Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bobby Wightman-Cervantes Announces the Pending Demise of his Blog, BROWNSVILLE VOICE

From the editor:  Today's announcement by Bobby Wightman-Cervantes, that he is suspending his blog, the BROWNSVILLE VOICE, effective tomorrow, did not come as a complete shock to those who have monitored his recent trips in and out of the blogosphere.  

Here is the essence of Bobby's sayonara declaration:  

"I have access to every governmental agency which is part of Brownsville. The insiders will continue to bring me information and I will continue to guide them. I have not written about everything which is happening.

It is time to move forward. I have turned down too many full time lecturer positions in American Government at both universities and community colleges. I have an offer I want. After yesterday, and a personal matter which has nothing to do with Brownsville, I decided to take the job if I can sell the house. I have a year. I need to attend to my health. I need to finish helping the people who are waiting on me. I will then try and sell the house. My heart is in teaching. It is not an option in Brownsville. Universities and community colleges around the state and in fact country look at my resume and offer me a job. Because of the petty vindictive politics of Brownsville I am not qualified.

It's been a nice ride."
While we wish Bobby well in his new endeavors, to provide some historical relevance for his shocking departure statement, we are resurrecting a three year old story from this blog, dated January 12, 2012, that discusses his last departure from and subsequent return to the blogging world: 

Egomaniac Blogger Wightman-Cervantes Continues to Breath Fire

by Jim Barton

"They that dwell on the Earth shall wonder . . . . when they behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is" (Revelation 17:8).

Some feel this apocalyptic scripture to have been fulfilled when fire-breathing local blogger Bobby Wightman-Cervantes watched his legendary blog descend into the lake of fire only to be rescuscitated, brought back to life by his own egomania. Visionary bloggers Mchale and Montoya refused to witness the death certificate until they saw clear evidence of rigor mortis, or to put it indelicately "the stiffness of death." This was providential as the "wild beast that had descended, now ascended out of the sea with more anger than before." BROWNSVILLE VOICE, Bobby's blog was back!

      Actually, shutting down one's Facebook page, blog or leaving a news group is an ancient internet ploy to engender love, support and devotion from cyberspace. Bobby WC is not the first blogger to threaten to leave his internet followers high and dry. Erasmo Dragustinovis once threatened to shutdown Brownsville Cheezmeh. Too many longtime contributors to internet news groups have issued a lengthy "goodbye post", detailing their reasons for leaving the group only to be back posting within 24 hours. It's a cry for love, for support, for reassurance. Humans need that on the internet and in what little is left of their non-internet life.

In Jerry Mchale's recent poetic lecture on mortality he surmised:

"My passing will be less significant than the splash precipitated by a seagull crapping over the ocean. I will return to my pre-birth state. I will be nothing. I don't know if a conscious supreme power presides over the universe. I do know that I don't figure in any one's plans. Within my limited comprehension of the incomprehensible, I believe that when you're dead, you're dead.

Yes, the fear of not being missed once we depart is a universal insecurity. If we have the means and the cheap labor we can have a pyramidal tomb erected. Or, we can fake our demise on the internet. Whatever works!
      Once out his self-imposed descent into the sea, blogger Bobby came at me with renewed fire-breathing vengeance, charging me with a cold-blooded "shakedown" of district attorney candidate Carlos Masso for advertising dollars and multiple lies in the retelling of the Fly Frontera fiasco story. Actually, I'm sort of weary of talking about Fly Frontera and simply referenced an earlier short post on the subject which evidently omitted appropriate credit to BROWNSVILLE VOICE in blocking the scam. Of course, Bobby's role was executed on his posterior behind a computer, not down at the city commission protesting, speaking against the foolhardy plan. His convoluted conspiracy theory involving Erasmo Dragustinovis, Rodrigo Moreno and Edward Camarillo is a frantic reach even for Bobby.

Bobby's next petulant rant accused me of overt racism by publishing a picture of students at Texas Southern University, the institution from which Justice of the Peace Candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia received her law degree. Actually, it was Bobby who disparaged the school with these initial remarks in BROWNSVILLE VOICE:

"Erin Garcia failed to perform in college and on her LSAT which is why she attended the worst law school in Texas. It is the law school of last resort. It is the law school you go to once you have been rejected by every other law school in the state."

Bobby did not name the school, although Jerry Mchale did. In a followup article detailing the charges and countercharges, I also published a picture showing students from the school. It is a predominately black school, which was reflected in the picture. That has nothing to do with the school's academic credentials, but Bobby portrayed my coverage of the story as racist. Racism and homophobia are frequently used verbal assaults from this fire-breathing internet dragon, but notice Bobby's own expressions in this same article to make your own selection of racist bloggers. Notice how he describes a representative of the F.B.I. he says he met with:

"When I met this little racist shit Karen Chastine she addressed me as Mr. Cervanteeeeees. You would think before the FBI assigns someone to a community like Brownsville they would receive some race sensitivity training - yea - no this is the FBI. I corrected her and told her that under Spanish grammar you drop the second last name and only refer to the person by the first last name and that by the way it is pronounced "Cervantes" not Cervateeeeeeees. To prove her ignorance and imaginary power she went out of her way to say "I'm from the midwest Mr. Cervanteeeeeeees and will pronounce your last name as Mr. Cervanteeeeeeeeeees.This is the best the FBI can do for Brownsville - the assignment of a punk ass Midwestern Anglo with no respect for our culture."

