Monday, October 10, 2016

How Brownsville's Christian Women Rationalize Their Support of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

It's bemusing that strait-laced, Bible-thumping, yes, Hispanic women in our area, continue to support the pussy-grabbing, racist, misogynist candidate for president, Donald Trump. Wait! Before you even start.  This article has nothing to do with promoting the woman you call "Crooked Hillary" or sometimes, "Hellary," or excusing the misconduct of her husband Bill two decades ago. It just seems odd, incongruous, that professedly Christian women, who would not tolerate a Playboy magazine in their house or apartment, read the Bible daily and pray nightly, would unhesitatingly identify themselves with a man so openly disrespectful of women, minorities, the disabled and even war heroes like John McCain.

Letty Garzoria-Perez
Among others, my friend, Letty Perez-Garzoria, comes to mind. Letty plays piano for weekly services at the West Brownsville Iglesia Bautista, knows the Word like the back of her hand and would take a nickel found in an H.E.B. parking lot to the store office.  In other words, Ms. Garzoria, a widow, is the epitome of Biblical morality.

Yet, the virtuous Garzoria posts daily timelines on Facebook extolling the virtues of Trump, many being articles from the online vehicle, Liberty Writers News.

Jessica Puente-Bradshaw
Another friend, Jessica Puente-Bradshaw, once named as one of the
"Hottest Republican Politicians in the U.S.," a former congressional opponent of Filemon Vela and a candidate for several other local offices, like Ms. Garzoria, pushes daily the Trump candidacy.  

Bradshaw, who would slap the shit out of Trump if he tried to grab anything, is a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

In continuing to support Trump, despite the lewd, racist and otherwise inappropriate mouthings, Bradshaw moves out of step with other Mormon politicians like Utah Senator Mike Lee, Representative Chris Stewart, former Governor Jon Huntsman, Governor Gary Herbert, Representative Jason Chaffetz and several other Mormon politicos, including former presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Why, ladies of Christ, why?

Trump supporter, Vicki Sciolaro explains it all:

"God can use anybody. . . . He used the harlots. It's all about what God can do. God can do this. God can use this man."

Vicki is referring to Rahab, the prostitute who saved the lives of two Israelite spies, working for God, who invaded Jericho.  She hid the spies while Jehovah knocked the walls of Jericho down.

Rahab, the Prostitute, Doing A Good Thing
Prostitute Rahab, like Donald Trump, is a bad person, capable of doing good things.  That's what Vicki, Letty and Jessica seem to be telling us.  Will the Donald let them down?


  1. Bunch of fucking morons. Donald trump is a Cheeto in a bad toupe. Obviously the cheeto dust and Tic tac scented breath floats their boats.

  2. They give the impression of a bunch of abused ladies, that enjoy pissing off every body knowing there won't be consequences as when they had a vato.

  3. Even televangelist and preacher extraordinaire "Pat Robertson" is willing to forgive Donald Trump for being a pervert. In his televangelistic mind Donald Trump is just being a Macho Man!.

    Pat Robertson Says Trump Is 'Macho' For Grabbing Women 'By The P*ssy' Without Permission

  4. So what? LOL! I am voting for Trump anyway. Hilary has the system wired and will keep it that way. I don't want a bone thrown to "the dear pee-pull", I want it torn down and remade for America and Americans. Screw you globalist pieces of shit! No money or support for people who hate us. So from your safe-space you whine: "But what if the whole world is against us?" So what? Let them roll around in their globalist squalor until it does to them what it has done to us. Like minded countries with the same attitude will provide a meaningful basis for treaty and agreement. Don't like the fact that if in the deal America gives up NOTHING? Screw off and see if you like the protective arms of the new Soviet Union, or maybe some system based on someones religious bullshit. WAKE UP!

