Monday, December 11, 2017

Captain Bob Gets It Right! Hasse Is Running for the State Board of Education

Tad Hasse
Perhaps he'd heard about Tad Hasse's speech to the Cameron County Republican women or that Mr. Hasse was seen conferring with Ted Cruz staffers.  Or, it could be something as simple as a "broken clock being right twice a day,"but, in any event, Robert Sanchez, AKA Captain Bob, got it right when he wrote in his blog, The Captain's Table, that Hasse is running for the Texas Board of Education.

The Texas BOE is critical to curriculum selection, establishing graduation requirements, reviewing textbooks and educational materials, which all seems so ironic since the incumbent on the TBOE, Ruben Cortez, Jr., has only a G.E.D. as his educational high water mark.   Cortez is, however, the son of Justice of the Peace Linda Salazar.(Mr. Hasse has a degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Brownsville.)

Eric Garza
For the right to take on Ruben Cortez, Jr., Hasse must get past his primary opponent, Eric Garza, not the Cameron County District Clerk by that name, but a young man, who, along with Adela Garza's son-in-law, David Polin, runs a political consultant business.


  1. Adela will destroy Hasse.

  2. Tad is so spiteful! He is only running because he hates Adela Garza, her friends and family. I'll bet Jessica Bradshaw and Roman Perez put him up to it. What does Tad Hasse know about education?

  3. Tad is a bright guy. Not aware Adela or her minions were involved. She's a conservative twit, on Farentholds campaign, the upskirt guy making headlines for using taxpayer money to pay off the women he molested. So was her son in law, the "consultant" who didn't last long.

    Don't know Hassee well, but I did see him building things, seemed to know about electronics and was out there supporting downtown Brownsville.

    Adela is driven by her hatred of other women. She ran on her hatred of Juliet Garcia, but couldn't achieve a fraction of what Juliet did. Then turned her hatred and jealousy on Kiko Rendon and his wife, then she hated the people at TSC, started pitting them against each other. Now hates on Linda Salazar's son. None of the Garzas have accomplished anything since a decade ago, because people avoid them like a plague.
    vote would go to Hasse.

    1. Yaaayyyyy
      Mine and my family’s voy would go to Tad

    2. Yaaayyyyy
      Mine and my family’s vote would go to Tad

    3. My vote is for Tad

  4. Adela, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Before you ran Eric, Adela, you should’ve check with Tad first. You’re obsession with Jessica and Roman is unhealthy.

  5. Maybe he doesn’t need a treasurer. Perhaps he intends to not spend any money on this race. This sounds like a sad attack against him by a juvenile, immature person. It’s not an ethics violation yet. The deadline for filing hadn’t even passed. And you don’t know he’s accepted any money or WILL for that matter.

  6. Care to share with your readers Jim what your educational credentials are and how they render you fit to opine?? At least these candidates put their ass on the political line to make a difference in this world. Get off your useless ass and run for something Jim and make a difference. Your pen is as useless as your penis these days. By the way, please work on your grammar as some kids who aspire to be something bigger than you are reading this less than intriguing gibberish.

    1. Nice potty mouth, young man. What are the specific grammatical errors you noted? Take your time. Get out your 8th grade grammar book.

      WHAT A TWIT!

  7. Dr. Michelle Arevalo DavilaDecember 15, 2017 at 5:49 AM

    There is another choice, Brownsville. My name is Michelle Arevalo Davila, and although I am running in the Democratic Primary, I am a Conservative Democrat, the kind you don’t see anymore.. the JFK, Ann Richards, Barbara Jordan kind. When I WIN the seat and am elected to the State Board of Education, all of the counties in a district 2 will have an educated, highly trained and knowledgeable representative. I don’t believe that education is a partisan issue and I lament the fact that we even have to run a partisan race. My credentials include a BA in History, Spanish & French minor from TAMUK, a Master of Science in Secondary Education from TAMUCC, a Doctor of Education in bilingual education from TAMUK; SEVERAL State Board of Education teaching certificates in curriculum AND instruction, including Principal and Superintendent of Schools. I’m a current member of the Mathis ISD School Board and I’m a high school teacher and Debate Coach at West Oso ISD in Corpus Christi. I am reclaiming the seat occupied by one of my heroes, Mary Helen Berlanga, who served 30 years in that position. It’s time that someone who KNOWS education sits on the Board of EDUCATION. This is NOT about politics. It’s about the future of our children, the future of MY profession and the health of OUR society as we prepare these children for success in career, college or military upon graduation from our K-12 public system. Make education a BIPARTISAN issue and VOTE for Michelle Arevalo Davila, District 2 Member of SBOE.

    1. It's legit, I wonder why it wasn't posted. Michelle Arevalo Davila is in the Democratic primary against Ruben Cortez. Given her opponent has a GED, she gets my vote. I don't vote in the Republican primary, so, leave it to the Fartholders ex-consultants and the GOP Roy Moore sympathizers to sort their nominee out. Yikes.

  8. Michelle Arevalo DavilaDecember 16, 2017 at 9:22 AM

    Thank you for your support, and acknowledgement of my candidacy. I don’t want to be disrespectful of anyone who has a GED. I personally know people who hold GEDs and are extremely successful in business and in life. I’m an expert in my field, which is education. That’s why I’m the best candidate because I know my field from all positions: as a mother, a teacher, a local school board member, and someone who has passionately advocated for equity in education as the bridge out of poverty and the solution to society’s many current issues. When we discuss textbook selection, I can attest to the fact that many of our current textbook choices don’t even correlate with our TEKS! When we discuss graduation standards and Standardized Testing (STAAR), I have firsthand knowledge of what delivering that test looks like! How many lines are on the page in a 4th grade STAAR writing Sheet? What kind of essay do 7th graders have to write for the ELAR STAAR? Persuasive? Or expository? How many different ways does a 3rd grader have to show 3x4 in order to master the 3rd grade Math TEKS? You can’t just use the “algorithm.” You had better show me an array! Or equal sets! A ten frame! Or a number line! What is an anchor chart? What is an IEP? RTI? Differentiation of instruction? 504? GPC? What is a tier 1 intervention? How are you modifying for your special needs students? Accommodating for your 504’s? What about your LPACs, have you held those? If you don’t have any clue what I’m talking about..... then you don’t belong on the State Board of Education.



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