Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mayor Tony Martinez' Downtown Property in Shocking State of Disrepair!

Mayor Martinez' Dilapidated Eyesore, Health
Threat at 1205 E. Jackson St.
While giving lip service to making Brownsville better, healthier, attractive to new business, the mayor has allowed his own property at 1205 E. Jackson St. to fall into an incredibly shameful state of disrepair.  

A Roof Long Since Collapsed
No amount of political spin can explain away the building's totally collapsed roof, urine soaked floors with several noticeable deposits of human defecation, excrement. What makes the building's condition more deplorable is its location in a residential area with kids next door. Like the roof, the building's doors have long since collapsed, giving open access for the area's children to play among the human feces and filth.

Think of the irony of City Health Director Arturo Rodriguez partying down at the bikefest in Fort Worth and wanting city approval to frolic in Denver to seek All-American status for Brownsville while such a disgusting situation exists in downtown.  

Tony Martinez Law Office Next Door
at 1206 E. Van Buren
The property is the former El Tucan Sports Bar, where on August 20, 2005 artist Alfredo Bustinza was stabbed 13 times by Arturo Rodriguez(a Texas Syndicate member, not the Health Director).  On September 21, 2006 the property was purchased by TM Valley Enterprises, Inc., which records show is owned by Antonio Martinez of 1206 E. Van Buren St.(Mayor Tony's law office).  

When made aware of the condition of the mayor's building a downtown property owner commented:  "It's unbelievable how the city chides us about keeping our properties in good repair when the mayor allows his own property to get in this condition."


  1. The building represents what this idiot mayor has done for Brownsville since elected. What a waste of a four year term.

    1. But he's a proud graduate of St. Joseph Academy! Why, his son is a priest!!!

  2. Brownsville Mayors have a habit of not applying the laws to themselves. There is an ordinance which states only three pets to be kept at a residence. Ahumada when mayor kept more than twenty at his house. He keeps more than that today! Great leadership.

  3. LOL!!! Isn't this decayed look Brownsville's charm?

    1. This is the reason to be label "ALL AMERICAN CITY" LOL LOL LOL

  4. No shit. Well said

  5. Robert Duvall came to downtown Brownsville to make a movie about Mexico....because downtown Brownsville offers the seediness and urine smell that many associate with Mexico. Brownsville citizens who own buildings downtown can't afforf to renovate them to the "histerical" standards expected of Peter Goodman, Joe Gavito or Calvin Walker of the B'ville Historical Assoc. That group would prefer that the downtown deteriorate than relent on their "rules" for renovation. Peter Goodman has not contributed anything to this city. Why hasn't he been fired for it because he threatens to sue for age discrimination. He is a relic and a useless relic at that. For the last 40 years we have heard about renewing the downtown area.....a theme park at Amigoland, a river walk, a downtown commercial center with restaurants and night venues and even a UTB campus. What do we have....NADA. We have a downtown bus center, but it supports Mexican nationals and local day workers more than the general public. Hotels and motels continue to disappear downtown....not appear to attract visitors.Now we are talking about a parking garage.....why???? Who goes downtown and why would they want to leave their car unsecured. Maybe what we should do is move the city government from downtown to where the city really is.....not downtown.

  6. As despicable as the Mayor's trashed out former bar is, it pales in comparison to the Naco/Narco architectural style of his law office. Talk about a stab at Santa Fe on the cheap, only matching drain pipes on the facade can do the trick. This is topped off with the curved, flimsy awning in stark contrast to the pitiful, pseudo "Alamo" lines. However, nothing, but nothing, screams class like 75 dollars worth of nutritionally dwarfed hedges for your one and only attempt at landscaping. I wold be remiss to not mention the aesthetic marvel formed by the asymmetrical entrance. I pray to God that a real architect did not design this monstrosity. However, knowing the RGV, I am sure it was done by the infamous Frank Lloyd Wrong.

    1. While I'll defer to your architectural background, the landscaping was definitely done "on the cheap."

  7. Stop voting for candidates from the St. Joe Mafia. You can see where that's gotten us.

  8. Easy Peasy! Call 546-help and report this deadbeat property owner. Then follow up and see what this joker was fined.

  9. What's wrong with this commission? First one of them was busted for paying her workers illegal wages and now the mayor for this? How ridiculous.

    ps. Nice evidence of trespassing (by you, Jim) in order to get those photos. I bet you'll have BPD on your ass real soon!

  10. Put it on the bike trail. It should be a wonderful attraction for all that eco-tourism bullshit promotion Rose Gowen and the other people who like to use tax dollars to tell us (force us) all how to live. They could probably nail some endangered species to the wall to create a photo op stop. Sossi would be right there to say, "Its legal!". Just do it. Better yet, get a bullshit appraisal and sell it to the City. Goodman will stop anybody from lifting a finger to touch the building.



From the editor: With egg prices at H.E.B. reaching $5.97 for a dozen large, I had to check the prices in Mexico.  Several sources indicated...