Thursday, August 18, 2016

Did City Attorney Mark Sossi Engage in Legal Misconduct in Handling Tipton Matter?

City Attorney Mark Sossi, Flanked by City Administrators
Bryant Walker and Lupe Granado
Recently, this blog reproduced a somewhat bizarre Facebook inbox conversation between City Attorney Mark Sossi and Ralph Tipton, the husband of Mary Tipton, who perished in an apparent hit-and-run accident February 28, 2015 after being hit by a vehicle driven by Marisa Govea Hernandez.

You may recall that, in the exchange, Sossi was reaching out directly to Tipton, asking him if they could meet in Hidalgo so that Sossi could share the police practices manual for the City of Brownsville, a manual Brownsville Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez and Sossi himself had been refusing to turn over.

The Tiptons
Now, the city was reversing field and offering Tipton the manual, likely responding to the tremendous public outcry generated by Tipton's incessant sharing of articles published in this blog on Facebook.

An alert reader noticed something untoward, likely unethical, in the exchange:

"Sossi was representing the City of Brownsville in this matter as City Attorney.  Tipton had also retained a lawyer, Oscar Alvarez of McAllen.  It was legal misconduct for Sossi to approach Tipton directly in this matter, instead of recognizing his lawyer, yet in the conversations you posted, Jim, that seems to be the case."

We republish the conversation below:


  1. move forward please ...

  2. Way 2 Go Jim !! Keep your post coming because our local news outlets are also corrupt and paid to keep certain stories out of the main stream media. It is to their advantage to go along with these corrupt officials because they know if they don't they will also be targeted by the corrupt BASTARD that are suppose to protect and serve the citizens of our community. Thank you , for shedding light on all of the misconduct

  3. Soooooo glad that some light has been shed on the subject!!!!
    Looks like the door has been cracked for everyone to take a peek! Thank you JIM BARTON for taking note and notice of these SHADY antics of the Brownsville's "finest".
    Crooked politics and back door deals need to be STOPPED.....Tipton and his deceased wife NEED JUSTICE.....along with many MANY other people they have SCREWED OVER in the past and present also!Thank u Jim Barton....and Ralph, for having the balls to stand up for YOUR RIGHT AS CITIZENS!

  4. What did anyone expect ? This unmitigated, miserable, worthless piece of white trash is paid to say it is legal so the system is locked in a catch-22. The jailable actions of ALL of these buddy-humping pieces of shit are ok because they checked with legal.

  5. Buddy-humpinv pieces of shit !! Lmfao

  6. Sossi is a POS !!!!!! That guy is a crook along with his legal staff . Fire the bastard and all of the assholes working under him .



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