Monday, November 17, 2014

UT's Irv Downing, Mayor Tony Martinez At Odds Over Details of Lincoln Park Deal

UT Operative Irv Downing
It almost seemed as if the University of Texas had zero concern about fallout from unnecessarily taking a popular city park from the country's poorest community, a 90% Hispanic one at that.   Did UT lose its public relations acumen crossing the Nueces River?

Then, we learned that UT reps did indeed meet with some leaders of the "Save Lincoln Park" movement after the town hall meeting October 30.  

Irv Downing, a holdover official from the Juliet Garcia administration, is said to have attempted to smooth some of the ruffled feathers of Valley Interfaith and other like-minded citizens in a meeting held about a week ago.

"Mr. Downing explained that it was never the University's idea to absorb Lincoln Park," mentioned one activist who attended the meeting.  "That was the city's idea."

Of course, the ultra-rich University of Texas, once seeing and hearing the hurt, anguish and frustration expressed by half a hundred Southmost residents in a two and one half hour public meeting, could have simply backed out.  They still can.  

The irony is that Juliet Garcia, in a whirlwind tour of potential properties, took the UT Board of Regents to the East Avenue property where the city wants to relocate Lincoln Park.  The regents found the property unacceptable, likely holding their noses.

But, getting back to HOW Lincoln Park got included in the so-called deal to keep UT "downtown," let's allow Tony Martinez words from the February 25, 2013 City Commission meeting including the Lincoln Park resolution to speak for themselves:  

Mayor Tony Martinez
"The land offered last time (2/5/13 resolution) are two different parcels, the "Fish and Wildlife" you mentioned(22 acre tract next to Lincoln Park) and the 55 acre tract east of the expressway.  The University of Texas came back to us, to me, and said would we consider the 47 acre tract west of the expressway known as Lincoln Park."

So, while UT's Downing evidently told members of a community organization that the idea of transferring Lincoln Park originated with the city, Martinez states it was the University's idea.  

Assistant City Attorney John Chosy presented the action item:  2. Consideration and ACTION on Resolution Number 2013-022, clarifying property to be donated to the University of Texas system if a downtown location is selected for a campus. 
(Mayor Martinez and Commissioner R. Gowen) 

The "clarifying" was necessary because the first resolution, passed February 5,2013, did not include Lincoln Park, but only a "55.43 acre tract of land" and a "21.5 acre tract of land."  Martinez stated the 55 acres were "east of the expressway" and the 21.5 acres were the "Fish and Wildlife" tract.  Now, the University had informed Martinez they wanted neither, but instead, the 47 acre tract known as Lincoln Park.

Based on the wording of the resolution passed 2/5/13, coupled with Martinez' explanation, it appears that including Lincoln Park in the transfer was an idea originating with the University.

Assistant City Attorney John Chosy
John Chosy, before presenting the resolution, stated:  "We have not yet learned if donating land to the University is legal."  He asked that the phrase "if legally possible" be included in the resolution.  Martinez, cutting Chosy off before he could explain his rationale, said he respectfully disagreed and would not support including that language in the resolution.


  1. the university never selected a downtown campus. They simply stayed where they were. The idea of the gift was if UT took all the properties the city bought in anticipation of giving those properties to the UT System. (IE: the cueto bldg, casa nylon, city plaza, etc.)

  2. The only viable place to have the campus is the North Expressway. In this way, students from the center of the county would have a chance of commuting. As it is now, it is quicker to go to Edinburg for them. Another abject failure of leadership for the benefit of cronies.

  3. It appears the Irv Downing is now hauling the wood for Juliet Garcia....she doesn't have the moral courage to speak for herself on this issue. Irv Downing seems to be throwing Tony Martinez "under the bus" on the park give-a-way. Both are doing the bidding for Juliet now Juliet, through Irv Downing, is trying to deny that this give-a-way was initiated by her.....a "mordida" to get her new position. I am absolutely convinced that Juliet wants Lincoln Park to be the site of her new UT headquarters.

  4. Boy, what a bunch of whiners! Get your asses to a job, you freakin' stupid Mexicans. Tired of supporting you, dudes. No one works in this town, but shit they comment all day long. Losersville! A municipal park grabs their attention when it's job listings they should be reading! tired of this lazyAssed town. Fuck it!

    1. If you're so tired of this town , get your ignorant , racist ass out of here! Worry about supporting yourself pendejo, if you even work!

  5. Irv Downing and Tony Martinez are playing "Good Cop, Bad Cop" with the community. Both are aiming for the same result....the give-a-way of Lincoln Park to serve the needs of their Queen...Juliet Garcia. This is a game designed to give the public them impression that "someone cares", but in reality both Irv and Tony are on the same side and seek the same result.

  6. To anonymous above, I have a job and probably pay more taxes than you. Obviously you are not Hispanic, just another red neck spouting off the hear the marbles in your head bump against each other.

  7. Why does Tony have a city attorney if he has no need for legal advice. Same on John Chosey for not making his position known before going into the meeting. Tony is just a total asshole.

  8. Wholly Toledo, what a fuss! The main campus is going to be in Hidalgo County. The HQ is going to be anywhere but Cameron County. Didn't you read the papers!? UT did not accept the City's proposal for a campus downtown but is stuck with its buildings in Ft. Brown, so the City doesn't owe anything to UT. Downing is simply telling the obvious. The City has to know that. UT doesn't want the park but has to play nice for the cameras. Martinez is just being hard headed. UT will never build anything in that land but a parking lot, if that. This is all a bowl of nuts.



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