Monday, February 15, 2016

Valley Interfaith Accountability Session Sheds Light on Candidates' LNG Position

Co-Chairs Kevin Collins, O.M.I., Sonia Pizana
Local candidates were put on a short leash at the Valley Interfaith Accountability Session in the metal building behind the St. Eugene de Mazenod Catholic Church Monday night. They could only answer six questions "yes" or "no" and fill out their allotted two minutes with explanations for their positions.

All of the candidates initially said "yes" to $150,000 for lighting in the colonias, $350,000 to extend VIDA outside Brownsville city limits, flooding solutions, economic development and $700,000 to bring ambulance service to rural areas of the county.  Tax abatements for LNG companies was the issue of separation.

Bea Rosenbaum, a candidate for County Commissioner, Precinct 1, made it clear that she is out of step with Laguna Vista, Port Isabel and South Padre Island with respect to huge financial incentives offered to LNG companies: "We have to take each individual company at the time," she stated, not committing to making the multi-billion dollar companies pay their fare share of taxes in Cameron County.

To no one's surprise, Sofia Benavides, the precinct 1 incumbent, nearly copied Rosembaum's response.   

Joseph Cantu, Candidate for Precinct 1
Another precinct 1 candidate, Joseph Cantu, gave background on all six issues before presenting his unequivocal opposition, not only to tax abatements for LNG, but to the LNG industry itself slewing plants from the Port of Brownsville to Port Isabel:  "I worked in the petrochemical industry.  It's not a clean industry, but hazardous to our environment and community."

County Judge candidate Elizabeth Garza, did not get to elaborate on her LNG position in her two minutes.

"They keep saying that natural gas is a clean burning fuel, but the process of converting natural gas to a liquid is not a clean process.  I oppose the tax abatements and  I oppose LNG for our region, heavily dependent on tourism and a clean environment."


  1. The fat dude carrying a dead tired sleeping child has no shame in using this child as a prop to make him appear more like the audience.

    1. It's his kid, you fucked-up motherfucker! Maybe if you cared as much about yours at times other than food stamps or welfare appointments you'd have standing to rise out of your cesspool. Dan takes care of his kids. Do you, you goddamned anonymous pussy?

    2. Ah ha ha ha. That shut that sumbitch up. For-eva!!!!

  2. How can you be so cruel? Dan's babysitter inexplicibly couldn't take care of him and Dan's wife can only be responsible for one of their children at a time. It's in her prenup, but you wouldn't know that. You also don't know that Dan is very self conscious about getting his picture taken. I mean his bra size is bigger than his wife's. He needed his son so he could cope with the stress of being photographed at a public forum. Anon 7:02, Dan is not a one percenter like you. Did you know his household is a single income household? His wife cannot work, she just can't. Lastly, he couldn't get one of his brothers (sisters-in-law) to take care of his son because, why you have to ask so many questions, puto?

    -Not Dan Sanchez

    P.S. But while we're talking about Dan Sanchez, please vote for him. He's good people. Carlos Marin thinks so.

  3. Rosenbaum is right! These companies have to be looked at individually on their merits. If they are too close to PI or Laguna vista for safety reasons that is a consideration, but one is close minded to say no to every single plant based on the no LNG argument. Almost every industry at the port is dirtier than LNG. But if we lost Angels, they'd all be crying.

  4. Rosenbaum should talk about illegal 8-liners her family and her have been involved or are still involved in. We know she is for LNG.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...