Wednesday, April 22, 2015

While Erasmo, Bobby Tussle for "Credit" on Lincoln Park Issue, Tony Grovels, Gowen Abstains

Erasmo Castro
Document-driven blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes calls Brownville mayoral candidate Erasmo Castro "a liar" on the Lincoln Park issue:

"Erasmo Castro proves once again why he is so disliked.
Another big lie by Erasmo - He and his organization had virtually nothing to do with the change of position concerning Lincoln Park.

First, Valley Interfaith look the lead.  Second, Michael Cowen working with myself and many others took the lead to file the lawsuit. We exposed the reality that Gowen's vote is void. 
There is more - but have to go."

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes
Bobby and Erasmo can fight it out for "top honors" in protecting precious Lincoln Park from the carnivorous, ultra-rich University of Texas system.  UT may be rich, with a good football team most years, but they get a solid "F" in public relations.  While the UT Regents backslapped themselves silly at their El Paso board meeting that followed the town hall meeting on Lincoln Park, giddily reminding themselves of the bargain steal they got from a Hispanic community in extreme south Texas, literally the poorest in the U.S., they came off as dumbass goobers.  If UT cannot live without the 49 acres of Lincoln Park, let them write the check for a better park in Brownsville's Southmost barrio, not gloat over stealing it from a naive City Commission fronted by a groveling Mayor Martinez.  En otros palabras, show some class!

While Bobby and Erasmo battle for valedictorian, salutatorian Lincoln Park honors, this blog wrote 72 essays on a multitude of facets of the potential loss of Lincoln Park, starting November 4, 2013.  I don't recall either of the heavyweights weighing in on the issue back then.  In the immortal words of the mortal Charles Barkley:  "I may be wrong, but I doubt it."

Erasmo, in response to the above, states:  

"Bobby was just being Bobby. I agree with Mr. Cowen. I explained to Bobby that the article was actually taken from the Herald as it was written. The same way we have taken stories from this great blog and others as well. I have respect for the great work that Jim, Juan and Jerry do."
All of the foregoing is a prelude to Agenda Item #15 at Tuesday evening's City Commission Meeting: 

"Consideration and ACTION on a resolution to authorize City staff to continue discussions with the University of Texas Board of Regents regarding the planned location of the UT-RGV campus within the City of Brownsville focusing on alternatives to the Lincoln Park site."

The condensed resolution above and its more lengthy sister in the binder is merely a ruse, an apparent attempt to temporarily pacify opponents to including Lincoln Park in any package to placate UT. While it suggests looking for alternatives, it does not demand it. City officials can simply return to the commission with: "We tried, but cannot find an acceptable alternative to Lincoln Park." 

Attorney Michael Cowen evidently fears as much as a portion his comment states:    "But this fight may not be over. The resolution passed last night may just be a way to provide political cover until after the election, and those who want to give away the park may still try to get their way."

Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa
When Commissioner Jessica Tetreau wanted the wording of the resolution to exclude Lincoln Park, City Attorney Mark "It's Legal!" Sossi said essentially "no can do," implying that would require literally moving a mountain in reversing or undoing a previous resolution.  Sossi, as usual, is incorrect.

We will let Mayor Martinez explain, as he did at the February 25, 2013 City Commission meeting:  

"The land offered last time (2/5/13 resolution) are two different parcels, the "Fish and Wildlife" you mentioned(22 acre tract next to Lincoln Park) and the 55 acre tract east of the expressway. TheUniversity of Texas came back to us, to me, and said would we consider the 47 acre tract west of the expressway known as Lincoln Park."

To refresh Sossi's recollection, it was as simple as pie.  Assistant City Attorney John Chosy came foreward the next meeting with a "clarifying" resolution as we reported back then:

"Assistant City Attorney John Chosy presented the action item: 2. Consideration and ACTION on Resolution Number 2013-022, clarifying property to be donated to the University of Texas system if a downtown location is selected for a campus.
(Mayor Martinez and Commissioner R. Gowen)

The "clarifying" was necessary because the first resolution, passed February 5,2013, did not include Lincoln Park, but only a "55.43 acre tract of land" and a "21.5 acre tract of land." Martinez stated the 55 acres were "east of the expressway" and the 21.5 acres were the "Fish and Wildlife" tract. Now, the University had informed Martinez they wanted neither, but instead, the 47 acre tract known as Lincoln Park."

So, when UT asked that Lincoln Park be included, actually substituted in the original resolution, all it took was a "clarifying" resolution, but when Commissioner Tetreau-Kalifa asks that Lincoln Park be excluded from the resolution, Sossi claims it can't be done.  As the nursery rhyme goes:  "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

ADDENDUM:  In the video below, not taken by Nena, but by a shaky amateur, both Ricardo Longoria, Jr. and John Villarreal, to their credit, want to be included "in the loop" regarding Lincoln Park.  

