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Tad Hasse |
I answered a Republican who justified his vote with the following:
I, on the other hand, *refuse* to put up with more divisive sleaze amounting to a felony criminal racketeering enterprise. That choice should have been simple enough to NEVER vote to protect and advance the interests of a white collar mafia. They do that in third world countries, but NOT in my America! If that isn't reason enough, read on.
Trump won the nomination because the Republican Party wasn't listening to its people, and the odds are good that he will win the election for the same reason. We cannot fix the system otherwise.
Voting for government insiders is *insane*. It is like feeding some slob on the couch buckets of beer and fried chicken then complaining that there is a fat slob on the couch that won't leave and there is no beer and the chicken is all gone.
There are a whole bunch of us, the vast number of Republicans who feel the same way and *that* is the reason we *are* Republicans. We are Republicans because we believe in more freedom through less government intrusion into their lives. We believe that the power of the country lies with its people, not its leaders. We believe that the beer and chicken are *ours* and that the government has no inherent right to grow fat on our beer and chicken, nor to order us how much to share with others. I am one of the irredeemably deplorables who stands for real change, not Obama change, and stand here to tell you that I am not afraid.
The "popular wisdom" is that Trump would be blocked by Congress. So what? When Congress works, it gives us things like Obamacare. It let China and Europe destroy manufacturing in the USA. It let, nay encouraged, out of control cost increases in higher education.It gives us a Tax Code that is most decidedly ridiculously complex and ultimately inequitable.It is giving us a system where there is no financial vertical mobility- only horizontal. It has stratified economic class and it is to their advantage to have done so.
Trump would have the same choice a first term Reagan had: If Congress and Trump can't agree, use the power of the bully pulpit to make the case to *THE PEOPLE* because if he wins the election it was because *THE PEOPLE* elected him.
I think it likely that Trump will face a hostile Congress FROM BOTH SIDES and I welcome it! It well past time to stand and tell ourselves and the world that this is America, the greatest, the most diverse and powerful nation ever to exist in the 4 billion years of our planet. This is not the evening of a fading empire that the globalists like criminal Hilary is trying to sell, but the morning of a new day awakening from a bad dream.
The "popular wisdom" is that Trump would be blocked by Congress. So what? When Congress works, it gives us things like Obamacare. It let China and Europe destroy manufacturing in the USA. It let, nay encouraged, out of control cost increases in higher education.It gives us a Tax Code that is most decidedly ridiculously complex and ultimately inequitable.It is giving us a system where there is no financial vertical mobility- only horizontal. It has stratified economic class and it is to their advantage to have done so.
Trump would have the same choice a first term Reagan had: If Congress and Trump can't agree, use the power of the bully pulpit to make the case to *THE PEOPLE* because if he wins the election it was because *THE PEOPLE* elected him.
I think it likely that Trump will face a hostile Congress FROM BOTH SIDES and I welcome it! It well past time to stand and tell ourselves and the world that this is America, the greatest, the most diverse and powerful nation ever to exist in the 4 billion years of our planet. This is not the evening of a fading empire that the globalists like criminal Hilary is trying to sell, but the morning of a new day awakening from a bad dream.
The last sentence tells it all. Don't forget who plucked your fucking chicken, on which I hope you choke.
ReplyDeleteTypical public educated liberal to make such a stupid comment that makes no sense.
DeleteWho is this "Hilary" you speak of?
ReplyDeleteThe lying bisexual criminal sick both physically and mentally bitch, Crooked Hitler-y killton. LOL LOL
DeleteSorry for the misspell. They'll get it right on the booking card.
DeleteThanks Tad for speaking out. We have no one in Cameron County sharing the Republican view.
ReplyDeleteActually, Morgan Graham, the Cameron County Republican Chairman, does a fantastic job promoting and publicizing the Republican agenda. I believe the local party also has a website disseminating information about party policy and agenda.
DeleteThis is not about one person, nor is Tad competing with Morgan. No one should feel threaten because Tad is making a statement. Egos is the downfall for the same mission.
