Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Stiletto's Owner Arrested for Terroristic Threats

Fred Feurtado, Jr.

According to the Brownsville Police Department website, Fred Feurtado, Jr., 46, was charged recently with terroristic threats, a Class A misdemeanor and reckless driving, a Class A misdemeanor.

A search of public records reveals Mr. Feurtado to be the designated owner of an escort service, but also the Stiletto's Gentlemen's Clubs in Brownsville, Pharr and Las Milpas, Texas.


  1. Fucking loser! Se parece a Charlie Atkinson!

    1. Actually he and Charlie are buddy buddy. Ask them about their trips to foreign countries when he was a city commissioner. Wink Wink.

    2. They need to look over managers in the Pharr location. For hiring undocumented women and trading sex for there employment. Endangering their employees with letting customers do want they want as long as money is passed under the table no names AKA "Henry" You're Next... remember Karma

    3. Don't forget Management in Pharr we got a lot to do with this s*** too

    4. Yes management both day and night in Pharr.....thts why u lose ur customers. They have a good time and then go back one two times a week and for what to fuck then over.... I'll see you soon wearing orange... For a long time

    5. Yes management both day and night in Pharr.....thts why u lose ur customers. They have a good time and then go back one two times a week and for what to fuck then over.... I'll see you soon wearing orange... For a long time

    6. Tht "Henry" has a big mouth we people have a lot to say about U... You need make this right for ur customer-S well meet soon...

    7. First of all Sorry to those Customers and Employee ill take was coming the Karma that is coming to me and again I'm sorry for any inconvenience to those this may concern you all know who you

    8. Tht "Henry" has a big mouth we people have a lot to say about U... You need make this right for ur customer-S well meet soon...

    9. $99.00 bottlws until 10:00 pm and international adult film star Alexis Monroe Thursday Friday and Saturday nights !! Come out and see what all the fuss is about !!
      1050 n. Sugar rd. Pharr, Tx.

      XOXOXO , Tge Onr and Only, HENRY

    10. Those who know Henry know damn well he's not going to apologize. And he certainly has better grammar skills than this. Lol good try tho.

    11. Pfft, Henry is the bomb! Always A+ Service!!!

  2. Go get his brother too! Fucking corrupted assholes.
    Bet the money is gonna make this go away tho.

  3. The face of filth and disgust!!!! Get the fuck out of our town you dirty pimp. Nobody wants the filth you so obviously sell for your cheeseburger addiction. Bravo to BPD for arresting this porky pig looking filth.

    1. You just hate cuz he has money and you're a broke little bitch

  4. A horrible human being.

    1. You obviously don't know him.

  5. U guys crack me up. U state nobody wants u here and get out of town but u ate probably the dame idiots keeping his businesses open getting dances in the vip rooms. Fucking hypocrites

  6. I need that escort service name

  7. People, come on now! I think the most important thing here is that Chris Farley is alive...and lives in Brownsville!

  8. For reals though whats the escort service called

  9. Sounds like a alot of hate from jealous hard dick billies

  10. Sounds like a bunch of jealous hard dick billies

    1. Lots of haters... probably fired dancers, or customers who got thrown out for being nasty...
      Stilettos runs the cleanest ship in the valley with the fewest violations on record with any law enforcement agency.

  11. Fred should've been arrested a long time ago for raping all those women at stiletoes. He also got away with so many things. Money will only get you so far. Burn in hell Fred. Know that my voodoo made you finally fall and eventually your clubs will close down and you'll have no one or anything. Burn in hell. Fuken rapist mother fuker. Porker! Pinche culero. Mal parido hijo de PUTA!

    1. I believe that your comment is considered slander. And F.Y.I. Fred does not rape women, they throw theirselfs at him constantly. Go sit in one night and watch how they flock to him and fawn over him.

    2. Hey can u send some good voodoo my way to find a great job that I can save my family home? Just hoping

    3. Stop spending your money at strip clubs it might help you save your home

    4. Really weak voodoo if you could only muster a class A misdemeanor.

  12. Funny how people just make up their own stories based on little to no information... and all think they know EXACTLY what kind of person he is and what he does. The commentators here all need their heads checked because not ONE of you knows anything more than that this man owns Stilettos .

    1. I agree, Jealous people fantasizing and fabricating stories. He's a good guy

  13. I know him personally . And he is fucking cool to party with. I knew his parents, we used to all party out at Louie's Backyard!!