When none of the puzzled commissioners came forward with a motion to approve the resolution, Martinez offered the self-serving explanation that he had unilaterally approached the UT President about seeking alternatives to Lincoln Park.  All of this seemed to be news to the commission as always.  Typically, Martinez insists on consensus, but does not have to skill set to create it. 

After the vote, Commissioner Gowen raised her hand, wanting it duly noted that she had abstained.  Actually, the same legal reason for abstention exists today that existed during the first two votes on conveying property to UT.  She is employed by the same.


  1. He's a con artist. Look for our article tomorrow. Going to be big.

  2. Credit should go to all the people who stood up and let their voices be heard, both at the initial meeting and since then. But this fight may not be over. The resolution passed last night may just be a way to provide political cover until after the election, and those who want to give away the park may still try to get their way.

    To be clear, Mr. Wightman-Cervantes did provide me with valuable information while I was working on preparing a lawsuit, and I appreciate it. Mr. Castro did take the time to appear and speak at the hearing on Lincoln Park, and to encourage others to do so. Mr. Saenz and Mr. Kendall stuck their necks out and took a stand in a situations where others would not have. Valley Interfaith and East Brownsville Little League worked hard to make their voices heard.

    Let's just keep up the heat on our elected officials and vote for those who we believe will protect our city. I don't care who gets the credit for it; just everyone keep fighting until the park is safe.

    1. Jessica Tetreau, John Villareal and Longoria really are borderline retarded. 'Save Lincoln Park' their battle cry yet they squander every opportunity to preserve Lincoln Park. Jessica didn't even show her face at the meeting to vote, but wants all the credit for not voting against it???? Mmmm hmmm.
      These 3 won't miss a public forum to whine about how much they are 'trying' wah wah wah, while trembling and agreeing with everything Tony demands in executive session.
      It speaks to the intelligence level of the city that elected them, or the intelligence level of the Down's syndrome and comatose older people whose bought mail-in ballot votes cast the deciding election votes, that is. Perhaps all the pesticide runoff from the nearby farms in our drinking water or something. Our electorate as a whole, are clearly, not the sharpest tools in the shed.

  3. Bobby was just being Bobby. I agree with Mr. Cowen. I explained to Bobby that the article was actually taken from the Herald as it was written. The same way we have taken stories from this great blog and others as well.

    I have respect for the great work that Jim, Juan and Jerry do.

    1. Compliment from a Real Loser

    2. Erasmo Castro, why are you telling people that our page is full of lies when we have proof.

      Don't forget to tell everyone you are committing election fraud.

    3. Mr Mar, I served with Jim Barton. I know Jim Barton. Jim Barton is a friend of mine. Mr Mar, you're no Jim Barton.

    4. And you are no Ronald Reagan. Miserable

  4. I have noticed a pattern wherein Wightman seems to assume that no else could possibly be doing anything and so, all credit must be his. In this case he may have shared some of the credit but with his need to be the big fish in a small pond I don't think he does this easily. When others are involved it must be very threatening to him based on how much tie he spends debasing other bloggers.

  5. Erasmo Castro is a fake and he lives in Austin, the people who help get his group Brownsville Cheesheads set-up all ran away. Craig Groves put website together for him and you would never see him around this man again. Jim you ran for the hills after Erasmo and his sister attack you and your wife because you did not want anything to with the lies and going after Melissa Zamora at the time over a cell phone tower. He is a clown!!!!

    1. Austin? ? Is he in league with Mayor Tony and the Austin group?

  6. Homosexual marriage will be the end of America, but adultery, divorce and having children out of wedlock won't? Come on.

  7. And Pat Ahumada did the appraisal and testified as an expert witness, vote Pat!

  8. Rose Zavaleta Gowen may not be speaking about the election, but the large "Tony Martinez for Mayor" sign in her yard says it all. Rose is closely aligned (as in asshole buddies) to Tony and as long as he supports her bicycle policies, she will support all his policies. Rose, like Tony, is an arrogant elitist who believes that all of us citizens are beneath her. She wants no discussion for her issues and that aligns well with Tony. The sign in her front yard says it all...even if her lips aren't moving.

  9. Erasmo is a one takes him or his candidacy seriously. The problem is that the half dozen votes he will get from his family and close friend, will take votes away from taking Tony Martinez down.

  10. Why is Luis Saenz covering for Erasmo with his voter intimidation and his residency issue, the latter of which was described in nomorecheezmeh

  11. Castro you can't compare yourself to Bentsen man and Mar punked you. I can't wait go see your lying ass fry foe election fraud. Anyone but you

  12. While "U R Assmo" has no chance in the election and has no real policies in his "campaign", he is a distraction and gives Tony Martinez a better chance to win. Is "U R Assmo" a Martinez supporter who just wants to divert votes???? Just say no to Tony Martinez!!!

  13. No fan of cheezmeh but the nomorecheezmeh page doesn't even make sense most of the time. What is worse: running a page on social media and being known for it or running a page about a page and who is running it and wanting to be known for it?
