As an octogenarian, Morris once lived in a world where cell phones and electronic devices did not exist, nor did radar, ball point pens, silly putty or canned beer. Inventions and technology have literally exploded during the last eight decades, including both atomic and hydrogen bombs.
We're told that two very distinct worlds, a pre-technology one of day's gone by and the current technological world, may have collided at the Best Western Motel of Harlingen, TX for this month's Republican Party Meeting.
An observer informed us that signs prohibiting the use of cell phones were posted around the meeting room local Republicans used for the recent meeting.
When a young mother answered her cell phone during the meeting, she was quickly ushered out the door by Cameron County Constable, Precinct 1, Pete Delgadillo, used by Mr. Morris as sort of a security guard. Once outside the room, the attendee tried to again connect to her family via cell phone, but was told by Constable Delgadillo that she could not use the device adjacent to the meeting room.
![]() |
Constable Pete Delgadillo |
When some in the room explained to Morris that they used electronic devices to make personal notes of important aspects of the meeting, they were told to use "old-fashioned paper and ink." As noted above, before 1935, that would have been using the old fountain pen, liquid ink from a bottle likely secured in an inkwell.
Paper, of course, has been used for centuries, whether ancient vellum from cow's hide or papyrus, at first in scrolls, but later in the modern codex or book form.
While Morris has not prohibited most forms of writing, ancient and modern, he has taken a stand against cell phones and electronic devices.
Ironically, near the close of this month's meeting, another cell phone went off. It belonged to Frank Morris, who waved off the interruption with the words: "I hardly use the thing. I don't think I even know how to make a call."
No doubt other local Republicans will have a different recollection of this meeting as described above. We invite those corrective comments.
Is this dude one of our founding fathers that just walked off the "Back to the Future" DeLorean?
ReplyDeleteRoman, duuuuuude, your cinematic tastes are getting a bit highbrow for you, aren't they? Duuuude....
DeleteI dress myself!
DeleteThis seems to indicate that Frank Morris is a dinosaur and the Republican Party of Cameron County is not living in the real world. Just another way to hinder public participation in the process. Frank Morris doesn't seem to be able to adapt to new technology and instead of learning and being a part of progress, he wants to drag citizens by the hair back to the dark ages....where is feels more comfortable.
ReplyDeleteNo, it indicates that there are problems with people using devices to cause disruptionduring an event, in this case a meeting. It has nothing to do with being old, it has to do with some of the control freaks who want to dictate what the entire party can do by making trouble and twisting facts.
DeleteHow do cell phones cause a disruption, Alex? Tell us!
DeleteYour face causes a disruption. does your smell.
DeleteVery mature, Alex. Tell us the real reason why Frank isn't allowing the opposition to use cell phones.
DeleteI thought NOBODY could have a phone, but now you admit it is the "opposition" who has an issue. Lol. Are you all special? I know you feel entitled but come on now....stoo being brats.
DeleteFrank had his cell phone on and it rang. Good enough for me but not for thee.
DeleteSomeone probably related to Frank's inner circle used a DDS (electronic device) during the meeting. Crickets....
So if phones are prohibited for everybody, Alex. How did a certain party gordito take the pic of Tad that was put up online? That is selective enforcement!
DeleteI like gorditas with cheeze.
DeleteThat's why you're so fat Alex!
DeleteThe doctor said I wouldn't have so many nose bleeds if I kept my finger outta there.
DeleteNo. He got here via phone booth with Bill and Ted
ReplyDeleteTed Hasse does not arrive anywhere via phonebooth. He rides in on his unicorn from the kingdom he rules and his genius is appreciated. After all, he says he is God's gift to the poor simple fools of Brownsville.
DeleteInteresting that the more colorful events of last night are not covered.
ReplyDeletePlease share those events with us if you're able.
DeleteThey involved somebody crying in the bathroom because she did not qualify to be a precinct chair and had not been vetted. She felt it was unfair that she would have to provide proof of her eligibility. Others tried to console her, once she stopped screaming at them from the bathroom and finished contacting whoever she needed to on her phone to complain about the unfairness of being asked questions to determine her eligibility.
DeleteTed Hassehole or something like that tried to stop people from being elected as precinct chairs and participate in the process. He did not want to allow people to become politically invoved unless he, Tad, ordained them. Mr, 163 IQ who said he was "smarter than anybody in the Valley" was the one to leave in another round of humiliation and defeat
DeleteI think your describing Frank Morris not Tad Hasse.
