Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hahn Communications Own Online Survey Shows the Vast Majority of Brownsville Citizens Did Not Like the New Logo

Ron Oliveira, spokesperson for Hahn Communications, awarded a contract with the City of Brownsville to create a new logo or brand for the city, submitted, as part of his company's efforts; an online survey showing that most Brownsville residents responding disliked his company's new logo.

Notice, in the document copied below, that, while 20% said they either "loved" or "liked" the new logo, almost 80% said they "disliked" it or weren't "sure" about it.

Once again, the Mayor and City Commission ignore the taxpayers, but, instead press on with their own agenda.

Interestingly, when Oliveira rattled off the names of "stakeholders" consulted and interviewed by his company, they were primarily from United Brownsville, the unelected, shadowy board that keeps pretending it runs the city; Carlos Marin, Fred Rusteberg, Oscar Garcia, Jr., Juliet Garcia. . . .

Please notice some very specific objections below to the new logo by those participating in the online survey.


  1. If the city of Brownsville has the option not to buy into this overpriced scam then they should reject this uninspired piece of trash. If not, just tell them the check's in the mail and don't answer phone calls from San Antonio. This is the same guy that works with LMG, the marketing firm hired by Annova to face-paint us into submission. Any one of a dozen local graphics artists, trained here and hungry for work, would have done a much better and way less expensive job and the city would have been promoting local talent. What a novel idea. It always comes down on who you know.

  2. What do you expect from mayor martinez. He sold the City of Brownsville for pennies. He is going to continue wasting taxpayers money. He has the city commissioners in his pockets.

  3. How proud the followers of the greedy Martinez must be....dim-witted Portillo , the soul-less Gowen, and spine-less Villarreal are truly pathetic and have no concern for the citizens wishes.Hopefully one day voters wake up and send them packing.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...