    1. As a latina American citizen I agree with you Ted
      Trump is for America and so am I.

    2. Exactly Tad! Thank you!!!!

  5. Is Ted a deplorable? I vote yes.

    1. Anonymous I vote you go fuck yourself... Thank you very much =)

  6. That Grahm chick is a nice package her self ...don't here her being any more than half hearted when it comes to the Cheeto meathead and she's the republican leader says a lot when the party chairman won't even defend him

    1. morgan got what it takes to be a 10 on Trumps score card but I give her a 9 she doesnt show enough leg

      Sure if something comes along she likes shell put a whole heart into it we all know she has space for a big one. Casco sure got her support

    2. Mrs Graham is too good for your sorry asses.

    3. Morgan can't be a 10 or 9 on Trumps score card. He doesn't like phony or fake hearts.

    4. Typical female Trump cult members didn't he say a bitch can't be a 10 if she's flat chested hahaha he doesn't give a shit about personality. You people probably don't even read the fucking news if it isn't what you want to hear about that pervert pediphile racist. It all about the puss with your fake messiah you hypocrites

    5. Who cares she's hot.

    6. She's a classy lady and very smart. She shouldn't be talked about like this. She's a lot more than a pretty face. I hope she runs for an elected position because we need people like her in office.

    7. To anonymous writer at 7:25 you must really hate Morgan Graham but support Trump and you call a phony heart. What has she done to deserve that? You bothered by people saying she's pretty instead of being bothered that Mr Trump treats women like trash. You pretend to care about goodness but you are defending a man like Trump by putting a woman down. You are obviously a misogynist and a hypocrite phony yourself. I bet you would never tell Morgan in person that you think she's a fake and are a coward that goes to church but doesn't act like any Christian and that's phony and fake.

      I've seen Morgan Graham show she has a very good character and isn't a fake. For the first time we have a leader who includes everybody and genuinely care about us and our candidates. Where were you when mr Morris was lying and cheating candidates out of money? Shame on you!

  7. Maybe his real name is Ted and he just spells it wrong. Go figure he supports Trump!

    1. Atleast he doesn't hide behind a screen like you coward

  8. Same old shit, Trump's supporters are well know racists anti any thing that doesn't smell Anglo, unfortunately for them in this area minorities are majorities.

  9. I agree with Tad.. if you want to give up your freedoms, over a locker room conversation, then by all means vote for Hillairy. This shouldn't be a Republican/ Democrat thing. she's already spoken against our rights to have guns, and our rights to practice our religion. She is anti Christian, anti freedom and anti America first. But go ahead and condemn someone willing to stand up for our freedoms, because he is imperfect. By the way, have you been forgiven your sins? It's a good thing there is grace, or most of us wouldn't be here. If you would view the entire video, you would see Trump stops the talk when the actress appears, and exits the bus like a gentleman. He doesn't molest, or come on to her in anyway. I have endured worse harassment in the workplace. And she posted no complaints from this encounter. Those of you attaching the females mentioned above are rude, crude and a lot worse than Trump. And your Anti Republican/ Anti Christian bias is showing. You can call us deplorable if you want to, but we are standing up for your freedoms too! Have a nice day!

    1. Trump acts like a gentleman when he exits the bus because "the cameras are rolling". Cameras that he had no "editorial control over".

      He is a PERVERT, not an idiot!

      He acted the pervert on the Apprentice because he is friends with the Executive Director of "the Apprentice". However, you will never see those videos because the Director has control and all participants/contestants/set workers signed an NDA (non-disclousure agreement).

      Violating the NDA subjects them to a $5 million penalty.

      No one is attacking your "Religious Freedom", it is protected by the US Constitution. Stop your whiniing.

  10. October 11 at 12:41, your are a deplorable, speaking such bullshit and then wishing us a "nice day". Fuck off and go grab some P**** for Trump.

  11. And Bill Clinton is a SERIAL RAPIST.

  12. And Bill Clinton is a SERIAL RAPIST and hillary has alway covered up for him.

  13. To Tad Hasse October 11, 2016 at 9:32 AM who said "Screw off and see if you like the protective arms of the new Soviet Union, or maybe some system based on someones religious bullshit. WAKE UP!"

    You are supporting Donald Trump the candidate who has an on-going bro-mance with Rusian Strongman Vladimir Putin, who likes to kill off his opponents or throw them in prison. Sound familiar?

    Donald Trump at the second debate on Sunday said "he didn't know if the Russians were hacking the US government trying to influence the election or that there even was some hacking going on.

    In fact Donald TRump is indeed aware the Russians are trying to influence the US Presidential election. As a candidate, he receives confidential weekly briefings from the CIA, NSC, etc.

    Donald Trump knew the Russians were behind DNC hacks--even before the first debate...

