Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Who's Paying for A City of Brownsville Delegation to Washington, DC for the Pope's Visit?

We've heard that a delegation from the City of Brownsville is accompanying Mayor Tony Martinez on a trip to Washington, DC to see the pope.  If that trip is being financed by Martinez, a man of some means, so be it.  If City Manager Charlie Cabler, whose salary is roughly fourteen times the average per capita income of  Brownsville residents, went along for the ride and wrote a check for the group's travel, hotel and eats, I'm fine with that.

What would be disgusting, inexcusable and morally wrong would be if a contingent from the city of Brownsville went to see the pope, a trip totally not related to their work with the City of Brownsville, irrelevant to making the lives and the city better for the hardworking taxpayers of the nation's poorest city AND allowed those same taxpayers to foot the bill.

I submitted a Public Information Request to City Secretary Michael L. Lopez asking how this trip was financed and for a list of Tony's entourage. 


  1. Hallelujah! Thank you Jim!

  2. The Mayor better know better than that. Let's get to the bottom of this! We know he's a good Catholic and all that but we have no business paying out of our hard earned taxes so he could go kiss the pope's ring. Thanks Jim

    1. Ha Ha ...."a good Catholic ".....that's funny!

  3. They will claim a meeting with someone to justify the trip.

  4. Very Very Very Tetreau and her pinche Louis Vuitton bag are going (because the Pope is into those things).

    From the Brownsville Herald: http://www.brownsvilleherald.com/news/local/article_6c59f54c-61a0-11e5-a6f9-3fbcdef80070.html

    Pinche vieja fea.

    1. Ain't no different than your gaudy ostrich boots and that matching belt, Z, playing chauffeur to a telenovela dude no one knows. Viejo celoso y chismoso como vieja chancluda.

    2. As if we aren't fully aware of our Couny Commissioners assistant who loves to pass along fake stories and create havok for our community, out of BOLDFACE LIES. For your information, my Grandmother's luggage is Louis Vuitton, but because she worked very hard for it. Again, here you are trying to insinuate something wrong when this trip AND LUGGAGE were paid completely out of pocket and have nothing to do with you.

    3. Why would a county commissioner, who prides himself in doing the right thing, hire a convicted felon who bullies those who intimidate him? He even threatened that nice security guard at the Dancy Building who has been there for years. Why? Because he wouldn't follow his orders. He employs a blogger who repeatedly attacks the same women he hates. Geez, Z, it is not Tetreau's fault that you are ineligible to run for office and took the spot you wanted. Get over it already.

    4. Get it right- she collects Hermes, not Vuitton.

  5. Congressman Vela like every other congressman had several of 40,000 White House lawn tickets to give out to people who asked for them. To be on the White House law with a cell phone taking pictures of a passing car all that was required is a ticket [one of 40,000] from Congressman Vela. There is no delegation. Anyone who knows Vela and wanted a ticket got one - nothing special - other than in the minds of the delusional commissioners pretending it was anything but a free ticket from Congressman Vela.

  6. As a Jew, what a contrasting difference I see between two foreign leaders visiting Washington: the humble graciousness and optimistic worldview of Pope Francis in his visit to America, full of encouragement; an opening ... and, on the other hand, the visits and actions this year by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in collusion with Republican and other reactionary strategists, resulting in defensive, cynical efforts at manipulating US politics; initialling fear and backing everyone into a right-wing corner.

  7. And while in DC the Pope canonized a Spanish priest who contributed to the massacre of Native Americans as the Catholic Church sought to destroy local native culture. It is amazing that his trip includes a visit to the Holacaust Museum.....thus honoring one Holacaust in Europe and ignoring the destruction of Natives of this nation.

  8. I agree with the person identified as a Jew. Your comments are VERY TRUE.
    Went to the Brownsville Herald site where it explains the "invitation". I believe anonymous September 23, 2015 at 8:52 AM.
    I saw the Pope's arrival to the US, the mass at the Catholic University Cathedral and will probably watch the mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral all on TV. It's free and in the relaxing atmosphere of my living room.
    I was at a Papal mass in 1979 when John Paul II was in Monterrey. Been there, done that.

