Monday, August 15, 2016

Public Pressure Forces City Attorney Mark Sossi, Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez to Finally Release Police Procedure Manual to Ralph Tipton

City Attorney Mark Sossi, the ill-advised hire during Pat Ahumada's last term as mayor, is the gift that keeps on taking, blocking governmental tranparency at every possible turn, resisting democratic principles as if they were carriers of the Zika virus.  Sossi has morphed into the city's enabler, including the unethical mayor, the weak-minded city commission and the challenged,but overpaid, city manager.

Sossi's resume' is littered with theft, malpractice and incompetence, including a $167,363 judgement for pocketing funds intended for his previous employer, the Willette & Guerra Law Firm, stealing another $20,711.66 from the Texas Workforce, intended for employee unemployment benefits, a $100,000 tax lien from the I.R.S. as well as two malpractice lawsuits from Brownsville residents who thought retaining the City Attorney in private practice might be a good idea.

Sossi's magnum opus, however, has to be his highschoolish power point, at Mayor Martinez behest, against the broadcast of the public comment of Brownsville taxpayers at City Commission meetings.  Sossi, perhaps possessed by some despot's demon, argued that blocking the broadcast of public comment would lead to a greater diversity of commenters.  Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler all applauded from their graves!

Ralph Tipton
Enter Ralph Tipton, the husband of hit-and-run victim, Mary Tipton, who likely knew little about Sossi's bio when he asked the city to view a copy of the Brownsville Police Department manual, outlining proper, acceptable police procedure.

Tipton, not a police officer, had legitimate questions about the way his wife's case had been handled.  Why did Detective Thomas Clipper not even interview the woman who killed his wife with her vehicle, but, instead, allow the woman's son, a Cameron County Deputy Sheriff, to speak for his mom?  Why did the BPD not search for a body, but instead, accept the deputy's theory that his mom had likely struck a skunk, when the damage to the vehicle included a busted windshield?  Why did the BPD reduce a security camera's tape of the entire incident to a mere 30 seconds, allowing a District Attorney flunky, Oscar Guzman, to decide there was "insufficient evidence" to prosecute? 

District Judge Arturo Cisneros Nelson
Eight months ago, after Brownsville Police Chief Orlando Rodriquez denied Tipton's request to peruse the police department manual, the matter came before District Judge Arturo Cisneros Nelson. Judge Nelson seemed mystified as to why the matter was before him, telling City Attorney Sossi and Tipton: "You two should be working together on this."  Sossi replied by saying that Police Chief Rodriguez did not want the document released to Tipton and that he agreed.  As Gomer Pyle used to say:  "Surprise! Surprise!"

What dangerous secrets did this police procedure manual hold that Police Chief Rodriguez and City Attorney Sossi so desperately want to hide from the taxpayers?  Did it authorize waterboarding, demonic chants or hexes?  

Sossi continued to stonewall until this past week when the publicity created on this blog and Ralph Tipton's incessant use of Facebook and every option he could muster to publicize the nature of his wife's death, that Sossi finally relented, telling Tipton that "his superiors had ordered him" to share the police manual.

We will reprint below, without commentary, copies of a Facebook discussion between Tipton and Sossi about the manual:

Sossi was offering the elusive manual to Ralph Tipton, if Tipton would meet him in Hidalgo. Ralph was being a bit coy, because, unbeknownst to Sossi, Tipton already had the manual.

Of course, all of this back and forth means nothing unless Mary Tipton gets justice, despite all facets of the local representation of the so-called justice system seriously underperforming.


  1. Why must you insist in dragging me into this. You seem to thrive in misleading people by creating a perception, as if I supported firing Giza to hire Sossi. Check the record STUPID! It was Atkinson, Longoria, Camarrillo, Leo, Gowen and Troiani who pushed Giza out to hire Sossi, all against my counsel. Like Imagine Brownsville, those idiots all wanted to be mayor's and everything they touched has come back to cost taxpayers. Better said, everything they touched turned to shit!

  2. LOL! All I said was that Sossi was hired during your last term as mayor and he was. You've also been given the opportunity to clarify your position on his hiring on this blog.