    Donald Trump is even taking talking points from the Russian Government...... DEAR DONALD TRUMP AND VLADIMIR PUTIN, I AM NOT SIDNEY BLUMENTHAL

    ERGO, vote for Trump and you will be under the protective arms of the new Soviet Union!!!!!!!

    Wake up! Indeed!!

  14. "...excusing the misconduct of her husband Bill two decades ago..."
    Just recently some leaked emails of Collin Powell he said this about billy rapist boy, "Still dicking bimbos at home."
    Powell said this about SICK HITLER-Y, “Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris,”
    RAPE BOY BILL is still dicking and actually grabbing plenty of pussy as we speak!!!!!!!

    1. Colin Powell was actually talking about George Bush, Jr. & Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney!

    2. Colin Powell was referring to George Bush, Jr. and Dick "five draft deferments" Cheney.

      Everything they touched, from the economy to the Iraq War, was, in the words of Donald Trump, a HUUUGE DISASTER

    3. Hey proud libtard and I'm a robot DC Leaks reveal Colin P stating Rape Boy Clinton is STILL DICKING BIMBOS. Just google it and here's one article of many many more, you can ck out:
      Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘still d—ing bimbos (according ...
      Sep 14, 2016 · Colin Powell wrote in a jaw-dropping e-mail that he doesn’t want to vote for his pal Hillary Clinton because she’s a greedy defender of the status quo ..

  15. Barton you accuse my man TRUMP of being a racist. I just saw a heart wrenching video of rapist billy clinton son Danney Williams-BANISHED - The Untold Story of Danney Williams,
    where he yearns to connect with his father no matter what. It just breaks your heart and brings tears to your eyes. Danney is half black and you can only conclude the clintons are the true racist and this little black life doesn't matter. Typical leftist hypocrisy.

  16. So let me see if understand this Barton and the "pious" Left (ahem), you people are all soiling your panties for words Trump used when he's with guys, I think it's been describe "gym talk". You know us gals when we're in a group do the same, constantly engaging in guessing games (especially when we see a hunk) the size of his bulge or what kind of "tongue action" we can get. WTF is the big deal. I see Trump as finally we're gonna have a real macho man president (not like the closet gay obama or closet bisexual hillary) to kick ass clean up corruption get rid of dead beat tax dollar employees, bring companies back, expand industries like energy, steel, which translate to jobs jobs jobs. He will revive what America is all about if you have a dream you can make it happen. That my friends is what is important.

  17. Fuck Hillary !! Benghazi people did it got me !! She has the blood of Americans on her hands. She is a career politician that has to keep the deals,flowing she says she is for the poor but this bitch is a liar. Focus on the tape of her laughing about getting a rapist off after the sorry client of Hillary brutally raped a 12 year old child in the 70's. That is sickening but then again she doesn't have a problem.eith rapist because she isarried to one.....go figure !! Trump Trump Trump !!

  18. When I was a marine they'd drill us the old adage to shoot only when you see the white of the enemy's eyes. Normal reasonable thinking people have seen Trump rump around the periphery of the presidency for 18 months now so there was plenty of time to shoot AT him and probably bring him down. These tapes, after all, have been available for years. People knew they were there. But no one ever believed that this NUT job would actually make it this far. What kind of NUTS would support this freak of nature in politics? We all knew there were fringe nut jobs looking for a voice (Tad Hasse and Blake Farenthold)and found it in Trump. But whoever thought there were these many and are now coming out of the woodwork? I can tell you unequivocally that Tad, although always a suspected neo-NUT, will lose whatever credibility he ever had in local politics now that he's shown what an idiot he really is. No, it wasn't the locker room tape that sunk Trump. Even liberals would have looked past these stupidities IF Trump had a fraction of common sense and a sliver of empathy for the common man. JFK comes to mind. But Trump is a dangerous fucking psycho who would trigger a nuclear war within his first 100 days in office. The tapes were released BECAUSE there was a chance that there were enough NUTS out there like Hasse and Blake "the Flake" Farenthold to actually elect Trump.

