Monday, August 29, 2016

McAllen Police Department Answers Nena's Question: "Do You Have to Report An Accident If Your Vehicle Hits A Skunk?"

Marisa Govea Hernandez, the mother of a Cameron County Deputy Sheriff, realized her white Volkswagen struck something February 28, 2015 while driving south on FM 803.  Three days later, a construction worker, walking along that same road, discovered the body of Mary Tipton, laying facedown in the ditch adjacent to the road.

A court hearing revealed an initial 911 call from the deputy sheriff son of the driver, indicating that an animal had been hit.(Later, the deputy speculated his mother had hit a skunk.)  Next, a dispatcher calls out the report and Officer Nino volunteers to go. Later, Nino calls back to say there's nothing to report.

Ralph Tipton
Ralph Tipton, husband of the victim, has shared dozens of pictures with us via a dropbox, showing extensive damage to the VW, including the headlight, sideview mirror, quarter   panel and windshield, much more damage than any reasonable, honest individual could assume was caused by hitting a skunk.

Nena Barton
Nena brought up an interesting question Saturday: Would an accident involving a vehicle hitting a small animal legally have to be reported?  DPS Austin was closed Saturday, so we called today. We were told that it was DPS policy to refer questions of that nature to local police departments.

We called the McAllen Police Department and our call was directed to Sgt. Tony Gonzalez.  Officer Gonzalez explained that an accident involving a vehicle hitting a small animal would only need to be reported if the damage exceeded $1,000. Hitting a domestic animal, like a horse or cow would likely result in at least $1,000 damage and need to be reported.  Striking and injuring or killing an endangered species would have to be reported. Officer Gonzalez cited one additional reason to file an accident report; to get the damage to your vehicle covered by your insurance company. None of us can read minds, but could that final reason have been the motivation for Mrs. Hernandez, through her deputy sheriff son, to proceed with an accident report, that is, to get her VW fixed?

Sheriff Omar Lucio
In Cameron County, Sheriff Omar Lucio sets a tone of disregarding the law pertaining to traffic accidents.  Certainly, the sheriff's deputies have picked up on the sheriff's cavalier attitude toward Texas law on reporting accidents. 

Repeatedly, Lucio has mollycoddled Officer Gus Reyna, after at least two accidents involving damages far exceeding $1,000 and, in at least one case, bodily injury.  Reyna reported neither accident.  Here is the link to our 2014 story:


  1. Nena is a smart woman in many senses.

    1. She should run for office.

    2. Cadaverous Nena is a dying idiot! She can't fucking see her own shadow. Skunks? yeah, that she knows about. ja ja ja PENDEJA

    3. "Cadaverous Nena is a dying idiot! She can't fucking see her own shadow. Skunks? yeah, that she knows about. ja ja ja PENDEJA"

      Again, duardo, classless, boorish remarks from a soulless individual with limited skill set.

  2. What's your next story: Nena finds the skunk's family?

    1. You got it, Duardo. She located your family at a south Dallas housing project.

    2. According to Cameron county law enforcement. They need to go tell the skunks family what happened.

  3. I would've never thought to ask that question! Very true and excellent thinking on Nenas part!

    1. I would love to see more of nenas insight. Such a simple and powerful question.

  4. Nena for Cameron Counry SHERRIF!!

  5. You are a lucky man !!

  6. Jim give us more insight on all the misconduct that happens throughout our Sheriff Dept. Police Dept, DA,OFFICE, CITY and COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.....this is the valley corruption runs deep and wide !! Look at theTAX OFFICE chief and his employees

  7. Omg, this guy dosen't stop, he even got a go fund me!! Money eater!!! All over the mula
    Hope justin is a true blogger and dosen't just one side of story

    1. Who's the honest blogger?

    2. It takes money to exterminate corruption. If people want to help well that's the point isn't it? . I have not seen this guy ask for crap other then the truth! No matter what you acuse him of there isn't any charges for anything. I actually looked blamed for much but guilty of nothing. If I were him I would look for you and I would sue you.

    3. This guy graduated from the police academy. I heard he then went to Mexico to help fight corruption. He and his family were so well know for it they were close friends to vicente Fox. I heard he did thing other people wouldn't and eventually came back to the united states. He helped infiltrate some bad organizations. I wouldn't want his eye set me. Why don't you say your name? Come on big boy. He isn't hiding, not at all. My name is Johny Diaz.

    4. He sure did fight for corruption in Mexico jajajaja

  8. What guy doesn't stop ??Who is a money ester ?? Please answer the question

  9. This Ralph Tipton guy is just a con-artist trying to get some money. He has a long history of issues including selling fake citizenship. Karma has bitten him in the ass!

    1. Actually, that Tipton guy is who brought them down. Check the news reels for January 2016.

    2. First with this long history..Why is he not in jail? Never has been. I know for a fact he played a hand in shutting down those operations. I know for a fact he had a hand in shutting down a lot of operations. You guys simply made a mistake when you assumed you knew him. I looked in to him, just a little deeper. There is a lot more then meets the eye. Good luck rats or roaches or whatever. IM staying away from this.

    3. IM Johny Diaz. Chickens should start using your names. You don't know crap about this guy. Even if all these fantasy's of yours were true. Which there not. We know your trying to distract everyone. It doesn't matter who you are. You will want justice one day if the kill someone you love and lie about all of it. I wouldn't want to be in there shoes or yours.

  10. FYI : look into another cover up at sheriff office : I hear onc AGAIN Gus Reyna had an accident on a undercover red truck ! They are covering it up too this happened around 3 weeks ago

    1. He is a druggie and alcoholic.He should be behind bars and so should the sheriff for letting him stay.


  12. Post that photo of you in the hat, the one with that goatee that surely looks like Nena's gray and aging pussy. Fuckhead.

    1. Nena asked that your lowlife, juvenile comments be published, duardo, to display your classless, uneducated mindset. Although, it's pretty obvious that locals have zero respect for you, based on the failure of all of your attempted blogs, I will honor her request.

  13. When a skunk is hit, the smell lingers for weeks.

    1. Exactly, but Nena asked that the skunk's comments be published and I'm honoring her request.

  14. Jim I like the pic of you in your hat !! You look very handsome and good for you for publishing the rude comment by a major dickhead....he is obviously jealous of you Jim !! Rock on !!

    1. Not only jealous, but obsessed. Duardo is the Forrest Gump of blogging, who keeps telling everyone: "I'm a good writer." The inept egomaniac has flooded this blog with hundreds, hundreds of obscene comments since Google rightfully cancelled his blogging ticket August 5, 2015.

  15. Jim give us more of what you got !! It is not cool to just keep us lingering around for bits and pieces. You make the desire even more difficult to resist

    1. What desire? Care to elaborate?

  16. Anonymous 6:44
    No need to elaborate. Jim just keep putting out there !!



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