Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Deborah "Little Debbie" Portillo: "Lincoln Park Is A Done Deal!"


  1. She is a idiot.. Like rose...

    1. Your Abuela, la Buena Nalga, is the idiot. Vieja jedionda!!!!

  2. If its a done deal, then the public hearing sponsored by the city is a farce. No doubt that Tony Martinez and his friends have no respect for public comments on anything, but here the city is giving a valuable piece of property to the UT System which will never benefit this city. UTB will probably make it a parking lot. Julieta is gone, but it seems Tony continues to follow a path laid by her.

  3. If its a done deal, then the public hearing sponsored by the city is a farce. No doubt that Tony Martinez and his friends have no respect for public comments on anything, but here the city is giving a valuable piece of property to the UT System which will never benefit this city. UTB will probably make it a parking lot. Julieta is gone, but it seems Tony continues to follow a path laid by her.

  4. Debbie is a local treasure! Smart and coy.

  5. Rosa la que me la rosa a manadas pinche ginecΓ³loga mediocre que no sirve para nada ni como doctora ni como mama ni como conmocionada como mΓ©dico no creo que sea buena por que si fuera buena no tuviera tiempo para andar de comisionada como mama los hijos no quieren saber de ella ni lsu hija la adoptada ni su hijo el dtogadicto mejor atiende a tu familia pinche vieja nefasta

  6. Say it ain't so Jim... Say it ain't so :(

  7. If true, it is unbelievable. As mayor or commissioner, our duty is to protect city assets for the taxpayers who made it possible. Unbelievable! Ugh!

    1. Was, Pat....your duty was.....Thank God!

      -La Verga Vengadora

    2. Why do Tony and Rose continue to pray at the altar to the ass of a dead god?

    3. Anonymous at 11:50.....learn to read...what Pat says is true...that is the duty for whomever is in office....he's not saying it's his duty now....grow up valadez!

    4. Learn to read, 8:53, he said "our duty is" you simpleton.

  8. Yeah, you got that right Anonymous, thanks to you! Was, now be happy.... you got people squandering city assets, taxpayers money, rapinag utility rate payers, doing all kinds of illegal and unethical things. In spite of your thinking, as citizens we have the right not to like it and including the Was Anonymous 11:50 pm. For those who do not like how our taxpayers are being represented or fleeced, be sure not to go by Anonymous preferences at our next election, because he could care less how taxpayers millions are being spent. Next time you hear this kind of thinking, ask yourself how idiots like this one thinks he speaks with authority... LOL! Follow this kind of person and he will take you to the black hole.... You are a joke...

    1. Pat, your reign as mayor and your commission meetings were a joke. But keep telling yourself that you were the best, you drunk dognapper!

  9. Anonymous 12:37, say whatever you want, the accomplishments and results is what counts. The joke is on you, as taxpayers today have no advocate on the commission or you call the squandering of taxpayers money your accomplishment. Besides the coward that you are, you are delusional in believing Brownsville is better off with what you have elected.. .

    1. You have it all wrong, Pat. I know the current commission is self serving. Just glad that we no longer have to put up with your embarrassing drunk ass as mayor.

  10. It's just a show to appease the leadership ( that is the friend of the friend of the multi ultra rich friend) of we are all concerned about this and need your input! Still intend to be there .. regardless! Shamefull , taking from the most vulnerable to appease the filthy rich!!

  11. How does Portillo face her family with the way she has been helping the mayor and Gowen destroy the city? Educated and yet still a mindless puppet going along even knowing that what they are doing is wrong....sad and shameful!

  12. PORTILLO puts out a space x ad that is so full of shit.....totally in contrast to the crap she's helping to pull off with Lincoln Park. ..all the low stuff she does will come back to her eventually. ...what a huge disappointment she turned out to be.