    Sincerely, Elbowpatch Blazer

    1. ABC. Anybody But Clinton.
      HRC Her Royal Chones will continue the downhill sell off of America. That is fact.

    2. JFK was a SICK SERIAL SEXUAL ADDICT who engaged in orgies the minute Jackie wasn't around. In fact JFK was RAPE BOY CLINTON idol and mentor.
      If my man Trump is such a dunce he manage to amass 10 BILLION DOLLAR FORTUNE and fund his own campaign, unlike SICK HITLER-Y is bought and paid for by communist George Soros and the evil globalist special interest. learn your fact buddy.

  19. You idiots who believe every word Trump says need to do our research. all of these so called tapes have been reviewed, and there is no evidence to support Trump's claim. A reporter is heard laughing upon learning the DA's office messed up the DNA against her client. She is recorded as saying because her client passed the polygraph test she lost all faith in the test. The evidence was not there so the DA did what they do, they put a lesser charge on the table.

    "When we asked the Trump campaign about the allegations, a spokesman referred us to a July 15, 2014, article in the conservative Washington Free Beacon, which uncovered audio recordings of Clinton, although it's not clear when the recordings were made. The Beacon says they date from 1983 to 1987.

    In the tapes, she calls it a "terrible case" and "a fascinating case," for reasons that will become clear.

    The article notes that she can be heard laughing at several points on the tape, but it doesn't say she was laughing at the victim, as Trump claims.

    She is "discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied (the accused man, Thomas Alfred) Taylor to the crime." Destruction that led the prosecution to seek a plea deal on a lesser charge, according to the article.

    "I plea bargained it down because it turned out they didn't have any evidence," Clinton says. In the tape, available on YouTube, Clinton says of the case, "It's sad."

    "But you know what was sad about it was that the prosecutor had evidence," Clinton says.

    However, she recounts that the crime lab had taken a key piece of evidence — the accused man's underpants, which had blood on it — neatly cut out a piece, and then threw that piece away once testing was done, eliminating the ability to do independent testing. In this case, it's the interviewer, Arkansas journalist Roy Reed, who can be heard laughing, not Clinton."

    "At another point, Clinton says of the accused man, "I had him take a polygraph, which he passed — which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs." She and the reporter laugh."

    Now counter with a story where the reporter has actually listened to the tapes which contradict this reporter.

    Bobby WC

    1. Here's an interest vid bout your sick crooked hitler-y:
      Hillary's Daddy.
      BTW Clinton take money from her Saudis daddies, who imprison and execute gays is it true Bobby? And recent emails from the Wikileaks data drop shows Clinton knew Saudi Arabia sponsored terrorism also directly funding ISIS, animals that want to kill you Bobby. You're still support this evil women?

    2. First of all you lie because the concept of the truth eludes you. I have made it known far and wide I am not voting for Hillary, but a lie by you keeps you from answering the question I posed. Hillary never laughed at this victim. Where have I ever supported Saudi Arabia. I do not doubt you are a moronic Republican. You want to break up another country which will dissolve into civil war. Isnt that exactly what Bush II did in Iraq. What I think of Saudi Arabia is meaningless. I know that the radicals have enough control that if the King moves to fast the radical will take complete control and things will be worse for everyone. As to killing gays you know nothing. Saudi Arabia and its clerics officially adopt the policy that sex between two me is acceptable so long as it is just sex to avoid being around women, and not because you are gay. Gays live openly in Saudia Arabia but just claim to be friends until they marry. The ones you proclaims to be gay and admit to sex will be arrested that is true. But this bizarre system they have do allow for gay couples to live together safely so long as they say they are straight friends just having sex until they marry a women. Now try posting an article by a writer who has actually heard Hillary laughing a this 12 year old. It does not exist which is why you went to the alternative. Oh I forget, wasn't it Bush II who nearly had his tounge down the Saudi King's mouth during a meet? The Bushes have made a fortune in Saudi Arabia. YOu see smart people prefer a stable Kingdom ruled by a dictator King over a civil war country like Iraq where we must send our troups to die.

      Finally I am sure by now you have seen the video of Trump harassing a year old before saying to a friend "in years I will be dating her."

