Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Desperate Duardo Screams for Attention! "Look At Me! Look At Me!"

Jealous, Insecure Duardo Martinez
Just when we thought he'd grown up a little, Duardo Martinez is back on the attack, with a blistering anti-Barton article published today in his seldom read blog. He'd promised a kinder, gentler, more mature Duardo, even sort of apologizing for the hundreds of obscene comments directed at my wife Nena in the last year, since we had him removed from Google for harassment.

"Guest Columnist" for a Day
It's not been a good week for the man who claims to live in McAllen, waxing non-stop about its superiority over Brownsville, but wishing to write about Brownsville.  First, he proudly proclaimed former mayor, Pat Ahumada, as his new "Guest Columnist."  Then, when he learned the press release he received from Ahumada had been sent to other bloggers as well, he threw a childish fit claiming he needed exclusivity and "killed" the column.

Duardo's next move of desperation was to invite Brownsville residents to write articles of local interest in return for $20.00.  The money, he promised, would be "cash" in an envelope, sent to their mailing address.

When there were no takers at twenty bucks, Duardo, in further desperation, upped the ante to $50.00. Lol!  Still, no takers!

But wait!  In a weak-minded, face-saving move, Duardo announced Jerry McHale as his newly anointed "Guest Columnist," promising Jerry $100.00 for the cut and paste from his blog.

Local blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes noticed the offer of cash payments and wondered out loud if Duardo simply did not have a checking account or if the money was really coming from Dallas car dealer Mike Hernandez III.

Duardo's Benefactor?
The latter option is not too far fetched since Mike Hernandez III has been rumored to be considering an "alternate blog," possibly utilizing one local blogger's sense of history along with another's reporting skills. Of course, positive commentary on OP 10.33's mandate would be a prerequisite for financial support.

It just gets "curiouser and curiouser" with the car dealer and the Imp.  


  1. His entire guest column was also one of his endless lies. He says he wants exclusivity, but then copies and pastes one of Jerry's posts which had been up for hours, and calls it a guest column which meets his standards, which would include exclusivity. So he paied Jerry to copy and paste his post. Is Jerry paying him to copy and paste the Imp's posts. He will not last a week with Mike. Mike is in for an earthquake type shocker.

    Hold on tight, because loose lips by Jerry and the imp have sunk Mike Hernandez. here is a hint guys - Jorge

    Bobby WC

  2. Mike Hernandez continues to prove he's out of touch with Brownsville. First, he connects with Carlos Marin, a political operative known to steer projects to his company, Ambiotec.

    Then, he somehow finds Duardo, the area's least respected journalist ever.

    It wouldn't surprise if he inquires about Conrado Cantu as head of his security team.

  3. The erstwhile putz and attempted blogger's coverage of the Neece kidnapping can be reduced from its hundreds of words saying nothing to this: "I don't know shit. Montoya always gets the story. Jerry was right to kick at the Herald."
    I just thought I would save anyone the trouble of looking to see if he really had anything other than fake news.

  4. I saw more on his blog than you did. Apparently.



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