DeleteNope. According to Tad Hasse he can force Rose Gowen to resign her position to give it to jessica bradshaw, he has stated it on more than one occasion. He thinks he is the king maker of Brownsville. He is about controlling the chaos he creates, and libes off of discord. He targets Juliet Garcia and Rose Gowen with a passion. After all, he is "the smartest (though hardly socially functional) guy in the Valley. 163 IQ people!!!! He is entitled!!!
DeleteFrank Morris did not try to stop precinct chairs from being elected. Tad did. Even then the judge had to scratch through a majority of his request for injunction because Tad's superior interpretation of the law was wrong. It is almost unheard of that a judge has to do that on the bench. Good job Ted!!!
DeleteI did not realize an election took place last night. I think madam you need to realize that some new precinct chairs were nominated and appointed by an executive committee. That is not an election dreary.
Deletechairs were nominated and elected. there were votes. shows your ignorance.
DeleteGuys, stop messing up my brilliant plans damnit! I have been bragging about how I would stop the meeting from happening...oh wait. Well, my NEXT plan will not disappoint. I am going to play this town like a harp from hell!
DeleteTed Hassehole
Chad Hasse was unaware of the election because he slid out of there on the trail of slime he secretes early to escape the humiliation of not being as clever and as destructive as he wants to be.
DeleteAnd his face when he was called a jerk was priceless. Hahahahahah
No, election took place in March primary. The appointed chairs were appointed and not duly elected. Those appointed can be removed for not showing up enough for example but not those elected in primary. Shows your ignorance thinking an election took place on Thursday.
DeleteDamnit you pesky kids are at it again!!! Stay off my internets....I am trying to troll here!
Mad Tad Hasseface
And, when the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life.
DeleteBye, witches! Thanks for not eating me!
DeleteJim, don't you take notes with pen and paper or do you pull out a tablet or better yet, a phablet? Wasn't Tad the one you wrote shuffled through a stack of papers during his testimony in Ft. Worth and could not locate another one of his "damning" documents? The guys is like the Bobby Cervantes of desperate and laughably ineffective measures. Does he have his notary on speed dial too? Did he outsmart everybody last night like he said he would time and again? Or did he in fact leave the meeting with his tail between his legs early after things did not go his way?
ReplyDeleteI use a notebook.
DeleteTad got whipped quickly and left like a frightened little girl!
DeleteMan after my own heart.
DeleteTed didn't get his way and tucked tail. He also avoided eye contact with the relatives of those he bullied and maligned every chance he got anonymously. He is brave on blogs, but a coward in person.
DeleteHey everybody! Jamesie's come out to play!
DeletePobre Guillermo! Shouldn't you be sipping girly drinks with crooked nosed blondes instead of playing on the Internets on a Friday night? Did your invitation get lost in the mail?
DeleteNice try. It ain't Bill Young. Lol.
DeleteOh Tad, your nose is not that crooked.
DeleteSo Bill Young is Guillermo? Holy shit Patman!
DeleteMe fail English? That's unpossible.
DeleteI, for one, saw him walk off like coyote that got a light turned on him while he tried to knock over an empty dumpster. Empty, as in nothing came out of it for his payoff.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see, won't we? Frank's days are numbered.
DeleteEverybody's days are numbered. Lol. That is life.
DeleteIt does not take a genius to realize that an 80 year old man is not planning on being chair for much longer, Ted. You are just mad that you could not get your coyote jaws in the henhouse to wreak havoc.
DeleteHey Hassehole, everybody's days are numbered. Frank's 80, we ALL know that. You're 56, do you think you're going to live forever? Did you actually think that was a SMART comment? As smart as, say, bringing a copy of your lawsuit to the meeting Thursday night? HAHAHAHA. Well it wasn't. Oh, we've all seen your lawsuit, Ned. The original was done with tracing paper and erasable markers! Maybe your next one can be done with construction paper and crayons, at least the ones you haven't eaten yet. Think about that while you play in your sandbox!
DeleteMr. Morris's days are numbered by God ... not by Tad Hasse and his ilk. Unless they even deeper plans.
DeleteThe only thing deep about Tad and Roman is the depth their heads are buried in their own asses.
DeleteGuys no one is planning anyone's burder. Seriously....
DeleteBurder she wrote.
DeleteNobody said you guys were. Lol.
The fact is, Charles erm...Mad Nad Hasse....tried to stop the meeting from happening but misinterprets the law. The judge even had to strike out a majority of what he filed because it was a load of crock. Tad did not get his way, and after being called a jerk by an observer who has nothing to do with the personal assaults he has singlehandedly launched, he did the walk of charlatan shame. I saw it, and it was him alone in his arrogance.
