Monday, April 4, 2016

Brownsville Beat Reports Ambush and Subsequent Killing of 8 "Drug Dealers" Thursday in Valle Hermoso

From the Brownsville Observer editor:  We reprint this Borderland Beat story about an alleged ambush of  the Fuerza Tamaulipas by drug dealers in Valle Hermoso.  

As with any BB article, its always instructive to read the comments below the article as they give a different point of view.  

Tamaulipas: 8 Suspects Dead in Attempted Ambush

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Fuerza Tamaulipas (Tamaulipas Force) members took down eight alleged criminals in the town of Las Yescas, located in the municipality of Valle Hermoso.

According to the Tamaulipas Coordination Group, the events occurred yesterday afternoon when police officers were unexpectedly attacked by members of a criminal group.

In a statement, they said that in repelling the aggression in defense of their lives, the soldiers shot eight alleged criminals dead, two of them idenitified as JosΓ© Gilberto Castro Arcos, 24, and Juan Carlos Alvarado Quiroz, 19, both originating from Matamoros.

The attack occurred at 13:55, when state police were carrying out patrols along the Victoria-Matamoros highway, and upon arriving at Las Yescas, they were attacked by armed men who were among weeds.

According to the statement, the members of Fuerza Tamaulipas retreated and began to repel the
attack, while requesting support from other members of the Tamaulipas Coordination Group.

Helicopters and federal police officers arrived at the scene, along with personnel from the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense and Mexican Secretariat of the Navy, as well as members of Fuerza Tamaulipas.

After federal forces got a hold of the attack, they secured various rifles, magazines, cartridges, tactical objects, and vehicles that were made available to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Federation so that an investigation can be initiated.



  1. No dejes caer bandera Comandante Rex, Pitula, Bravo-1, y toda la raza de Ciudad Victoria. Que tanto pueden ya durar los traicioneros del CDN demuestren les quien son los verdaderos Z.

    Saludos desde la plaza de la Silla.
    1. They not even zetas anymore they are the traitors, son puras golfitas now
    2. 8:31 FUERZA TAMAULIPAS, the state police did the killing, says the report, it does not say who the dead are, "real zetas" or cartel del norte, or just a bunch of "presumed guilties" or planted, fabricated sitting ducks the police dressed to look like guerrillas sent to run for their lives, I am not going to just believe these facking murdering kidnappers, extorters and robatrocas whatever they want to report...
    3. @1:00PM is right
      Don't believe everything you read.
    4. Los traidores son el Rex y pitula por que el pinche bravo es golfo pendejo. El CDN opera igual i se hacen llamar CDNZ por que ellos sigen siendo zetas no Como ustedes traidores que segun son Zetas pero son golfas . y nunka vuelvan a nombra a nuestro general lazzcano por que el si era zeton y lider de esos pendejos. Hablan de traiciones jaja se les olvidar perros quien les abrio plaza en nvo Laredo cuando llegaron de Matamoros. Por que ustedes no sabian Como jalar nomas secuestra y matar pero pa mover las drogas x Laredo no sabian ni madres y muchoo menos los puntos de los tejas y chachos.le llaman traicionero al z40 cuando el siempre ah sido Z pinches pendejos. Ese dia en torreon les dijo el comandante lazzcano que si algo le pasaria a el que el Trevino queraria a cargo y eso les kalo a todos ustedes .si fueran sido verdaderos zetas seΓ±ores no se fueran ido con las golfas pinches puercos. Hasta tienen las mismas estrategias de las golfas jajajaa. Yo soy de nuevo Laredo y tambien tengo vieja escuela culeros cuando antes zumbava el comadante lazcano y Trevino junto con todos los kaibiles y gafez que los protejian. Quieren LA plaza de Laredo por el pinche dinero pero aki a los chapulines se les corta LA cabeza y esos del grupo bravo Chingen a su madre pinches panochones.en laredo saben onde andamos y ni asi le quieren pelear culones.atte Los Zetaz de Laredo..grupo lima llegando a reforzar la plaza de los chapulines que brincaron.
    5. CΓ‘llate no sabes ni si quiera escribir ni expresarte hay dos tipos de narcos los nacos que son ustedes y los educados que saben hacer las cosas sin derramar sangre que eres tu un pinche naco que no sabe escribir ni hablar primero educate y aprende a trabajar
    6. 10:00 AM