      Bobby WC

    3. First of all you lie because the concept of the truth eludes you. I have made it known far and wide I am not voting for Hillary, but a lie by you keeps you from answering the question I posed. Hillary never laughed at this victim. Where have I ever supported Saudi Arabia. I do not doubt you are a moronic Republican. You want to break up another country which will dissolve into civil war. Isnt that exactly what Bush II did in Iraq. What I think of Saudi Arabia is meaningless. I know that the radicals have enough control that if the King moves to fast the radical will take complete control and things will be worse for everyone. As to killing gays you know nothing. Saudi Arabia and its clerics officially adopt the policy that sex between two me is acceptable so long as it is just sex to avoid being around women, and not because you are gay. Gays live openly in Saudia Arabia but just claim to be friends until they marry. The ones you proclaims to be gay and admit to sex will be arrested that is true. But this bizarre system they have do allow for gay couples to live together safely so long as they say they are straight friends just having sex until they marry a women. Now try posting an article by a writer who has actually heard Hillary laughing a this 12 year old. It does not exist which is why you went to the alternative. Oh I forget, wasn't it Bush II who nearly had his tounge down the Saudi King's mouth during a meet? The Bushes have made a fortune in Saudi Arabia. YOu see smart people prefer a stable Kingdom ruled by a dictator King over a civil war country like Iraq where we must send our troups to die.

      Finally I am sure by now you have seen the video of Trump harassing a year old before saying to a friend "in years I will be dating her."

      Bobby WC

  20. Mormons are not Christians.

    1. While an agnostic, essentially a non-believer, I take people at their word as far as who they worship, serve or follow. Religious bigots typically claim they are the only "true" Christians or only "true" religion. All of this is nonsense, not worth arguing about. The official name for the Mormon religion is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, so, the certainly claim to be Christians.

  21. Blake "the double-chin Flake" Farenthold is a congressman because he inherited lots of money and was protected by the Republican congressional redistricting. He is a complete moron.

    Rep. Blake Farenthold stumbles while defending Donald Trump on MSNBC

  22. To: "Anonymous October 12, 2016 at 3:40 PM" who said "If my man Trump is such a dunce he manage to amass 10 BILLION DOLLAR FORTUNE and fund his own campaign,....

    Much like the Trump Foundation (funded by people other than Trump), Donald Trump is not self-funding his own campaign. It is a myth perpetrated by Donald Trump.

    No, Donald Trump Isn’t Self-Funding His Campaign

    In regards to Trump's assertion that he is worth $10 billion; that is nothing but typical Trump BS.; Forbes Estimates Trump to be worth $3.7 Billion tops.

    What's Donald Trump Really Worth?

    You want to talk about a SICK, SERIAL SEXUAL ADDICT, your man Trump has been a busy man:

    Trump Busted In On Miss Teen USA Dressing Rooms To Ogle 15 Year Olds

    Trump to head to court in December for allegedly tying up and raping a 13-year-old girl: report

    Are these enough facts for you, Buddy?

    1. Thank God! I thought he was a murdering serial cheat and liar like the other one! A virual saint.He ran off his opponents, didn't cheat his way to the nomination. He's got my vote!

    2. A quickie look at the Clintons the shiny stars od the left (ahem). We know bill and hillary are married to each other and yet Bill's only son Danney Williams whose mother is African-American and used to be a prostitute name Bobbie Ann Williams. By DAILYMAIL.COM REPORTER
      PUBLISHED: 08:55 EST, 3 October 2016 | UPDATED: 15:04 EST, 3 October 2016

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      And lady hillary daughter Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell. Ck out these photos:

      Wow what a twisted sham such a degenerate couple.

    3. PROUD LIBERAL - REALITY BITESOctober 14, 2016 at 12:39 AM

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ B I T E M E ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Donald Trump is Dangerous

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ B I T E M E ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  23. Maybe ms Graham can invite Trump down here and hell come to the valley hoping to grope her I would come I mean go then we can deport his ass to Mexico and make America great again that way

  24. Pinches viejas hipocritas
    Bible thumpers
    They are supporting a man that want to shut the doors of this country to those in need
    WWJD? Surely he would not close the doors of his kingdom to a person in need.

  25. Hey mr Barton did you see what jerry McHale did on his Facebook and all these pious republican women who support trump all of a sudden were mad that he talked about Graham the same way trump talks about women notice they were upset at him but defend trump doing it? One even excused trump saying it was because he was a democrat back then. Perfect example of republican hypocrisy. When their guy does it its okay but if anybody else degrades a woman who seems respectable they lose their minds!



Small shopping carts in the row at the left I'm likely a minimalist, not in art or music, but in my domain. I respect an economic use of...