of hide your daughter in a hijab, throw the gays off a building, jihad bomb training, we're better off without any of that dumb shit. We don't need taxpayers funding the wackos, which is what will happen.

  7. Eric and his started being negative here against Dr. Michelle Davila. I support Dr. Davila, but if she loses I hope beats Eric Garza.

  8. Saying "No!" to Hasse. Sorry, but that's my vote.

    1. You don’t have to apologize for being mentally challenged. Eric will just test you and other special needs people with the STAAR test.

    2. That’s a good bitch slap there.

  9. Your article only tells us Tad is a good loser.

    1. Eric will lose on Tuesday. Will he be a gracious loser?

  10. Garcia is a nobody and a Democrat. He will soon be imdicted for helping Dr. Tecero in her baseless lawsuit, betraying the public trust. Time reveals all things.

  11. You’re not a Republican either, Adela. You vote in the Democratic Primary unless you’re on the ballot.



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