Friday, October 9, 2015

City of Brownsville Has Not Responded to Our Request for Information on City Commissioner's Trip to Washington, DC

Aided by the Public Information Act and swift responses by former City Secretary Estela Von Hatten, we were able to document much of the extraordinary amount of travel last year by our city government.  While the City Commission and city administrators like Pete Gonzalez and Lupe Granado give lip service to economizing and cutting corners, hundreds of thousands of dollars squandered annually with unnecessary travel.

Brownsville Delegation in Fort Worth, 2014
Frequently, large groups from the city go to a single conference, multiplying the expense.  Last year TEN from the city went to the Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference while FIFTEEN went to Denver to seek artificial designation as an "All-America City."  

Brownsville's Much Traveled
Health Director, Arturo Rodriguez
In 2014, Health Director Art Rodriguez spent half of several months in some sort of conference. Adding the travel to his admittedly spending considerable office time readying Brownsville All-America City application, it makes one wonder how much actual work is done serving the health, safety and sanitation needs of Brownsville residents.

With this backdrop, we're disappointed to report that our Public Information Request, submitted to new City Secretary Michael L. Lopez September 22, 2015, concerning a delegation from the City of Brownsville traveling to Washington D.C. for the pope's visit, has yet to receive a response.

Here is the original email:

Jim Barton


Mr. Lopez,

I understand a contingent from the City of Brownsville have accompanied Mayor Martinez on a trip to Washington, DC to see the Pope. How is the trip being paid for? If it is being funded by the city or a taxpayer-funded entity, please share how much this is costing? Also, please indicate which city officials or administrators were included in the trip.


Jim Barton


  1. Only in Brownsville will you see a fat health director fill the position by kissing Gowan's equally fat ass.

  2. Can someone tell me what the fuck is commish Gowan wearing.I wonder what people thought of her in ft. worth dam, needs new digs ever heard of first impressions

  3. Arturo Rodriguez...another obese pig who resembles another obese pig named Dan Sanchez.

  4. He is the health director you would think he would set an example

  5. Gowen looks like a clown, I guess Halloween came early this year

  6. there is so much more to this person and department, including his 2 female secretaries that travel with him everywhere.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...