Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Throwing Conspiracy Theories Against the Wall to See What Sticks

There may be truth, partial truth or simply untruth in the following theories:

Theory #1:  We are stuck with Commissioner Cesar de Leon.
As some have implied, there are things said on the 4-1/2 hour tape that need legal examination, but, have laws been actually broken, or does the tape simply reflect the braggadocio of a young man full of himself?

Theory #2:  We are stuck with District Attorney Saenz.
Saenz signed a petition calling for Cesar de Leon to resign as City Commissioner, then, a day or so later, personally presents a motion to Judge De Coss asking for Cesar de Leon's disqualification to practice in Municipal Court.  Do law schools not teach the concept of "conflict of interest?"

Theory #3:  Judge De Coss is behind De Leon's disqualification in Municipal Court.
Consider this:  De Leon brags on the audio that De Coss is "his boy," that he had a hand in his appointment, and the he can get "whatever he wants" from him.  Where does that put De Coss in hearing one of De Leon's cases or do you think no other attorney would dare use these quotes in court?

Theory #4:  Tony Martinez didn't want an election where he couldn't control the outcome.
Texas Constitution, Section 11(c) 

"Any vacancy or vacancies occurring on such governing body shall not be filled by appointment but must be filled by majority vote of the qualified voters at a special election called for such purpose within one hundred and twenty (120) days after such vacancy or vacancies occur except that the municipality may provide by charter or charter amendment the procedure for filling a vacancy occurring on its governing body for an unexpired term of 12 months or less."

If Cesar stays on until say eleven months before his term ends, then resigns, the City Commission can simply appoint a replacement.

Theory #5:  Brownsville is a racist town.
Not a theory.


  1. If you support one racist act you support all racist acts and if you support racism against blacks you have no standing to complain about racism against Hispanics.

  2. Oh my goodness!! Just because someone usez a racial slur does NOT make them a RACIST! This is exhausting trying to explain this to you idiots!! Are blacks RACIST they say "Nigger" all the time!! Really this just BULLSHIT!! I read a comment inferring we have problems with people of color and Police Brutality...this is Brownsville man go smoke a joint and calm the FUCK DOWN man!! Staying focused on the use of the "N" word will keep us in corruption...aybe all you whiners like getting SCREWED!! I personally think all the CROOKED SHIT is hurting our community and our kids will suffer if you people don't get your heads out of your ASS!!