ReplyDeleteJim your standard of "expressed articulately" is in the gutter. First of all not one word is coherent. Second he cites not one fact to support any of his moronic deplorable divisive language against Hillary Clinton. He just throws moronic mud. Tad is less than a has-been who has no future in any political party. Further he is a liar without a conscience or lives in an alternative universe with no connection to our real world. "Voting for government insiders is *insane*" The Republicans who run the House and Senate are all insiders. You cannot become a leader unless you have been there a long long time. Is Tad so delusional that he thinks the House or Senate is ever going to vote in a new comer to become the Speaker or Majority leader? Jim you really need to learn the meaning of the word articulate. Just the Voice of a Republican who deals in this universe and not an alternative universe of delusion. Trump won because he fueled the justified frustration of the American people. That is not policy, it is division.
ReplyDeleteWhat an oddly worded and unusually capitalized comment! While my view of what is articulate might differ from yours, how could it be "in the gutter." You are simply being emotional, not rational.
DeleteFurthermore, how does Mr. Hasse become a "liar" by simply expressing an opinion?
Your comment was not published so much on merit, but as an instructive look at circular reasoning and prejudice.
Jim, why do you choose to mislead your readers than address the issue?I did not call him a liar. I said he was one of two things. "Further he is a liar without a conscience or lives in an alternative universe with no connection to our real world." So if he is not a liar are you saying it is articulate to suggest that the Senate and House will vote in as Majority leader or Speaker who is not an insider? That idea puts him in the world of delusion. Jim, why must you always rewrite people's words than simply address the question? Is he a liar or does he actually believe an outsider can be elected Majority Leader of the Senate and Speaker of the House. A mere opinion does not make the speaker articulate. Proposing something which will never happen most certainly does not make you articulate. You cannot defend Tad's argument or your decision to call it articulate, so you go with misleading your readers as to what I said. I never said he was a liar and my post speaks for itself. I said he was one or the other. So he is not a liar, then are you saying the Senate and the House will elect non-insiders as their leaders. It is this suggestion which makes Tad's discussion completely inarticulate. As a moderator you should be able to see the flaw in his discussion, and it is anything but articulate. You should have just titled it, Tad Hasse expresses an alternative view. Then as a good moderator you should allow for comments which challenge or support his view. But no you are mad you were challenged so you go with a mislead as to what I said and then call it circular reasoning without one example of what that means.
DeleteCircular Reasoning From Wiki: "Other ways to express this are that there is no reason to accept the premises unless one already believes the conclusion, or that the premises provide no independent ground or evidence for the conclusion." So what you are saying Jim is, there is no evidence to justify the conclusion the House and Senate will never vote for an outsider to lead them? Wow, just wow. That was my entire point. And if you believe there is no evidence to lead to this conclusion you are even more clueless about reality than Tad Hasse. Tad is correct that the GOP leadership ignored the people. But for that matter, Democrats believe the same about their leadership. Both candidates are terrible. Tad does stand in the majority who are in fact are tired of the insiders or incompetent such as Trump. But when he makes incoherent arguments he ends up losing credibility. Morgan at least is working real hard to unite who she can within the Republican Party. You have to find common ground. You such as Tad always oppose common ground.
Delete"call it circular reasoning without one example of what that means."
DeleteLOL! First of all, I'm under no obligation to define, illustrate or spoon-feed my words.
Let's analyze your 6:34 AM comment. You set up a logical fallacy by claiming Mr. Hasse is either a liar or existing in an alternate universe? You're already in quicksand by arbitrarily selecting only two options to explain an opinion.
Your charge that I "always oppose common ground" is unfounded and undocumented.
I'm simply trying to get you to think logically.