  14. I know him personally . And he is fucking cool to party with. I knew his parents, we used to all party out at Louie's Backyard!!

    1. I know him personally too... and I have seen him go out of his way to help people... I've seen him donate to charities and I know there's a lot more to this story than what's in this article.

  15. People are always gonna hate that's the price of success Fred chose the adult industry and it seems to have worked out well for now but escort service now that's going hard all that's left is film production to put it on the shelf I guess the bpd had enough for charges to not let it slide .

  16. Fred never owned an escort service... he owns titty- bars , so he knows a few escorts, it's the industry. If you tell me you need a plumber, I will give you my buddies number, if you tell me you need a roofer, I will give you my friend's number , if I tell you I need an electrician or a mechanic , you will give me your friend's number... if someone tells Fred that they need a "date for the party" he gives them the number of someone who dates for a price... he is "in the industry" , this is NOT running an escort service.

  17. Well keep fucking that whore Married bitch, psycho from McAllen!! She is ur biggest downfall! So sad to see you crash and burn for a piece of trash!! That Bitch is freakin CRAZZY!! Trust me bro, I've been fucking her too! Getting rid of her was the best thing I ever did!!! And she didn't get the chance to burn my car!! Yes she told me!!!

  18. Stop fucking that married whore Laura from McAllen! She's bad news dude! The best thing I ever did was get a restraining order. That bitches crazy! That bitch is crazy! At least I still have my vehicle before she try to burn it! And yes she let me know this .. i'm telling you bro CRRAAZZZZYYY!!

  19. You know, a lot of you all talking shit hiding behind your keyboards and some of you in support don't have the balls to say what's on your mind and put your name behind it. I for one, worked as a DJ for the Pharr location and personally, I don't like Fred that much. He was a jerk to me and other DJ friends of mine and payed shit compared to other clubs but I can't negate the fact that The Shoe was my home for some period and it not only helped put food on the table and take care of my family but it also pushed me to get out of the industry, get my degree and get a good job working for radio. Strip clubs have never been a great place to work at or for but if you don't know what the 'struggle' is about and haven't had to work in that type of environment then stfu. Period. Don't talk about what you know nothing about. Fred's brother Walter was always good people and Ram was cool with me as well, never had any beef with them and never got the opportunity to work with Henry. I don't know the details of his situation and I can't comment about his lifestyle cuz I don't know or care. All I can say is 'judge not, lest ye be judged.' In other words, if you don't want people judging you when you make mistakes in life, then you should keep your negative comments to yourself especially when you don't know jack about what that life is about. If you got shit to talk, have the balls to put your name on it, say your piece and move on. Todo se page en esta vida. If he did wrong, karma will take care of it. Other than that live and let live. Peace! - Deejay Lo

  20. Eeeh... What about the drugs?

  21. Maybe you're right... he doesn't rape women
    But he beat the shit out of several women and unfortunately Laura was one of them.
    Sad that he comes across as a positive local business owner but yet has an extremely dark side
    So much more is going on here that they are saying
    Stay tuned

  22. Only a few people are getting the big picture. All these problems have 100% to do with that crazy bitch. FRED is a legit good guy. This chick is taking him down just like she does to any guy she meets. Toxic stuff.

    1. You are 110 % right on that !!

  23. Pretty simple when to two drug addicts get together
    they abuse the drugs and then each other. She's no saint but This is not his first rodeo. He's been involved with drugs since an early age. Confirmed!!!!

  24. Te lo sico

    Right romeo

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    1. buddy I get better everyday; yeah I member everything; problem is I don't care anymore; I should of listen to the real capitan; not bunch of idiots that nothing better to do than come to real cheap whore aid and keep him controlled; it is what it is; sad thing shit it was horrible; righteous thing is that she ain't worth anything now to you; funny how they lose value like that; cheap is cheap; hey man no bad feelings; he knows the rules better than anyone but she ain't in the game; and to protect her now raises questions about commitment to your product; bisd will fire her and she'll lose her certification and she'll be fine; no worries unless she turns on you; that's on you; not me, this shit is coming out due to desease; id check myself out; it takes awhile for aids to come out; exposure doesn't mean death though but for some maybe; im cool hope you are too; I always say as a wise man told me, itll all be over; enjoy the show. ...thanks for teaching me who I was; helping me get over the bitch. . .eyes on you; a big thumb up my ass lol right. .now you don't know who I am. . just heard stories. . .but he's an old friend and I fucked the shit out of her; felt bad and got aids. . .s there it is

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