    1. Your either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. You people cant stay on the fence any longer

  3. Hahaha, what kind of clown mayor or ex-mayor of any city responds to mentions of themselves on the internet?

  4. You want to create a perception that is misleading without holding those responsible for Sossi's hiring, which a true journalist should do, but you are not a journalist, just a hack who like others like to continue to flog the wrong person. You supported those idiots and did all you could to get Tony Martinez elected. A lot of damage and cost to taxpayers has resulted and will continue. You should be proud and quit whining a about how bad things are, because you are the reflection of what you eagerly stood for. Lol!

    1. Pat is frustrated. He has a limited skill set, doesn't understand much, but always has an opinion, sober or not. Brownsville somehow survived his mayorship and, hopefully, will survive the current narcissistic turd, Tony Martinez.

    2. What about the crimes that happened under your nose? Did you come clean? You enjoyed the perks of our tax money! Come out now. Back us up now! Stop defending your self for once and finally defend us!

    3. Tony Martinez. You have been called out! Step up to the plate and clean this shit up or step down and let a real man or women do it! Your in no place for a coward! Stop hiding in the shadows and do your dam job!

    4. Is anonymous Ralph Tipton?

    5. "quit whining a about how bad things are" Anybody unsure about the definition of whining can just refer to Ahumada's post. It is a great example of whining.

  5. Don't act so surprise Nelson, from previous experiences with you, this was regular corrupt business as usual for you. Remember the" PRE-_TRAIL " you along with convicted Armando Villalobos were the creators of such a program. That program paid for the woman who committed this crime. You must be running scared because you are the next "ABEL LIMAS", UNDERSTOOD. Mr. Tipton do not give in to these so called cowards, you got this case by the ass and do not give in. This is my opinion

  6. Mr. Tipton , get the body exhume and get an out of Texas independent autopsy. Find out what really was the direct cause of death. Do not trust any pathologist in the surrounding areas. This is my opinion. Also from the photo above it "appears", not saying or claiming it is, that she was NOT hit from behind. Her face looks like she hit a clean surface like a wind sheild, facing toward the driver, not a dirty road facing away from the driver. This photo is supposably taken in a black bag before any tampering with evidence. Maybe Mary saw her murder. Again this is my opinion . Do not give in follow your heart, many people are behind you for moral support. Many supporters have been there.

    1. Mr Tipton the pathologists here are bought and paid for by the DA'S office which is one if the corrupt entities in Cameron County, if not the most corrupted one.


  7. seems as if the above comment may seem a bit hostile, but God knows that if it is hostility it is because it effected some innocent human being who didn't serve this type of corrupt cover-up for the wrongdoing committed by our so called public servants. According to the webster's dictionary "hostile means OPENLY or ACTIVELY unfriendly or opposed to someone or something. How in heavens name can you be friendly or agree with such corruption. This is my opinion


  8. Delays in releasing police procedures in the RGV is nothing new.....

    It has been tried before....

  9. Pat, If everything they touched turned to shit, that explains what happened to you. They shook your hand when you were sworn in as Brownsville's self-proclaimed savior but quick to become the dumbest mayor ever-elected to any Valley city. You not only are a Piece of Shit. You epitomize what a piece of shit is. Something that no one wants to be around after it is expelled. Go back to drinking or snorting or whatever else it is you do. You drunk, bad-mouthed, dumb, disrespectful, irrelevant piece of shit.

  10. Mr. Tipton be relentless in getting justice for Mary. These corrupted dirty bastards need to be punished for the crimes they committed during this and many other past and ongoing cases. Abuse of power, official oppression, tampering with evidence and numerous other criminal acts ....this shit must stop.

    1. Tampering with evidence, and "producing evidence where there is none, is these ADA's specialty. Just ask Guzman, Gilman, Gonzalez, and Gracia. The 4 G's

  11. This anonymous calling Pat all these names is uncalled for. We need to stay focused on cleaning up the corruption in this town. There are a bunch of crooked self serving individuals working in all areas of government in Brownsville and Cameron County. More shit here than in a manure plant !!

  12. The "anonymous " calling Pat all these names is Cris Valadez. He hates Pat and seems to spend all his time on the blogs instead of whatever his job is under his idiot boss, Cascos.


    Probably won't do much, but it's worth a shot.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...