Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Voting Continues Light After Three Days of Early Voting in TSC Trustee Race

From the editor:  If Cantu supporters Mayor Tony Martinez and City Commissioner Rose Gowen orchestrated the unavailability of Brownsville's most popular voting location, the Brownsville Public Library and its sister in Southmost, for the TSC runoff between Cantu and Dr. Tony Zavaleta, the duo's manipulation seems to be working.

According to Election Administrator Remi Garza, of the 115,000 registered voters in Cameron County who are eligible to vote in the TSC race, only 360 have done so in the first three days of early voting.  (Yes, the election office misspells Texas.)


  1. Disputable banana republic attempts at voter supressiob! Everybody - don't fall for this crap. Get out and vote!

  2. A friend and I voted Monday. Our two votes made up more than 2% of the entire votes cast for the day. We were an actual percentage. It's outrageous that in a city of 180,000 people, not including Port Isabel and other areas that pay taxes to TSC and vote in this race, that me and my friend's two little votes should carry that much weight.

    Do the other 179,998 people in Brownsville agree with our choice? Would they have preferred the other candidate? Guess it doesn't matter huh. Me and my friend, in less than 5 minutes, spoke for 3,600 people who didn't vote (2% of our city pop). There is reserved parking for you right in front of the courthouse. No line to wait in. Just do it guys.

  3. People, just get out and vote. Staying home will not help anyone. I know. Take my advice and go vote.

  4. This apathy is a result of the damage already done when Kiko, Adela, Rene and Trey took over the board years ago. So much waste and destruction, too late to repair.

    1. And it would have been *so* much better if thet just bent the community over for Mary Rose, Juliet, Tony, etc. Now simply fuck off with your discredited bullshit.

    2. No one wants you back, Julieta! Take Mary Rose "My ass is too big for just one building" with you!

    3. I happened to notice Juliet Garcia voted in this election. I saw her name on the who-voted list from the Elections Office. But did you? Several supporting Cantu, such as Sylvia Garza Perez, her husband, their names appear on the who-voted-yesterday list. In a race with only a smattering of votes per day, each of their votes carry unusual weight in the outcome. Cantu is getting her people out. I can only hope, that those of you voicing strong opinions for Dr. Z on this blog, stop posting on the blogs for half an hour and go VOTE. Your opinions count for ZERO, ZILCH otherwise.

  5. We miss your self-serving fake comments!

    1. You have us confused with failed blogger Duardo Paz-Martinez, the notorious "King of Fake," with, not only amateurishly worded fake comments, but fake writers and, the ultimate insult to the reader, fake stories.

      So half-witted were Duardo's fake comments, that he typically signed them as "a high school student," "a housewife," " a postal worker," etc. Who in the hell would actually sign a comment in that way? LMFAO The guy was a trip!


    2. "The guy was a trip!"

      Look him up on Jerry McHale's blog, who wrote a story about Jerry treating Duardo to a meal at a Mexican restaurant. Jerry was horrified when Duardo reached over and pocketed the tip Jerry had left on the table for the wait staff. America, I think we have a loser!

    3. Damn this is funny! Is this the guy who asked his niece in McAllen to recommend the best local place for fish tacos and then let the niece's young husband pay the bill? Shit! You can't make this stuff up! The guy must be the ultimate pendejo!

  6. Sorry to hear about your wife Nena's failing health. We're praying for her.

  7. The TSC-UT-B partnership was one of Brownsville's best assets. Juliet was recognized for the partnership by Time and CNN. The tea-party antics of Kiko, Rene, Adela and Trey threw it all away. Shame of all of them and on all of you. Ted Cruz didn't get away with it in DC, but the TSC board did. Many of us will never let you forget those realities.

    1. Brownsville's asset? Just how in the hell did you figure that?



                                             It was January 31, 2012, the night Chuck Mattingly was holding a meet & greet at Cobblehead...