      Mira tu probablemente tenias mucha leche materna en la boca pero el primer zeta que fue a partirsela en nuevo laredo fue el Traca y no las trevis. y ya sabes como termino el traca? traicionado por las cholas que el los metio junto con el espanol como halcones civiles y las trevis le pusieron el dedo y se mato sin recivir el apoyo que el esperaba de ellos cuando los gafes lo escaneaban...
  2. Whatever you may feel about this,tbese are search and destroy things,the sicarios may as well fight,their gettin soaked up whatever happens.They dont wanna get down with soldiers,marina,helis,but they got no choice when their spotted.Imagine it,they know this is it..
    1. Solution, don't drive around in convoys with assault weapons. They are bad people who deserve to be dealt with in this manner.
    2. 1:22PM quick to judge ?

      The police get away with wrong doing daily, not every one is innocent or guilty
    3. 9:10 if I go and tell the polizetas that you are a "sicario" that makes you fair game, then you would see how stupid your use of "sicario" is...
      --It is a bunch of known murderers, kidnappers,extortionists and robatrocas at the service of a murderous state government that makes you believe anybody they kill is a "sicario"...
  3. Ambush?Ok if you say so officer
    1. 9:12 ambush? No truck had windshields or glass shot, no police de la juersa trampaulipass got balazos en el jundillo, nobody got hurt, no enemy weapons shown...comandante Tiro Fijo must have emigrated to the Juersa from Colombia...
  4. so much death in this area of northern Mexico . just like in the old corridos de Ramon Ayala y Cadetes.
  5. How sad. The only KIA's Mexican military personnel get are on their own people and not some skinny sand monkey. How can you Bragg about that?
    1. Best bb comment in a long time!
  6. Damn, they got fucked up. Would set what criminal group was this?
    1. Most likely ciclones from matamoros they control valle hermoso.
    2. Ciclones are out.they are getting killed all over matamoros
    3. wonderful
  7. More Botas wannabes, dead with their pants around their ankles.
    1. Who the fuck is botas
  8. Always great to hear when pond shit gets eradicated. To bad the body count was so low.
    1. 5:17 llo tengo trabajo para unos mexicanos, llo les vΓ³ a dar sus uniformes y botas y cachuchas, y les vΓ³ a pagar muy bien, con bistests de comida, no maruchan como otrozz, los esperroo en el cerro
    2. Its probably higher Hope so, I' ve seen the little shits around town up to no good kill them
  9. Stay alert. Stay alive. - El Sol Perdido
  10. Uuuh, they was lucky, the mexican army covers herself with glory, no one surrendered, again, and no one survived, again, perfect score for the perfect assholes, must be getting paid by the scalp like the Autodefensas Unidas de Alvaro Uribe de colombia...and Buffalo Bill...
    1. Real story: Mexican federales acting on an "anonymous" tip set up road block where suspected drug dealers are to pass by. Having spotted the drug dealers first and sorrounding them the drug dealers are then forced to surrender or face concecuenses. Drug dealers left with no choice surrender. Federales then are told by their commanding officers (very secretely and by whomever those may be), to let them leave but not escape! The federales execute the drug dealers then and cover up their story by saying they where ambushed.
      A few weeks or months later almost every federal that was there gets a promotion at work. Everyone of them gets command of their own troops!
      In Mexico the only way to gain promotions in any law enfocement career is to have at least one killing under your conscious! If you don't kill you don't get promoted. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on who you are), there are lots of people to kill in Mexico to gain promotions!
    2. 7:39 how dare you smear Presidente ALVARO URIBE DE COLOMBIA?
      he pacified Antioquia!!!
      --It is true that Antioquia had no guerrilla movement until Alvaro Uribe arrived and discovered all the business Pablo Escobar and his associates had...
      --and after Alvaro Uribe's Autodefensas Unidas started murdering people to make them abandon their land and steal it, "guerrillas" started appearing dead all over colombia...
      --Guerrillas that were just union members and small farmers Alvaro Uribe chose himself and marked for murder by the colombian army and his own paramilitary...
      --there is people asking since the 90's "why does the US KEEP SENDING WEAPONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and School of the Americas trained murdererin gorillas to colombia as they do to mexico and all the other LatinAmerican countries with all these murders?
      Please note that all the moves and movements, nicknames organization of all the shit in mexico reflect colombia's, all the way to the Oscar naranjo coming to mexico to organize epn's takeover of the presidency...
      --ALVARO URIBE LOOKS CUTE, he must have been abused as a child to become such a callous murdering asshole, like epn, but who is behind both "presidentes"? I know George Soros is always looking for some nice mines, he loves his gold, ever since he stole it off the dead nazi victims teeth, and while murdering and depopulation are "regretable" to him, "the JOB needs to be done"
      --Exactly! Said Henry Kissinger, that Obama has been doing a good job there! 'W' and Bill Clinton did good jobs there too, and the US media (MSM) never had to dig deep there...
    3. Sure , better to arrest them and get let out by a corrupt judge. Kill them.Die how you live.
    4. I think we should also let all the drug users aldo die. No taxpayers money spent on rehab and shit. They also lived the way they wanted!
    5. En Colombia many of the murdering army and paramilitary elements that did his murders to order for him, for a few pesos and promotions, have been singing since the 2010 at least, the US keeps covering up the GENOCIDE...
      --IN MEXICO it is all the same thing, the hour to sing about the state sponsored terrorism murder and genocide is getting nearer all the time.
      La Macarena dumping ground for "NN" (no name) guerrillas marked for murder by drug trafficking president Alvaro Uribe where more than 2 000 cadavers are estimated to be, but ma y were burned and cut in very small pieces, maybe dumped in chilapa Guerrero too, to leave no doubt that General Oscar Naranjo worked in the Colombianization of mexico for epn...
    6. nothing new about promotion it was called body count in Nam.
  11. Ambush but no puercas tampons dead?sound like a extrajudicial killing once again
  12. If I'm not mistaken the first picture on of fuerzas tamaluipas the guys on top of the truck are using shotguns? Lol those guns are obselete
    1. Not if you put buckshot on them. Tamaulipas is fucking hot right now.
    2. I don't know a shot gun from a bb gun, but the tricks say Fuerza Tamaulipas/policia estatal, and we know they are the worst criminals around...
    3. love it
  13. There is word that R1 is returning to tamps and some metros are upset because it seems like toro is allowing him back.
    1. El r1 will never take reynosa nor matamoros.fuck him anyways.
    2. yep the bastard has been hiding in Zantiago nuevo leon for way too long...
  14. Pobrecita narcos are crying a river that their buddies got whacked!
    1. 7:31 and you are soo happy "the government forces won", you could not wait any longer to come and kiss their ass...
  15. From tough guys to worm food!