And yet you continue to refuse to address the issue. The House and Senate will never elect as their leaders an outsider. It is that simple. That is a conclusion supported by evidence. Hence, it is not circular reasoning. I am only posting because I know Brownsville and the Republican Party as a supporter of Morgan which I will not hide. They will read this and Tad will only become more of an outsider with no voice. You did not help Tad, you only made it easier for Morgan and others to argue why he is not credible. On that you get an A+ Jim. As to my options Jim, edify your readers. What other options are there? Do you really believe someone who understands politics can believe an outsider will ever be elected to a position of leadership? What are the other options. Edify your readers. We get it, that would be you spoon-feeding your readers as opposed to actually educating them. And for the record, I never challenged Tad on the need for outsiders, just that they will never be elected to a position of leadership.
Delete"Trump won because he fueled the justified frustration of the American people. "
ReplyDeleteGame, Set, and Match
to Mr. Ted Hasse, I took the liberty of just editing your editorial in bold words to present my POV. Read on.......
ReplyDeleteI, on the other hand, *refuse* to put up with more divisive sleaze amounting to a felony criminal racketeering enterprise (GOP). That choice should have been simple enough to NEVER vote to protect and advance the interests of a white collar mafia (GOP). They do that in third world countries, but NOT in my America! If that isn't reason enough, read on.
Trump won (LOST) the nomination because the Republican Party wasn't listening to its people, and the odds are good that he will win (LOSE) the election for the same reason. We cannot fix the system otherwise.
Voting for government insiders (GOP). is *insane*. It is like feeding some slob on the couch buckets of beer and fried chicken then complaining that there is a fat slob on the couch that won't leave and there is no beer and the chicken is all gone.
There are a whole bunch of us, the vast number of (White Tea Party) Republicans who feel the same way and *that* is the reason we *are* (White Tea Party) Republicans. We are (White Tea Party) Republicans because we believe in more freedom through less government intrusion into their lives (unless you are a woman, then we OWN your body and WE tell you how to take care of it). We (White Tea Party) believe that the power of the country lies with its (White Tea Party) people, NOT ITS (ELECTED by non White Tea Party) leaders. We (White Tea Party) believe that the beer and chicken are *ours* and that the government has no inherent right to grow fat on our beer and chicken, nor to order us how much to share with others. I am one of the irredeemably deplorables who stands for real (White Tea Party) change, not Obama change, and stand here to tell you that I am not afraid.
The "popular (White Tea Party) wisdom" is (WAS) that Trump (OBAMA) would be blocked by Congress. So what? When Congress works, it gives us things like Obamacare. It let China and Europe (THE GOP CONTROLLED CONGRESS) destroy manufacturing in the USA. It let, nay encouraged, out of control cost (UNFUNDED IRAQ WAR COSTS IN HUMAN & FINANCIAL) increases in higher education (A WAR AGAINST HUSSEIN WHO NEVER ATTACKED THE USA). It gives us a Tax Code that is most decidedly ridiculously complex and ultimately inequitable (These seven corporations make billions in profit – and have tax rate of negative 2.5%). Thanks GOP!. It is giving us a system where there is no financial vertical mobility- only horizontal. It has stratified economic class and it is to their advantage (10 CORPORATE TAX DODGERS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. Thanks Again, GOP!) to have done so.
Trump (HILLARY CLINTON) would have the same choice a first term Reagan *(OBAMA) had: If Congress and Trump (HILLARY CLINTON) can't agree, use the power of the bully pulpit to make the case to *THE PEOPLE* because if (WHEN) he (SHE) wins the election it was because *THE PEOPLE* elected him (HER).
I think it likely that Trump (HILLARY CLINTON) will face a hostile Congress FROM BOTH SIDES and I welcome it! It IT’S well past time to stand and tell ourselves and the world that this is America, the greatest, the most diverse and powerful nation ever to exist in the 4 billion years of our planet. This is not the evening of a fading empire that the globalists like criminals Hillary (KOCH BROTHERS) is (ARE) trying to sell, but the morning of a new day awakening from a bad (WHITE TEA PARTY) dream.
Yea, unthinking liberals do things like that. Speech is only free if it is their own. You are free to write your own stuff, as I am free to write mine.
DeleteToo much passion to be from mentally stable persons, keep up your delusional rants Tea Partiers. It is fun read.