Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Obama Supports Donald Trump for President

Malik Obama, the President's half brother and a Trump supporter, has been invited by Donald Trump to sit on the front row of the Clinton-Trump debate in Las Vegas tomorrow night.


  1. Well, it is necessary to remind the "deplorables" that our POTUS is Black. You know, keep the base active.

  2. I thought trump was keeping out "the muslims"?

    1. Another lie from the pathological pathetic crooked democRATAS. LMAO

  3. Just watched an interview of Malik Obama gave right after Trump-Killton debate. It's heartbreaking for a family member you love rejects you. https://youtu.be/leataMefA-8.
    The same scenario is playing out with Bill Killton love child-Danney Williams trying to reach to him and gets the same rejection. See this heatbreaking vib of this young man-"Bill Clinton's Black Son BANISHED - The Story of Danney Williams https://youtu.be/rLOp2yBhuTE
