Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Cesar de Leon's About-Face on Resignation Makes National News

Veronica Michelle Sanders
Cesar de Leon's rescission of his resignation made national news Monday, with the story picked up by both the Associated Press and NBC News, among others.

AP writer, Chandelis R. Duster, quoted Veronica Sanders, a graduate of the Texas Tech Law School, currently working as a trial attorney in the Domestic Violence Division of the Cameron County DA's Office, about De Leon taking back his resignation:

"He feels that he does not have to be held accountable for his words and thinks he is above all people," Ms. Sanders stated.

"He is unstable," Sanders further explained. 

"I am angry, saddened that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions. I feel very let down by the city government and the local Democratic Party who has yet to say anything.
Silence is acceptance."

From the editor: 

Chandelis R. Duster
Chandelis R. Duster is an Associate Producer for NBC News, Washington, D.C. bureau. She has a master's degree in broadcast journalism and public affairs from American University. Duster also has an undergraduate degree in broadcast journalism from Virginia Commonwealth University.


  1. Cesar the Unstable Racist probably thinks the credentialed producer is a fucking nigger too.

    Great story NBC News. Thank you for covering this.

  2. Ms. Sanders feels let down by the local Democratic Party? Why hasn't Chairwoman Amber Medina, a local attorney, weighed in on the racist remarks?

    Her former opponent Erasmo Castro did.

  3. Listen here ADA he has already apologized!! Get the GUCK over it!! I say when someone says they are sorry take them at their word. I also believe that you ma'am do have a preformed view of Hispanics. Black people cry out all the time about racial profiling and mistreatment; but I know that many black people do have ill feelings towards Hispanics. I don't know if you are a Christian or not, but when we ask God to forgive us it's done. So again, Cesar did apologize and it is time for you to accept it or not so that we can quit focusing on your hurt feelings and move on towards addressing the CORRUPTION that was revealed in the recording. You ma'am seem more hell bent on staying g stuck on the racial slur than cleaning up the CORRUPTION!! GET the FUCK OVER IT!! Way to Go Cesar stand your ground and help our community get rid of these worthless, self serving politicians!

    1. He is not only racist but he is corrupt demanding $1500 dollars or else f**k BISD and all the teachers and kiddos that are under BISD.He is a person who cannot be trusted,he made a formal letter and now he goes back on his word.

    2. You don't know if she is Christian or not but you know she has a "preformed" opinion of Hispanics. Maybe she just has a preformed opinion of people that call her a "fucking nigger". So, do you feel pretty good about blaming the victim here? I suspect you are one of those "very fine" white power supporters Trump was talking about. If you support racism you are a racist. Take your own advise and get over it.

    3. No there is no coming back from his racist rant. These women have every right to feel betrayed and I hope they get more national coverage so they can do more damage to the racist Democratic Party. But also is a fact, Saenz little stunt was corruption at its worse. He did it under pressure from Hinojosa. You do not fix racism with corruption. But now I have no sympathy for either of these women. The Latino leadership has turned a blind eye to the racism and I have denounced it. In Dallas the Freedom Project has won the release of more innocent people, mostly men of African dissent, than the rest of Texas and California combined. Every ADA of African dissent who remained silent to keep their job as this was happening, accepted the injustices against these men of African dissent - silence is acceptance. Both of these female ADA's to keep their jobs have remained silent over Saenz corrupt solution to the problem. Their silence of Saenz's corrupt solution means they accept his corruption. If you are a man of African dissent in Cameron county do not expect either of these ADA's to stand with you when you are being wrongfully prosecuted. These female ADA's silence on Saenz's corruption of the process means they accept it.

    4. It's "The Innocence Project," and it was founded in New York City. You should know better, Bobby.

    5. First my post has nothing to do with NY so why should I mention it? I was speaking to how ADA's of African dissent in Dallas turned a blind eye to the endless wrongful incarceration of alleged criminals of African dissent. And really because a tired old man misstates the name of the organization the claim is discredited. Trolls like you type what you do because you fail to understand substance.

    6. Obv this top comment written by De Leon. Please walk to the fbi office right now, sit down with some agents, and start talking if you are serious about exposing corruption. Nothing would restore DeLeon's credibility like becoming a champion exposing corruption, knocking them down one at a time..

      Personally, I hope DeLeon starts at the top with the Sucio Lucios and works his way down. Read they signed that petition in the Herald for him to be removed. They need both their asses removed!! De Leon may have used bad words, but the sellout Sucios are a cancer on us, milking us for decades and putting poison in our water. Soldout to LNG like the goddamn republicans they are. and De Leon might be the key to getting them out. at'em tiger. If I had to vote and the choice was DeLeon v Sucio, damn, I would go with De Leon!

  4. The Democratic party is controlled by Gilbert Hinojosa and his wife.. They haven't pushed Amber to do it because the Hinojosas are friends with Magallanes and Cesar De Leon. Go figure!! Despicable.

  5. Bobby have no sympathy for the ADAs for some concocted reason in his mind. Loves them one minute. Trashes them the next.

    We don't have sympathy for gays who remain silent on the rise of STDs in gay teens because they need more gays to normalize their fucked up choice of a fudge packing lifestyle.

    1. I accept everyone understands you are a bigot and have no use for reality or truth. Here is a documented fact. I have gone after Rose Gowen endlessly for not having a public workshop on STD's. I have written many pieces for which i have been misquote to discredit me about the danger of HP virus as to throat, cervical and anal cancer. I have openly preached abstinence. I am 13 years very proud of my abstinence. Anyone who knows me and has young adult children knows I will look them in the face and speak frankly about all the STD's, how condoms break, and why they should wait until at least after graduate school before they become sexually active. I speak to them frankly how easy it is to love the sex while failing to realize their partner is an idiot and may be sleeping around on them. I speak to the emotional detachment which can occur to people who start having sex at a young age, and then lose the ability to ever have a meaningful relationship. No blogger in town has put more words to this issue than me. But like the coward you are you go all sissy and hide behind anony while showing your bigotry. I bet you would hit other kids and then go running home to mommy crying saying they started it. Just another sissy troll hiding behind a computer with nothing productive to do.

  6. Where is the outcry from the Republican Party leadership? Oh yeah that's right they are all Democrats in disguise to keep the compadre system in power!!! Wake up Republican grassroots it's time for new leadership!!!