ReplyDeleteHi Jamesie!
DeleteWhat is so hard about leaving a room to make a call? And after being to so many of those meetings, never did I see anybody using a device to take notes. They only used them to text, talk, and maybe even record. I always saw people using paper and pen for notes. This is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteDid you personally take notes? Why don't you share some of the information you gleaned from the meeting?
DeletePrecinct chairs had to meet the standards as having not voted in the Democratic primary. Anybody with half a brain stem would know why. It is an election code or republican party rule. Some people were bothered by having to satisfy that rule. Some, who never vote, suddenly turnup wanting to become chairs but were insulted by Beeing vetted. Some just show up whenever positions are being settled who are never a part of the process.
DeleteThe people most interested in taking notes wanted to determine who to bully and intimidate into silence. They wanted to write down names, for the purpose of people like Tad and Roman to target on the next MMB article, they will show up shortly when they are done licking their self inflicted wounds.
DeleteThey are being vetted because Frank is trying to keep control of a party he's rapidly losing grip of.
DeleteThey have to be vetted. You can't have somebody who voted on the Democratic primaries become a precinct chair. And as I recall, Roman was trying to pack the precincts with people whose votes he could control, thems the way you people pay. You are just mad that you did not get your way, Mad Nad Hassehole.
DeleteIf she was not vetted James, why didn't Morgan or Winifred warn her instead of letting that ambush happen?
DeletePaging Frank's spin doctors. Clean up needed in aisle 3.
DeleteNo spin necessary.
DeleteMorgan had nothing to do with it, Jessica. Neither did Winifred.there were other people in the same situation and it was handled gracefully.
DeleteHey Tad, next time you want to file a lawsuit, hire Koko the Gorilla as your attorney! Koko has a better legal mind than you do and makes fewer misspellings and grammatical mistakes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDidn't you hear? Tad has a 163 IQ!!! He is smarter than everybody in the valley. Ask him, he will tell you.
Delete163? Yeah right! Divide that by three!
Delete46 is a young mother? A young mother who happened to be part of a Mad Nad Hasse posse?
ReplyDeleteOne has to wonder what Lisa Mata was planning to do with her phone during the meeting, considering she filed charges against the chair based on hearsay. She claimed to witness things that happened in a room she was not in. But young
ReplyDeleteHow is the vacation?
ReplyDeleteI am not a teacher or in school, so this time of year is not a vacation for me, Thad. Nice try at attempting to figure out who is posting.
DeleteCell phones & recording devices are banned at business conferences, & even churches. I really don't understand all the uproar. Talk about making aountain out of a mole hill!
DeleteMe think doth protest too much socky.
DeleteWow, some of you are really showing your ignorance regarding the Pct Chair election process! And for those of you fawning over an alleged 163 IQ, remember, intellect and wisdom are two entirely different capacities. One can have high intellegence, yet be an utter fool.
DeleteIt was sarcasm, 8:27 Anonymous. The only person who fawns over Ted Hassehole's IQ is Ted Hassehole.
DeleteWell, yeah, Tad proves the rule: barely functional and does nothing but try to create chaos wherever he goes for the sake of being a dick. He and Roman probably share fart space.
DeleteI realize some of the remarks were sarcarsm, but there way too many people who worship at the alter of IQ. It is only one factor in the scheme of things.
DeleteI have never ever never and I mean never heard Morgan brag about her IQ.
DeleteUh huh Jessica.
DeleteShe was a Mensa member like her husband.
Deletepinches mensas!
DeleteState Party Rules actually *require* that delegates be allowed to record conventions, allow SREC members to record SREC meetings, and are silent on other party meeting bylaws. The spirit of Zee Partee has moved increasingly to one of openness and transparency. Electronic devices allow meetings to be streamed/broadcast live so other Republicans in the area can stay up to date and see what happens in context. Discussion is usually vital to understanding why certain decisions are made. This is an excellent way to include Republicans who are at home for lack of babysitters, illness, or out of town for personal or business reasons. Electronic devices allow the context of the meeting to be preserved and archived for easy retrieval. They prevent people from alleging wrong actions or motions and hold EVERYONE in the room accountable.
ReplyDeleteAs a mom w/ older kids that babysit, my phone is my tool that allows me to regularly check on my kids or them to quietly text me if they have concerns or an emergency has arisen. I know many Republicans who are caregivers to family and friends in similar situations.
