Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why Abraham Galonsky Supported Moving Lincoln Park Next to the Sewage Treatment Plant

A. Galonsky
73 year old Abraham Galonsky spoke softly into the microphone at the town hall meeting at the Tony Gonzalez Gymnasium about the proposed sale and transfer of Lincoln Park.  "I'm in favor of moving the park," he stated very simply.

The City of Brownsville has been very good customer for Galonsky's land tracts and buildings.  In 2012 he sold the city La Casa del Nylon 1304 E. Adams St. for $2,300,000, about triple its value.  The
Homeless couple living under awning
at Casa del Nylon as building bought
for $2,300,000 sits idle
city has not found a use for the building yet and doesn't receive any tax income from it.  A win-win for Galonsky. A few years earlier he sold a tract of land near Wild Rose Lane to be used as a command center.  That hasn't happened yet.

What could possibly motivate Mr. Galonsky to attend the town hall meeting on the sale of Lincoln Park and support a sale so overwhelmingly opposed by the majority of citizens?  We've learned that Mr. Galonsky owns the 30 acre tract of land adjacent to the 98 acres the city owns next to the sewer plant. He may be hoping the city will move the park next to his tract and eventually buy his property.

Sale of Lincoln Park to UT May Be Voided According to Bobby Wightman-Cervantes

University of Texas Clinical Research Unit
800 W. Jefferson St. Brownsville, TX
Medical Director:  Dr. Rose Gowen
Bobby Wightman-Cervantes of the BROWNSVILLE VOICE is reporting that the University of Texas gave the UT Clinical Research Unit $5,000,000 for diabetes research in exchange for the City of Brownville selling Lincoln Park to UT for $6.5 million, well below fair market value.  Dr. Rose Gowen is the Medical Director of the Clinic.  She did not disclose this conflict of interest to the City Commission, but unethically participated in voting on the sale of Lincoln Park to her employer, UT.

According to Wightman, Gowen's failure to disclose that she was employed by UT, a clear conflict of interest, makes the City Commission vote to sell the park vulnerable to be ruled null and void.  He states that the evidence will be presented tomorrow to District Attorney Luis Saenz, the Department of Justice and the Texas State Attorney General.

Of course, the sale of La Casa del Nylon, unethically and likely illegally negotiated by Tony Martinez' law partner, Horacio Barrera, also warrants investigation.


  1. The Mayor never completed the voting on either motion. Three commissioners voted aye on the first motion (Tetreaux's) and there were no nays...because he knew how they would vote....he never asked for the vote of the nays on the first should be considered as having passed. The second motion he never called for the nays either, he only called for the ayes. Since there were four it's obvious, but on the first motion someone might have abstained and it would have been a tie. What a rookie, the Mayor is. The Motion of Tetreaux's did actually pass because there were no nay votes. How arrogant to assume how the other commissioners are going to vote. They weren't even required to go on the record. This commission is a joke. I hope Luis nails them.............GO LUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You trust Blimp? Oh, boy. Crazy shit, Jim. He's always wrong!!!!

  3. Ahumada is pimped by Golonsky. Ahumada has made Golonsky millions at taxpayer expense.

  4. You Stupid dumb ASS!! Mexicans The Jew Abraham is fucking you all Right in the ASS!!!! jajaja you all deserve to get Fucked! Morons all of you!!

  5. With the lawsuit against the park sale now initiated, hopefully there is a follow-up on the Golonsky- Martinez real estate shenanigans. Both greedy bastards should do prison time!

  6. Thank you, Jim! I appreciate you keeping us citizens informed of what transpires in our city. Most of us are not aware of what is happening in our city and we rely on honest sources for our news.

    Unfortunately, I tried to thank you last night and my comment did not post.

  7. Has the Tony Martinez administration done anything ethical? They have no ethics or integrityand treat the citizens as idiots.Tony and Rose Zavaletta Gown are autocrats who believe what's best for them is best for all. The rest of the city commissioners are just along for the ride and are novices to the arrogance presented by Tony and Rose. Abraham Galonsky supports Tony because he knows he can manipulate Tony to support policies that profit Mr. Galonsky. So sad for this community and for those who pay the taxes used to fund the wild speculation of Tony and his band of corruptors.
