Saturday, July 18, 2015

Running for 2016 Since 2012~"The Art of Self-Promotion" by Luis V. Saenz

Reminding us of the Texas colloquialism "all hat, no cattle," District Attorney Luis V. Saenz never did quite "cut off the head of the snake" of Cameron County political corruption as promised by his 2012 Campaign Manager Zeke Silva.

If that snake's head were indeed Ernie Hernandez, Saenz issued wrist slaps softer than a feather duster while Ernie's underling, Raul Salazar, appears headed to jail for his part in illegally getting a job for Ernie's brother-in-law.

Saenz craves publicity, but only the controlled, sanitized species issued through mouthpiece Melissa (Zamora) Landin, praising his accomplishments, stopping just short of a nomination for sainthood.

Bishop Daniel Flores
The PR surrounding Operation Bishop, a blitzkrieg fueled by Bishop Daniel Flores lament that the 8-liners were drying up Catholic collection plates, gave the operation the look and feel of General Eisenhower's tactics at the beach of Normandy.  The actual depth or shallowness of Saenz' commitment to eradicating the sin of gambling is illustrated in the sale of the gambling devices, allowing them to resurface in Starr County to destroy churches one hundred miles away.  Ironically, some of the monies recovered may have been used to pay Landin's unbudgeted cheerleader salary.

Saenz Peers at his Milk Cow, Amit Li
Former fugitive Amit Livingston must feel like a prized Guernsey, as frequently as Saenz has milked the story of his on/off extradition.  Until recently, only two or three Google alerts have detailed any developments in the Livingston case over several years, none mentioning a Saenz involvement in the extradition process.  As reported by El Rrun Rruns' Juan Montoya, DA Saenz flew to Houston to board Amit Livingston's plane, opportunistically maximizing the PR.  Saenz was there to "steady the Ark of the Covenant," should the prisoner transfer between the marshalls and the Cameron County Sheriff's department wobble or falter.  At the subsequent Saenz press conference following the transfer, the district attorney, flanked by huge information cards, detailing the time line of developments, took credit for the process.

Melissa (Zamora) Landin
There is no need for Luis Saenz to announce his candidacy for 2016.  He's been running 24/7 since 2012, using the trappings of his office and a loquacious Public Information Officer squeezed into the budget.


  1. Luis Saenz's balls are bigger than yours, Jim. Watch out, podnuh, watch out.

  2. I will not be voting for Saenz, or Cortez. Both of these man are up to no good. .. I don't understand why Cortez is running as a republican when he is a Democrat.... Why is the question, because as a Democrat he has no chance of winning, I am a Republican in the Harligen area, and my community is with John Chambers a true Republican....... This is to show you that the Democratic party are just fakers.... They should just stay true to their party...

  3. Luis Saenz is doing his job we will vote for him !!

  4. What the hell is a "Real Republican"????????? If Mr Cortez runs as a Republican and wins, he is an elected Republican. To me that's a real Republican who attracted the people.

  5. You join the long list of bloggers throwing Melissa on their blog for no damned reason. Fool.

  6. You rag on Saenz's "self-promotion"? WELL, you must be one naive dude. He's an "elected" official, Jim. Duh. Get with the program.

  7. Once I had a love and it was a gas
    Soon turned out to be a pain in the ass
    Seemed like the real thing only to find
    Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

  8. at 1:21pm. How do you know Luis balls are bigger than Jim's Mellissa? Quit bragging that you saw Luis Balls. We all know it and now you are confirming it.

  9. The issue is not relative testicle size. That is truly distracting from the length/girth issue which is always popular.



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