Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Attention: Commissioner John Villarreal! District 4 Eyesore, Deathtrap at 353 E. Levee Street


  1. John Villarreal doesn't care about District 4, all he Cares about is making Tortilla's and taking pictures.. Your not in high school commissioner your a grown as man, fix the problem..

    1. "Your" so classy. "Your" the problem with this town. Go back to Mexico.

    2. Brownsville is in Mexico!

    3. "Go back to Mexico" You idiot he is already in Mexico. It is called Brownsville, Mexico, de facto.

  2. This eyesore probably exists because the Brownsville Historical (aka Hysterical) Assoc. has not approve either renovation or leveling of this structure within the historical overlay. The Brownsville Historical Association and Peter Goodman (along with his left hand man, Calvin Walker) are a hindrance to progress downtown. Their goal is to make it impossible for property owners to take action to protect or tear down shacks within the historical overlay.....unless they are property (shacks) from the Stillman family that have no historical relevance here in downtown.

  3. The former employee, Lauren Greene, alleged that "Blake Farenthold regularly drank to excess, and because of his tendency to flirt, the staffers who accompanied him to Capitol Hill functions would joke that they had to be on ‘red head patrol' to keep him out of trouble." Her lawsuit claimed that the congressman frequently attempted to gauge her sexual interest in him. "The Congressman is eager to respond to Ms. Greene's allegations through the appropriate legal process," Farenthold's office responded. "[We are] confident that once all of the facts are revealed, he will be cleared of any wrongdoing." Last week, BuzzFeed's "Andrew Kaczynski" unearthed Farenthold's ownership of "," purchased in 1999 likely as a "cybersquatting" investment in a potential URL desired by porn makers. "Farenthold did not use the name and does not intend to renew it," a spokesman said.

  4. Anon at 9:30, and "your" not in elementary anymore. You should've learned how to spell. Fix your brain.

    1. Eat cagada, you dickless pendejo! No one focks with me, buey!

  5. This is a Brownsville Heritage District (CoB) problem -- not Brownsville Historical Association problem. ~ Javier R. Garcia

  6. No it isn't. It's pining for the fiords. Wonderful bird, the Norwegian Blue. Beautiful plumage!

  7. I am sure Comm. Villarreal will fix it as long as it is in his power to do so. I have seen many other homes on other parts of the city that have not been properly dismantled. Hopefully there is some type of Grants this city could use to fix this matter. Solutions people... call your elected officials and find out what can be done. Do not attack before educating yourself.
