Monday, May 2, 2016

Will the Bumbling, Fumbling Mike Hernandez III Learn from his Mistakes?

Mike Hernandez III Touring El Jardin Hotel
(photo by Miguel Roberts, Brownsville Herald)
Perhaps Mike Hernandez III next foray into Brownsville politics will be wiser, more skillful, less obnoxious and offensive. Perhaps.

Mike's initial effort to skew elections at the Brownsville Navigational District and in the Texas Southmost College trustee election has simply been a public relations disaster littered with rookie mistakes likely fueled by bad advice.

Our January 5, 2016 blog article revealed Hernandez to be a successful car dealer in Dallas. We quoted in totality platitudes from his OP 10.33 Facebook page promising to "support only candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who show proven results generating funds from the prospective government agencies in their purview and to support new candidates who show the ability to do so. Also, to STRONGLY oppose any candidate who does not."

These giddy words, innocuous at face value, suddenly became malignant with the revelation that OP 10.33 had hired none other than Brownsville nemesis Carlos Marin, who has for years played city boards to pour coin into his engineering business, Ambiotec, Inc. and also pledged to gift United Brownsville $2,000,000. These obvious red flags proved Mike Hernandez to be out of his element.

OP 10.33 Puppets, Ed Rivera & Raul Villanueva
After all the hype, OP 10.33 hitched their wagons to Harvard graduate Ed Rivera and banker Raul Villanueva.  Rivera, despite a nice paper resume', has been ineffective as a TSC trustee and rarely said a peep in his brief tenure on the Airport Advisory Board.  Villanueva, apparently, is a public service virgin.

In financially backing Rivera and Villanueva, Mike Hernandez is attempting to unseat longtime BND board members Ralph Cowen and Tito Lopez.  None of the candidates have spoken with any clarity on the elephant in the room, LNG.  A decade or so from now, the Port of Brownsville may be littered with a super structural and chemical cleanup they cannot afford, from a number of abandoned LNG sites. 

TSC Trustee Candidate Daniel Pizana
In the TSC trustee race, Hernandez' dog in the fight is young Daniel Pizana who is running against Ruben Herrera. Nena and I were invited to Pizana's outdoor event at Adolio's by both Francisco Rendon and Rene Torres, although we saw neither of the former TSC trustees there. When I mentioned to Pizana that Nena would like to videotape his remarks to the group, Daniel offered that he was a bit "camera shy." We still stuck around long enough to see former BISD trustee and Chinese motorscooter salesman Pat Lehmann take a seat at the head of the table.  TSC trustee candidate Antonio Juarez and frequent candidate Don De Leon also attended.


  1. I'm sorry but I cannot support Dan Pizzana. Not only have I heard very bad stories about him being trustworthy, he dresses like Ricky Martin in 2001. I'm not trying to sound rude but He is not a person I would trust with my children's education. I'm supporting Ruben Herrera.

  2. Jaja... Ricky Martรญn!!! An overdose on self tanner and a saggy ugly jumpsuit. That couple sure is trying hard to look cool and failing at it. Wanna-bes.

  3. About Pizana: "The majority of locals appear to deem Pizana repellant, repulsive, reptilian, oily and gross. How that adds up to winning in this election is a new math I don't comprehend.

    1. What's important is that Pizana is against corruption. He even surrounded himself with smart, successful people who are also against corruption. I'm not saying Pizana's opponent is corrupt but if you vote for Pizana you'll know you're voting against corruption.

    2. A three sentence comment using the word corruption or variant four times does not make a encouraging case for making me want to vote for your candidate.
      TSC needs board members who are independent thinkers with the vision for the future.
      The only issue I have seen Mr. Pizaรฑa briefly discuss is what to do with special needs students once they leave the public school system. Admittedly that is a noble and necessary service, but a TSC board member needs to have a broader scope for the needs of the 21st century student base.

    3. Now my jingoist literary antagonist, let me ask you a question and I want you to think long and very hard about this one.....Have you ever heard ANYONE say that they for FOR CORRUPTION?.....Let us take a brief interlude while we wait for the sun to set and the crickets to come out while we are waiting for an answer.

  4. I voted for Herrera, Trey, Cowen and Lopez!!!

    1. Carlos Miguel Hernandez the TurdMay 7, 2016 at 12:19 AM

      I voted for Pizana, Trey, Eddie and Raulito!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Is Hernandez pigeon-toed?
    You know, pigeon-toed people are some of the fastest runners in tbe world.

    1. Did you know that camel-toed women are some of the sexiest runners in the world?

    2. Did you know if you stroke Raulito Villanueva long enough he'll quiver and white fluid will come out of his head?

  6. I wouldn't buy or lease a car from Mike Hernandez III.

    1. You couldn't afford it.

    2. So what you're saying is that Mike Hernandez doesn't care about Mexican people? #Mexicanlivesmatter

  7. Anybody who used Whore-Hey Sanchez as a representative to sell people on his credibility is somebody with no credibility. Just saying....

    1. Or are they a great concensus builder with a visionary team?

    2. Who is Whore-Hey Sanchez?

  8. Institute Coins English Words Based on Need

    "English words are being created at the rate of nearly 100 per annum," states Dr. Archibald P. Bowlcutt, Distinguished Endowed Chair of Wordology at the University of Fink, just outside London.

    "I'm not referring to assimilated words, promoted because of years of common usage in local idiom, science or the arts. The institute deals with words created for specific needs, not merely promoted because of common usage."

    When pressed for an example of such a necessary word, Bowlcutt smiled, unzipping his leather legal pad.

    "Yes, I have it here. Our latest word to be assimilated into the language is odraud, a noun. The world was generated to satisfy the need for an all-encompassing term for every form of excrement; animal, human and insect. You see, the language contained words for specific forms of animal and human waste, but no universal term encompassing all such. We refer, for example to rabbit pellets, cow pies and several popular terms to refer to human waste.

    Odraud is our new term to describe all forms of excrement; animal, human and insect.

    We are especially proud of the methodology used in coining this new term. The technique of backward masking, utilized in the 60's on vinyl music recordings, was employed to good effect. This procedure masked a highly odoriferous, sulphurous smell of an associated term we rejected because of its offensive nature."

    1. Yes, and it is measured in Kurics, now who should give a shit?

    2. I see what you did there. Odraud is Duardo spelled backwards. Backward to "mask a highly odoriferous, sulphurous smell." ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

      Oh yes, he's a piece of shit! ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja

    3. Please don't be hard on Duardo. His insecurities stem from his not being particularly well-endowed. We did the best we could with what we had to work with.

      Ex-Sugar Mama from Kyle
