Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Palin Endorses Trump; Dumb and Dumber Join Forces in Iowa

New York Times Photo
A day after showing his unfamiliarity with Scripture at Liberty University, Donald Trump gleefully accepted the endorsement of the nutty, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin,  a lady who used to gaze at Russia from her bathroom window.

“Are you ready for the leader to make America great again?” Palin teased the audience at Iowa State University.

“Are you ready to stump for Trump? I’m here to support the next president of the United States — Donald J. Trump.”

Could Trump-Palin be the Republican team for 2016?  It's possible.  These are strange times with Trump's idiotic hate rhetoric, while not going unchallenged, still seemingly effective with a certain constituency.

I recall in 1968 when racist George Wallace resonated with Wisconsin voters in a presidential primary.  Wallace did touch on themes of concern to white voters, but did not make the outlandish, uninformed assertions Trump is making now.
City Attorney Mark Sossi

On the other end of the political spectrum, Brownsville City Attorney Mark Sossi was observed today getting into his older model Land Rover Discovery.  Displayed prominently on the back window glass, "Bernie Sanders for President."  

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