Saturday, June 21, 2014

Public Information Request to the City of Brownsville

4:43 PM

Ms. Estela Von Hatten,

Recently, remodeling has been started on the old Stillman Ranch House located at 1501 E. 7th Street. The Permit Number is 2014-00000149.  My request to the City of Brownsville is the source of the funds being used to remodel this building and the total cost of remodeling.  Also, if the building is turned into a museum or display for public view, I'm requesting the amount of staff necessary and their salary.

I'm also asking for the cost to the city to remodel the red brick building at 1700 Ringgold into a tourist center and the cost to staff that building.


Jim Barton


  1. Get a job, Barton.

  2. FALFURRIAS, Texas (AP) — Volunteer researchers have uncovered mass graves in a South Texas cemetery that they believe contain the bodies of immigrants who died crossing into the U.S. illegally, according to published reports Saturday.

    The discovery at Sacred Heart Burial Park in Falfurrias came in the last two weeks, as Baylor University anthropologist Lori Baker and Krista Latham, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Indianapolis, and their students worked as part of a multi-year effort to identify immigrants who've died in the area near the U.S.-Mexico border.

  3. Nothing to do with subject.......go away.

  4. Once these old buildings are lost they are gone forever. Remember the nunnery or the opera house? Probably not unless you are over age 60 and grew up in Brownsville. These were both important buildings regarding an earlier time and should have been preserved.
    Also. I wish I knew how many of the people complaining about the removal of the ash trees, a cheap, low quality and easily replaceable tree, at the Stillman House are also complaining about the preservation of the ranch house. Save a tree that can easily be replaced but not a building that can not be replaced! I bet there is some overlap. It doesn't matter what the Stillman history is in Brownsville or on the ranch the house should be preserved for what it is not who had it or what it was used for. That the building has a historical connection to Brownsville only makes it's preservation more compelling but If your level of distaste for the Stillman family history is so great that you can not accept anything associated with their history then you might ought to look at the civic contributions made by the last two or three generations of the family in Brownsville. Sure, it would have been nice if the building had been constructed as a home for orphans or a school house but it wasn't. So what? It is still a pretty cool building and it will be good to have around to show current and future generations what things looked like back then. Having said that, I agree that to much municipal money seems to have been spent getting this building here but it is here now and we ought to preserve it.

  5. In regards to the new tourist information center at 1700 Ringgold. It is going to be staffed by one of the people that already work at the information center on 802 and the freeway. The salary and building up keep are paid for out of the already existing hotel tax fund.

  6. Thanks Bean. I'll check that out. Building upkeep? What about remodeling?

  7. Thanks Jim. I am still not sure why and how this shack from the ranch should be a part of Brownsville history, nor why it should be located on Linear Park. That shack is not part of Brownsville is a reach to even consider why the Stillman's believe it is a part of their family legacy. And, we should wonder what other shacks and rotten pieces from that family area out there waiting for a home. That shack, no matter who owned it, does not belong in Linear Park.

  8. How about preserving the tax payers money for a change,certain people want preserve all these buildings with tax payers monies it should be done with at least 70% of private money and then maybe tax money put your money were your mouths are ,there are more impotant things to rehab.

  9. More bad decisions from our poor city leadership. This eye sore does not belong in brownsville