Bobby's use of the expression "punk ass Midwestern Anglo" displays, not only overt racism, but regional bias. So, who really is the racist shit?
But there's more. As the proverbial pot calling the kettle black, Bobby continues with remarks directed at Commissioner Zamora and Brownsville Cheezmeh:

"As an elected official promoting cheezmeh's public forum makes her a supporter of cheezmeh's active demand to vilify Jaime Gonzalez and defend the indefensible - it makes her a supporter of their racist, homophobic and antisemitic jokes."

Even with all of the above being said, it is obvious that the frequently ill-tempered, sometimes irrational Wightman-Cervantes has played a huge role in researching the many twists and turns of political corruption in our community. We welcome his blog's ascent out of the abyss.


  1. Who cares? Blimp, just go away. You add nothing and improve less

  2. If he connected Melissa to Cheezmeh, what does he think about Jessica? We will never know because he is abandoning us. Don't leave us hanging!

  3. Blimp will not be missed. No one is in this town

  4. I have a prediction. If he does, in fact leave for a teaching job, it will not last long. He will soon be expressing to his employer how much smarter he is than they are and how much better he can do their job than can they. It will end with Wightman getting the boot and a lawsuit. He will have forgotten how he damned BISD board members for their lawsuits taking money from students and do his best to get what he can. I will also bet his resume did not include that he has been disbarred. I'll say one reason he failed to say where he is going is because he is fearful that someone will rat him out. Not just that he is disbarred but everything else.
    I say good riddance. This pompous, bombastic bully took sole credit when people he will never know about worked behind the scenes in a low key, effective way to influence change. Change he probably sincerely believes he caused by name calling and threats.
    I was recently amused when he went on about his ability to disagree with others yet be respectful, polite and not take personal umbrage. So, according to this hypocritical bully, you should shake hands with him and not take it personally when he calls you a liar, a felon, a moron, corrupt and a conman. I say this is a little too far from agreeing to disagree.
    It will be interesting to see how long it takes for Kaplan College to wise up to him.

  5. You are right Jim, the blimp is crying out for attention. He posts the comments that say, "good job blimp, keep up the good work" but he rejects the ones that call him on his bullshit lies, which are many to mention.

    The blimp always leaves himself an out, just watch, he will be back and say that it was because of the millions of request for him to come back.

    The blimp and the hoards of people that live in his head need his blog, it is the only thing that makes them feel relevant in a society that has shunned them for their vindictive actions on countless of victims.

    So the blimp waits on his computer to see how many of his millions of readers will offer words of support and encouragement.....don't hold your breath blimp!

  6. Already more comments here than he was able to muster up in the whole of yesterday. My, oh my how the mighty have fallen. Good riddance, ya nerd.

  7. Please don't give him a reason to come back (like he would ever leave) by writing nasty comments here or anywhere. You only give him the tiny morsel of hope and relevancy he desperately yearns like the subtle tip of a half-melted Popsicle stick on a hot July summer.

  8. "If I can sell my house". This is the classic out. Of course, he can sell his house. However, he will put a price on it so high no one will touch it. Then he can say he had a great, secret job offer but had to turn it down because he could not sell his house. Just wait, this guy is going nowhere.

  9. The parable of the cat and the litter box. He may promise to bury,but the box remains.

  10. Que se vaya a la verga que es lo que le encanta Pinche vato tiene todos los defectos es joto panzรณn y feo su mama lo aborto

  11. The blimp only four comments posted from his "thousands" of followers wishing him well. And, he probably wrote half of them.

  12. You know that dpm is talking shit about you and nena. POS Bastard!

  13. That tub of lard is one fucked up jerk. Today he loves but tomorrow he is going to call the FBI on you. He knows everything and everyone else is a moron or a distractor or both. His head will probably explode some day from so much venom. He is the devil incarnate. Good riddance and don't let the door hit you on your way out.

  14. Such hateful comments. Ya'll still kicking a man whose down on his luck? Maybe he's talked @@#@# about people, but haven't all the local bloggers done the same thing.? Adult bullying at it's finest . Bunch of jaibas. All you who make fun of overweight people and who are different than you, must have a perfect physique and truly walk the line in life.

  15. Well, that didn't last long. He is "back" on some lunatic rant.


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                                                              Brownsville Mayor John Cowen, Presidente Municipal de Matamoros, Beto Granados...