  9. They all paid their own way. It seems your plot has failed. You need new sources.

    1. Plot? I simply asked a question, but "thanks" for answering anonymously without facts or evidence.

    2. JIm appartently Jessica Tetraeu and Debbie Portillo posted on their facebook page (after you did your request) that they paid for their own trips wink wink, as well as Jessica's grandma and Debbie mother. Of course Jessica made the most noise by going to the Brownsville Herald and saying that she was CHOSEN TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF BROWNSVILLE, TX IN WASHINGTON DC WHEN THE POPE ARRIVED. HMMM lets see...if she was chosen like she said then why did the mayor Tony Martinez,Commissioners Debbie Portillo, Cesar De Leon, John Villareal and Jessica Tetreu go and not only them but at least one family member as well.

      Here is the kicker Jim that they are going to tell you... that it was a buissness trip to bring greater things to Brownsville, TX. Debbie Portillo posted a picture of herself with Cesar De Leon and John Villareal at the Federal Communications Commission. She posted this:Just finished a meeting with 16 representatives from several government agencies and the Federal Communications Commission. Planning great things for Brownsville.

      So there you go JIm. This is going to be all of their answeres to you. It was business and of course you will only go after Tony Martinez, Charlie Cabler, Debbie, John and Cesar and give Jessica Tetreau a free pass like always.

    3. Grow some balls !!!!! Or get a pair of working ovaries !!!

    4. It was only De Leon, La Portillo y Juan Villareal who claimed they had just talked to representatives from federal agencies mainly FCC when we all know those agencies where closed the day they claim they where there

    5. Mas que pendejos!!!

  10. If Republicans hope Pope Francis will defend right to life and traditional concepts of marriage, I suspect they will be disappointed. If this this pope has proved anything, it's that his vision goes far beyond personal sexual mores.

    He's been invited to give a speech, not a sermon. He's not here to preach but to shake things up. From everything I've read, his desire is to make his audiences - and in this case, leaders who have the power to launch changes - realize the consequences of greed and selfishness on the vulnerable as well as the environment they live in.

    Many have expressed outrage that the church's stance on birth control has played a part on over consumption of earthly resources and the overproduction of carbon emissions. I find that odd when most of the overpopulation is on continents with less development and more war. It's the rich countries like ours that have exploited natural resources for personal gain. I suspect more than a few will be squirming in their seats when the Pope talks about exploitation in general: of people, natural resources, and relationships.

    The basis of most religions is belief that a supreme being created the world. I think Francis will put the onus on members of Congress to protect, not exploit, that world.

  11. http://www.opm.gov/blogs/Director/2015/9/21/OPM-Encourages-Telework-During-Papal-Visit/

  12. What a joke these idiots are, especially , Jessica and Debbie ! "Chosen to represent Brownsville " in Washington when the Pope arrives....HaHaHa........The Pope would rather go to hell than to have anything to do with these miserable , unethical idiots!

  13. Jessica Tetreu made a HUGE ASS of herself with the Brownsville Herald and her facebook posts about her receiving a special invitation to meet the pope. She was about two football fields from him and was among the crowd of thousands. She tried her best to zoom as much as her Tax Payers phone would allow and even then you could only see the tire of the car the Pope was in. What a joke she is. The other commissioners also made mistakes by saying they paid for their trips and posting pictures of themselves outside of closed government building but no one made a huge deal as Jessica did. What a dumb ass she is.

    Thank you Jim for helping her get re-elected by covering up for her.

  14. Zeke stop spreading your hatred and maybe people might start to like you.

    1. I think even the Pope can't swing public opinion into being positive for that human scrotum.

    2. If it's Zeke then he's doing his job exposing commissioner that abuse tax payers money to self promote themselves. Jessica is a fake and everyone is finding out. If it's not Zeke then who ever it is keep it up. We need somebody who doesn't care if the like them or not but is only interested in justice for the citizens of Brownsville TX.

    3. It is only 2 losers Jessica has honestly defeated in elections we all know who the other one is.

    4. Dont know who it is but, they are spot on. Jessica needs to grow up , start doing the job you campaigned for and take the Pope's message to heart: do right by your community. Try harder to resist Carlos Marin and his unethical schemes ,do the right thing for the taxpayers. Giving Facebook a rest would go a long ways to help your image of a brainless bimbo.

  15. We're still waiting for the results of you probe. Or is this story dead because the findings were not what you led readers to believe? It seems these young commissioners are a few steps ahead of you, Jim.



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