Sunday, February 4, 2018


District Judge Rudy Delgado,
Arrested by FBI Friday in Edinburg
Judge Rodolfo "Rudy" Delgado was arrested at his home in Edinburg Friday by the F.B.I. with nothing revealed yet as to charges.

In 2010-11, Delgado, a crony of the ultra-slimy Gilberto Hinojosa, was selected as a substitute judge in the Ernie Hernandez-Ruben Pena voter fraud trial.

At the time, this blog reported two distinct incidents during the trial, both weakly handled by Delgado, allowing the status quo on the use of politiqueras and the mishandling of mail-in ballots to continue.  Here is a snippet from our 2012 report:

"Four prominent Brownville politiqueras were identified and received trial subpoenas: Norma Hernandez(Ernie's wife), Herminia Becerra, Amadeo Rodriguez and Margarita Ozuna (not to be confused with political activist Maggie Ozuna). All four went into hiding! Three process servers and one detective could not locate the witnesses so critical to the trial.

Ruben Pena

Here are Ruben Pena's discouraging opening remarks at the trial:

'Herminia Becerra, Norma Hernandez, Amadeo Rodriguez and Margarita Ozuna. . . . we immediately issued out trial subpoenas for them, and through today we have not been able to find a single one of them They are not to be found. They, as I predicted, are hiding . . . . . . These individuals are very critical to this case. They are the individuals who, for the most part, obtained almost a majority of the mail-in ballots, along with the applications. Without their presence, without their testimony, our case is going to be very hampered and very limited.'
Of course, these four can be seen around town prominently at many political events. Certainly, Ernie Hernandez knew where his wife was. But, the four politiqueras had no interest in the truth or having their day in court and cowardly went into hiding. In a way, it made perfect sense. If you have absolutely no respect for the election process, why would you respect the judicial process?"

Not only did the four politiqueras, including Ernie Hernandez's wife Norma, make themselves scarce for the trial, witnesses willing to testify about the mishandling of their mail-in ballots were surreptitiously sent home early.  Here is more from our 2012 report:
Sylvia Garza-Perez

"Then, during a break in the trial, Ernie Hernandez sympathizer Sylvia Garza-Perez, it is alleged, sent home the critically needed voters waiting to testify about their stolen votes. Delgado stated in his ruling that, while he believed those who had testified, the sheer numbers were not enough to overturn the election. Of course! The needed witnesses had been sent home! A missed opportunity to right the Cameron County electoral ship!"

Epilogue:  As we hear the actual charges against Judge Rudy Delgado today, we can recall the role he played in Brownsville and Cameron County in fostering a continued environment for voter fraud.

FWIW, we heard later that the four politiqueras, including Ernie's wife Norma, were holed up in a condo on S.P.I. during the trial.\



  1. Democrats. This is exactly how trevino,garza,Lopez masso and company expect to win.

  2. Mary Helen Flores actually has the proof of what happened in the 2012 county election. Can this still be prosecuted?

  3. This sorry ass of a judge intentionally, purposely, knowingly, maliciously and willingly elected on his own behave to cover-up voters fraud. What the hell was he carrying with him at the Falfurrias Checkpoint for him to be detained? According to Filemon Veal, Delgado was detained at the Falfurrias checkpoint, on his way to a campaign event, at the Goliad Brewing Company. where Delgado was candidate for the 13th Court of Appeals, Can you believe that this corrupt sorry son of bitch was running for judge on the 13th Court of Appeals ? Supported by "maybe" Gilberto Hinojosa, Filemon Vela to cover-up voter's fraud? This must have been the promised to Delgado for covering-up voter's fraud in Cameron County. Filemon Vela must be shitting bricks as of now. This is my opinion

  4. As to 2012, I had the entire transcript and filed it with the TExas AG, which is how Margarita Ozuna was prosecuted. That was a black and white case. The others were enough to overturn the election, but not meet the legal standard for criminal prosecution. Ruben Pena was his own worst enemy in the case. The judge shut down the case before he could put on his witnesses claiming the case was about to become moot. He then ordered both sides to spit the cost of the transcript so he could review which votes should be tossed. I prepared the Mandamus for Ruben and begged him to take Delgado to the Supreme court on Mandamus. I spend 6 years working on just one election contest. I won many mandamus and appeals in the case. Ruben refused to fight. Had he fought he would have been allowed to finish his case. He made the decision to not fight what every honest person in the courtroom knew to be true - Delgado was obstructing the process. So the case has been prosecuted. It slowed the use of politiqueras but they are back as strong as ever.

    1. I wouldn't blame the victim Bobby. Why should Pena or anyone have to keep spending thousands of dollars of their own pocket to pursue a case when the system is broken. Do you have thousands of dollars lying around to keep pushing a case through court Bobby? It wasn't enough the politiqueras act with impunity, openly stealing and selling ballots during elections. Then the judge got involved to protect the politqueras and the family involved, while they went into hiding, the judicial system itself obstructed justice that Pena deserved, no surprise this judge has now been arrested. Jim said it best, people who have no ethics about corrupt vote stealing have no ethics about corrupting the judicial system next. I hope this judge's prior cases are reviewed. Can this be retried?

  5. 8:23 I get your frustration. It would have cost Pena $165 dollars to file the mandamus with the Supreme Court. I prepared it for free. All he had to do was file it and pay the fee. Is not the intergrity of our democratic process worth $165. Yes it is broken and that is why he should have filed the mandamus. He would have won. The issue is statewide and it is important to the Texas Supreme Court. Because of this, the Texas Supreme Court on Mandamus and Appeal ruled for my client in the one election contest I worked on. And yes I did have the money. My client could not pay me for the time but she paid filing fees. There are things more important than money, and one of those things is the integrity of our electoral process.

    Bobby WC

    1. Then why didn't you pay the $165 yourself? It's because it doesnt stop there, then there would be a $400 court fee and then a $250 fee for something else and then another fee and another filing fee or a service fee or a staff fee and on and on. That's why poliriqireas feel safe even though they are flagrantly breaking the law. The candidates just spent everything they had to spare financially as well as physically and emotionally on their campaigns. They are exhausted from months of campaigning. Then to have to fight a potentially months or years long election contest court battle just to grt a fair hearing..... when the same politiqueras helped the judge get elected too hello. What judge is going to condemn their own helpers and bring up their own dirty laundry in their own judicial elections. I feel you I wish he had filed the mandamus too but you know, why should he have to bear that burden. Is the issue.

    2. One it was not my case. Stop pulling thins out of your ass. A petition for writ of mandamus i $155.00 plus $10 for the stay. No other fees. Further if you knew anything the law expressly provides taking these to the Texas Supreme court directly. The court routinely issues immediate stays, with an opinion to follow. You are clueless. In the case of Frank Sharp i filed one on jurisdiction so there was little to look at. By the time I got to my office about 20 minutes later I had a fax with the stay order and opinion to follow.

      Bobby WC

  6. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄!!!!!



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...