Monday, July 24, 2017

Blake Farenthold Threatens Anti-Repeal and Replace Republican Senators~Duck Pajamas, Machismo, Gerrymandering

Candidate Blake Farenthold at
2009 Fundraiser, Held at the Sky
Terrace Lounge, Corpus Christi
Blake "Pajama Boy" Farenthold, who currently represents the Texas 27th Congressional District, has declared verbal war on at least "three female (Republican) Senators" who are positioned to oppose repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act(ObamaCare).

In a radio interview Friday, Farenthold explained his position:

"Listen, the fact that the Senate does not have the courage to do some of the things that every Republican in the Senate promised to do is just absolutely repugnant to me," he told Texas radio host Bob Jones on "Keys 1440 AM." "Some of the people that are opposed to this -- there are some female senators from the Northeast -- if it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style."

In 1804 then Vice President Aaron Burr killed political opponent Alexander Hamilton in a gun duel.  Murder charges were filed against Burr in New Jersey and New York, but later dropped.

Doughboy Farenthold, would not challenge "females," but only some "guy from South Texas," he would consider closer to his equal.  

Farenthold's district once included Brownsville. TSC Board President Adela Garza was Farenthold's field representative until four new congressional districts were created in 2012 because of population increase reflected in the 2010 census.

Currently, Brownsville is included in the 34th District, represented by Filemon Vela, which gerrymanders from Brownsville, bypasses Corpus Christi, but goes as far north as Goliad and Dewey and half of Gonzalez counties.


  1. On Monday, Republican Congressman Blake Farenthold of Texas gave an interview in which he complained about some β€œfemale senators from the Northeast” not helping to repeal Obamacare, adding that if any dissenting senators were β€œa guy from south Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr–style.” By Tuesday, Susan Collins β€” one of said female senators, a Republican from Maine β€” was caught on hot mic calling him ugly.

    β€œDid you see the one who challenged me to a duel?” Collins is overheard asking Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island.

    β€œTrust me, you know why he challenged you to a duel? Because you could beat the shit out of him,” Reed, who is a Democrat, replies. (And they say bipartisanship is dead!)

  2. Now there's a fucking schizophrenic fucker.

  3. Now that is the kind of fundraiser I would gladly pay to attend. Of course the organizers would have to import the pretty young ladies from north of Corpus Christi.

    1. They could just put the party chairwoman in a negligee and stilettos. I'll pay!