Fuck off everybody.
ReplyDeleteTed Hasse
Amy, when your phone rings, walk out of the room and answer it. Novel idea, right? Do you gab away in the movie theater too?
ReplyDeleteI usually use my phone silently via texts/ fb/camera options-- there's a huge difference between requiring silent use of devices vs prohibiting devices altogether. #NotRocketScience
DeleteSince I have realized that I am a perfect specimen of masculinity in addition to my superior wit, I am going to abandon my job with the City of Brownsville (and stop hassling commissioners and women anonymously) and become a male model/actor. My name will be: Ned Hassholehoff.
ReplyDeleteAmy, considering you are acting as a tool to butress the views of people who attack stay at home moms for not "having a real job" you might want to reconsider your choice of brethren.
ReplyDeleteConsidering you are acting as a tool to buttress the views of a resigned chair on the internet instead of enjoying your vacation, you might want to reconsider that no one is attacking stay at home moms for being providers. Stop acting like a victim. And for the love of Christ stop calling and playing your violin. Seriously....
Delete"Attacking stay at home moms for being providers". Que?
DeleteTad: try singing a different song. The resignation is over. On to your next big non-controversy. We have all heard enough of this.
DeleteBreaking news!!! Nad Hasse uncovers that flipper owes back taxes. Film at 11.
DeleteThis is typical of the antiquated Republican party! They want to own Meskins and Niggers once again and re-draw district lines so they can't vote. They want all women to wear chastity belts while they ignore science and global warming. If you don't believe in science Republicans, next time you are sick try healing yourself with a curandera cabrones.
ReplyDeleteEs la verdad!
DeleteSorry, 10:19, but you are completely ignorant of the real Republican values (RINOs not included). We want freedom, free enterprise, and personal responsibility.
DeleteAnd for the Meskins to be deported.
DeleteOnly illegal immigrants - from ALL countries. Coming here ILleaglly is telling us they don't respect our soverinty, our laws, & our home.
DeleteI was there and sworn in as an elected precinct chair 14. I am new to these groups/politics. I have steadfastly voted Republican my entire voting lifetime. I only voted for a democrat once in a county election back in Maryland and that was the worst decision I made. I am a rookie when it comes to the machinations of our party and club but am quickly learning how things work. I am really discouraged to see and hear such out in out bashing without true facts anywhere. The person in question who wasn't vetted, I had to get my fellow chairperson to nominate her in the absence of her being selected. When they couldn't say if she had voted thus vetting her at least partially her nomination was denied. A very reasonable qualification to be a precinct chair. You don't vote, you don't chair.
ReplyDeleteI took copious notes of the meeting with the pen and paper provided. This appeared, to me at least, an organizational meeting and to dispense with treasury and minutes approvals. Seating appointed and elected precinct chairs.
Regarding the use of electronic devices I'm on the fence with that. I HATE a phone going off while I'm trying to listen to a speaker. My hearing isn't what it used to be and I find I lose a whole lot of conversation in the ringing/music/chimes going off. I deserve to participate in a process that is free of distractions. The personal attacks are childish. I am known to be blunt but speak the truth. I will not participate in name calling, gossip, innuendo or speculation.
Ellen, you are a good lady. T is not worth exposing yourself to Roman and Tad. They are going to start trying to humiliate you for speaking up just like they did Morgan and everybody else who did not go along with their plans.
DeleteAt least you wear a button Ellen. CC would be proud.
DeleteAre you trying to imply that CC cares about those that wear his button? Don't tell that to Morgan or she might start wearing it again, but now wear two for good measure.
DeleteLast time I saw her she had it on. Get ur facts straight, Nad.
DeleteAbout the person in question.....she didn't just walk in off the street. She had been called saying that she was being nominated as precinct chair. She was asked to send a copy of her voter's registration card. If she didn't meet qualifications, most organizations would have had the decency to call and explain - not wait until the evening everyone's sworn in.
DeleteMimi, were you guys at the Tea Party very charitable when you worked hard to time and again elect officers that were receuited to run just to keep Bee out of those positions? She was heartbroken. And you became president. I didn't see any of you pull her aside and spare her, and you guys are her FRIENDS. You guys worked to make sure she could not win any position where you thought she could do damage. I did not see anybody give her a call and help her avoid that SHAM of a process.
DeleteWow. ...10:09 is a dummy. Lol.
