Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ralph Tipton Complies with Judge Banales' Instructions As Delivered by DA Assistant Oscar Guzman

Hello friends and family. 

Mary Tipton
I was told by the Cameron county D.A. office ( Oscar Guzman) that the judge told him to tell me that "some one put up a sign in front of the court house" exercising there right to free speach of course. 

I was told it was a picture of my late wife Mary Tipton. Thank you for having her in your thoughts. I was told to tell my friends and family that if it happens again the case could be thrown out and won't be retried. I informed them I did not do it and I didn't know who did..I told him I do not have the right to tell people not to do something they have a right to do. It did not matter. He reinforced his original statement and told me it was from the judge.

He told me again to tell all my friends and family not to do anything...or the case would be thrown out...even though I can't controle the actions of others. Nor do I want to.. 

So I am doing as was told.. I am informing everyone.


  1. Please inform Guzman anonymous said to GO SUCK AN EGG. WHOEVER did that WAY TO GO.

  2. I'm setting an egg timer to see how long it takes for the gag order to be violated.

  3. This is interesting so the Judge cant talks? Could have swarn the judge is supposed to tell you and release a press release to all. How ridiculous as if you can control others words or actions you cant nor by law can they hold a person accountable for another person. What stops the other party from doing it and pinning it on you. The ignorance of the RGV.

  4. I've been reading the posts about this case on here. But why would they decide to throw it out.. makes no sense.

  5. Yes, she died for no reason, but Mary Tipton apparently already had a hard life. perhaps she's happier now.

  6. This is typical Cameron County politics at its finest. This judge does not give a damn about getting justice for Mary Tipton. He does not care if a murdering coward, Marisa Govea walks on all charges. This judge is an example of how the justice system fails the innocent and protects the guilty if the guilty party had enough money to hire a prominent attorney like Ernesto Gamez who is known by all to be "SLICK" and coniving. If you have enough $$$ your case will be dismissed, thrown out or never make it to trial. The shenanigans that go on in that courthouse is deplorable and an insult to the justice system. Judge Ugly Mustache time for you to get off the bench!! You are crooked and worthless and serve no purpose for an objective case. You suck ASS and probably a whole lot more!!

  7. Ralph's foaming at the mouth again.

  8. Lmao.....These comments are hilarious

  9. @ Anonymous March 22, 2017 2:12pm
    Who is the woman you are referring to?....

  10. My thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes are with you Ralph Tipton.



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