Friday, October 31, 2014

John Villarreal Vomits on Brownsville Taxpayers~Rick Longoria Auditions for Toastmaster

Town Hall Meeting Audience at Tony Gonzalez
Park Gymnasium
The morning of the Town Hall Meeting about Lincoln Park started off with a John Villarreal quote in the Brownsville Herald.  While we had waited three long years for Commissioner John Villarreal to say SOMETHING, now we would just as soon he maintain his silence.  

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."  Mark Twain

"District 4 Commissioner John Villarreal said the relocation of Lincoln Park to a plot on the other side of the expressway would put the facility closer to the neighborhoods that use it most. “We feel usage will go up,” he said, explaining that the $6.5 million the UT System is offering will be more than enough to replace the amenities currently available."  Brownsville Herald, 10/30/14. 

Commissioners Gowen, Villarreal, Tetreau,
UT's Irv Downing, Commissioner Rick
Longoria in Superman T-Shirt
As several speakers pointed out at the Town Hall Meeting in the Tony Gonzalez Park Gymnasium Thursday night, land in the vicinity of Lincoln Park is priced at $450,000 per acre.  Simple arithmetic, obviously beyond Villarreal's skill level, would place the value of the Lincoln Park's LAND ALONE at $21,600,000.  Add two ballfields, a garden center, two nature trails, an amphitheater, basketball courts, barbecue area and parking and it becomes painfully obvious that UT's offer of a mere $6.5 million is pathetically low ball.   Don't forget that Rose Gowen wants at least $2 million from UT's donation for Belden Trail amenities and Deborah Portillo is lobbying for a pet project.  Rick Longoria will settle for having the replacement park named after him.  Commissioner Jessica Tetreau is on record as against the sale of the park.

While letting the videos posted earlier speak for themselves. a large segment of the audience opposed the sale or transfer of Lincoln Park.  Commissioner Tetreau applauded with them.  Many of them were connected with Christ the King Catholic Church and Valley Interfaith. 

The meeting opened with video by the city and UT, followed by a strange BPUB slide presentation on reducing the odor at the sewage treatment facility next to the are proposed for the new park.  Some questioned why the utility had not acted in 25 years to reduce odor if they had the capabilities.  One visually impaired commenter, who stated he routinely walks by both of the cities treatment plants, claimed they both "stink."

Commissioner Rick Longoria, who moderated the meeting, meticulously explained that the Superman t-shirt he was wearing was not meant to "make a statement."  Few bought that argument since his home is only two blocks from the meeting hall and the town hall meeting had been scheduled for several weeks. Acting as Superman, Longoria led the audience in pledging allegiance to the United States and the State of Texas, then gave an invocation, a prayer to a supreme being, then crossed himself.  When I presumptuously suggested to City Manager Charlie Cabler that the microphone used by public commenters should face the three hundred in the audience, not the four commissioners, Longoria shouted to Cabler:  "Jim is not running this meeting.  I am!"

If Longoria came as Superman, Commissioner Gowen came as Ms. Bored Stiff.  That would be an appropriate posture for someone who not only has made up her mind about Lincoln Park, but is already mentally spending a hunk of the ransom money on the Belden Trail.  Someone in the audience claims to have noticed Longoria, Gowen and Villarreal texting on their phones when those obviously opposed to the park transfer spoke.  

The Lincoln Park matter is scheduled for a City Commission meeting to be held November 4. 2014, which also happens to be Election Day.  Some citizens will face a choice of voting after the get off work or going to the 6:00 PM City Commission meeting to protest the sale of Lincoln Park.  The scheduling is perhaps as well thought out as the transfer agreement between UT and the City of Brownsville.


  1. That the UT Board of Regents would lend their authority to this perverse spectacle indicates a degree of cynicism unsurpassed since the days of “we serve whites only, no Spanish or Mexicans.” One would expect more from them than the local, pitiful politiqueros.

  2. Lost in you, barton, is the promise of change. Change is good. A city park? That's worth all the aggravation you're laying on yourself? Fucking city parks are little-used venues. Do the research.

    1. That may be true in your area, but not Brownsville. Brownsville parks are certainly used. Try finding a picnic table on a holiday. You simply are out of touch with the city and its customs. Do some research and then some thinking.

    2. They don't allow yard sales in parks. That is why he hates it.

  3. Is there any indication of what UT plans on the Lincoln Park site????? Other property has been bought by the city for UT....and to date none of it has actually been made a part of any UT programs. Is this something UT wants or is it something Julieta wants to give to UT...possibly for her offices. Juliet surely has a hand in this real estate shell game. To date the city is out missions and none of the property has been or is being used by UT. Behind the scenes Julieta is pulling the strings and is surely the person pulling Tony Martinez's cords.

    1. Why not put the Institute of the Americas in one of Antonio's empty buildings downtown where world famous dignitaries can savor the ambiance of the "Entertainment District" in all its New Orleans splendor while they discuss "vibrant" cross-border flying bullets?

  4. I doubt Julie needs 45 acres for her "institute". I would guess 500 sq. ft. would suffice. She has to be past her middle sixties. Is that not a little late to start a new career in a made-up job? But, I guess it is fair. The upper-valley gets a medical school and the main campus and Brownsville gets a satellite, shrinking campus, plus a dubious "Institute of the Americas". No one on the Board of Regents must be aware of the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and Benson Latin American Collection in Austin.

    1. However, she did say it was going to be "like" the Aspen Institute. If that is the case, why not call it the Half-Aspen Institute?

  5. Why didn't Pat Ahumada show up?

  6. Hey Jim, I drove down 7th St. today and it looks like the "Stillman shack" is being "rebuilt" with more rooms and space that the orignial shack. Have Peter Goodman and the Historical Society dispensed with their requirements to maintain historical perspective. This shack has taken on a new life and we wonder who is paying for this eyesore.

  7. Pat Ahumada was there. He spoke and gave Rick Longoria a certified appraisal of the value of Lincoln Park.

  8. Everyone should have spent the time wasted in that meeting doing something you like. It's a done deal, what we say is of no importance and will not influence the outcome one little bit. Kudos to all the folks that tried.



   When Donald Trump walks among the world's leaders, he's tolerated, but not respected, like a little rich kid who has bigger toys ...