ReplyDeleteHey, Ted, nice try trying to distract everybody from discussing your failures. Lol. nobody is buying it. You are just another Anglo dropping the n word like the hateful turd you are.
ReplyDeleteMy, it would seem that some people's Cheerios got all yellow and soggy. What must be done in the dark without record? Where does Alex Torres stand on this issue and why? Bill Young, you were a newsman during interesting times, where do you stand and why? The article is about banning openness. All electronics devices and camera's were banned. Again, why? Trying to turn it into the Ted show isn't addressing the fundamental question of why it wasn't simply "cell phone use during meeting prohibited" as opposed to repressive banning of recording?
ReplyDelete"Cameras" does not need a " ' ".
DeleteIt is the Ted show. Every bit of bullying and chaos and targeting of people has been orchestrated by Tad, and Roman. Funny how you are trying to draw attention away from you guys' latest scheme. You are frauds and hypocrites.
DeleteBill and Alex can't talk right now, Frank isn't around to do his ventriloquism act.
DeleteIt's not Bill or Laex. Try again, TADPOLE.
DeleteHey, Ted, nice try trying to distract everybody from discussing your failures. Lol. nobody is buying it. You are just another Anglo dropping the n word like the hateful turd you are.
ReplyDeleteAmy, why don't you go back to intimidating old men with your loud shrill voice, and black powder pistol, so they can vote the way you tell them to?
ReplyDeleteMr. Romin , you're blinded-ed
DeleteAnd Jim, for the love of Pete: please change the color of URL links in your comments template so your readers can better appreciate my web-fu. Help me help you, man.
ReplyDeleteOooooooooh, that nutcase?! Now I remember....cornering people with her hand on the pistol and intimidating them. That woman....if you can call her that. Gives a new meaning to acting on penis envy.
ReplyDeleteHow dare you attack Amy who is a true conservative and devoted parent. Guillermo must be getting desperate.
DeleteTed, keep trying to fish. In fact, the odor of fish might improve your fragrance. And by the way, you told a devoted mother to get a job recently, because apparently to you being a mother is not a job. Hypocrite. Lol.
DeleteIntimidating people into agreeing with you is the kind of conservatism you, Tad, and you, Roman, invented. Frauds. All of you.
DeleteLisa's bad dancing makes my feet sad.
DeleteAnd I would have gotten away with it too if it were not for you pesky meddling kids!!!
ReplyDelete-Tad Hassehole
Stinking Sock!
ReplyDeleteFree of Truth
Hiding from Light
He only comes out
Under cover of Night
Smarter than ALL!
He claims to Bee
Though he has
No Integrity
He brags how high
His IQ may Bee
Though possessed
Of No Veracity
He attacks the old
And those perceived weak
Though when confronted
Bee-comes quite meek
The filthiest sock
In his dingy drawer
Perfectly personifies
His ugly core
Lie to Jim
Lie to me
That's our own
Thad Hasse
I fart black powder. It makes the smell that much more...*sniff*....glorious and superior.
ReplyDeleteI am also not from the Valley and want mass deportation. You people suck. *FaRt* *sniff sniff*
lol! Best Haterzz comment evah! :P
DeleteRepublicans talk about freedom yet let a Congress of old white dinosaurs decide what a female should be allowed to do with her own body. Oxymoronic don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteActually, women have choices: anstinance, adoption, birth control, & choosing the be a Mom. The baby, on the other hand, has none.
DeleteYeah, you are pretty moronic.
ReplyDeleteWaaaaaaaah! Leave Amy alone! Just because she comes to the defense of people who attack women for being housewives because she does nit have a flipping clue what is going on! Waaaaaaahhhhh!
ReplyDelete“Daddy says I'm _this_ close to sleeping in the yard.
DeleteWe would like to thank everyone for joining us at the Saturday Sock Puppet Roundup. Please join us again the next time the status-quo of ineffectiveness is threatened.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Tad, because you are such an effective person. Tell us what YOU have done to grow the party. How much money jave you raised for our candidates? What have you done to help them? Oh, wait, NOTHING.
DeleteMaybe she drove to the moon.
DeleteThis snowflake tastes like fishsticks.
ReplyDeleteI heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahahaha. Nice.....even Tad recognized Frank as the chair!
ReplyDeleteMorgan, you know damn well if he didn't get sworn in on that date Frank's minions would have challenged his ability to vote. Frank can pretend to be chair all he wants, doesn't make it true. Even Alex and Adela and Patty Garza recognize Frank's time is over. Frank's regime is falling apart. The King is dead! Time to rally behind a new one.