  1. On Tuesday, Trump revealed his plan to extort $5 billion to $10 billion from our ally to the south: use an anti-terrorism provision in the Patriot Act to freeze all money transfers from the United States to Mexico, until the ransom is paid. In other words, the Trump administration would intercept all the money that Mexican immigrants send home to their dependent family members and wait for the suffering of women and children to force Mexico’s hand.

    “On day 2 Mexico will immediately protest. They receive approximately $24 billion in remittances from Mexican nationals working in the United States,” Trump writes in a memo sent to the Washington Post. “It serves as de facto welfare for poor families in Mexico.”

    According to the Post, $25 billion was sent home by Mexicans living abroad in 2015 — but that accounts for Mexicans all across the globe, not just in the United States. Trump also proposes raising fees on visas and/or threatening to cancel them en masse for Mexican visitors.

    Beyond the plan’s cruelty and diplomatic recklessness, it confirms fears that Trump’s interpretation of executive authority would be expansive. Trump’s plan requires reinterpreting key clauses of the “know your customer” provision of the Patriot Act. To enact such changes immediately — Trump vows to begin extorting Mexico the second he enters the Oval Office — the Donald would need to declare illegal immigration an “emergency” that poses an immediate threat to health and public safety. But canceling visas or limiting wire transfers doesn’t directly limit immigration. Thus, Trump’s plan would invite legal challenge. If it’s upheld, the proposal would spur yet another drastic expansion to executive authority.

  2. Mexico...a failed nation and a failed people. It is about time for the United States to launch a military invasion of this third world toilet bowl and kill ever drug lord and every political and military organization that facilitates the export of Mexico's poison to this country.
